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Chairmans Q&A

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Now that one has to be a member of the Dolman Hall to get in on match days, does anyone know if all City fans, including season ticket holders, can attend SL's Q&A session on Saturday - or is it only (by default) open to those who are a member of the Dolman bar-thing?

Cheers lads,

One Team

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So not open to season ticket holders then?

Doesn't look that way...

"The City Chairman will be answering questions from Supporters Club members - who have exclusive use of the bar on matchdays."

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If the charges for access were classed as a success this season, will this tempt the club to raise the price for next season?

That will be decided by the Supporters Club Committee.Membership fees are annually reviewed at the end of each season.

One thing is for sure less than 22p per game for membership is excellant value especially as you don't have to be a ST holder to gain access as was the case previously.SC membership is open to anyone.

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That will be decided by the Supporters Club Committee.Membership fees are annually reviewed at the end of each season.

One thing is for sure less than 22p per game for membership is excellant value especially as you don't have to be a ST holder to gain access as was the case previously.SC membership is open to anyone.

If I go in to my local I can purchase proper real ale at £2.20 a pint.

The 22p per game in the DEH increases my half-time £2.80 sh!te pint - Worthingtons, John Smiths, whatever - to over £3.

Not really that bothered about it, but don't see whats good value about that, unless there's a benefit I'm missing.

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Supporters Club members only have access to the DEH on matchdays.

All City fans are eligable to join if they want to. £5 for Bronze membership per season.

Even me :travolta: it is handy for a pint, but I`ve paid my "dues" for over 40years now; open to all; for FREE :yes: i.m.h.o.

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If I go in to my local I can purchase proper real ale at £2.20 a pint.

The 22p per game in the DEH increases my half-time £2.80 sh!te pint - Worthingtons, John Smiths, whatever - to over £3.

Not really that bothered about it, but don't see whats good value about that, unless there's a benefit I'm missing.

Unfortunately the SC can't influence the bar prices.They are set by the brewery - Coors I believe.

The good value is that its very handy.Not much walking involved to get into AG.Its also handy at half-time.Theres also a decent food outlet and a bookies along with Sky TV.You also get the team sheet read out about 30 mins before k.o.

Feedback tells us that lots of fans think its excellant value.You as always have a different view to lots of others.

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Unfortunately the SC can't influence the bar prices.They are set by the brewery - Coors I believe.

The good value is that its very handy.Not much walking involved to get into AG.Its also handy at half-time.Theres also a decent food outlet and a bookies along with Sky TV.You also get the team sheet read out about 30 mins before k.o.

Feedback tells us that lots of fans think its excellant value.You as always have a different view to lots of others.

And all that was FREE last season, and the season before, and before,and before :doh:

Times change though, and if extra blood can be squeezed out of a stone.....

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Unfortunately the SC can't influence the bar prices.They are set by the brewery - Coors I believe.

The good value is that its very handy.Not much walking involved to get into AG.Its also handy at half-time.Theres also a decent food outlet and a bookies along with Sky TV.You also get the team sheet read out about 30 mins before k.o.

Feedback tells us that lots of fans think its excellant value.You as always have a different view to lots of others.

Says the man who didnt need to be at Doncaster to know what happened.

Just back from my local. Walking distance. Food served at half the price. Watched ManU on Sky TV. There is a telephone bookies service ran by the landlord.

Real ale cost £2.20 a pint.

Thats not a view mate. Its a fact.

don't be so sensitive, its not your fault the club allows itself to be stitched up by a catering company serving crap at inflated prices.

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I disagree in principle with having to pay £5 to get into the R&W, and said so when the charges were introduced. I've had to cough up because taking a 3yo lad to games would have been impossible in the winter without somewhere warm to take him up until the last minute - somewhere that was free to get into last year, although obviously we bought drinks etc when inside.

I don't blame the Supporters' Club for it, as I suspect it was foisted on them by the club. 22p or whatever it is per game (assuming you attend all of them) is not good value when it should be free.

However, I have another gripe. Why can't those of us with season tickets or pre-prepaid tickets get directly into the ground from the R&W like we did last season? Having to walk back out to queue up and go through a turnstile seems unnecessary, takes far longer, adds to last-minute queues outside the ground and is inconvenient. Surely the old system was better and gave us longer to eat, drink and hand over money at the bar?

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don't be so sensitive, its not your fault the club allows itself to be stitched up by a catering company serving crap at inflated prices.

unless someone is getting a backhander from somewhere for having this contract

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The good value is that its very handy.Not much walking involved to get into AG.Its also handy at half-time.Theres also a decent food outlet and a bookies along with Sky TV.You also get the team sheet read out about 30 mins before k.o.

Oh dear, your not doing yourself any favours in trying to justify this, are you saying this is a benefit to the paying customers as apposed to the people who don't pay!!??

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Simple answer - it's not

Its all about opinions of course - but apart from a minority of angry-heads :ranting: on this forum the feedback the SC has recieved has been excellant.Lots of fans have commented on how much better the DEH is than before its refurbishment.They enjoy the facilities and think its good value especially as its no longer exclusive to ST holders only. Any City fans can join.

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Unfortunately the SC can't influence the bar prices.They are set by the brewery - Coors I believe.

The good value is that its very handy.Not much walking involved to get into AG.Its also handy at half-time.Theres also a decent food outlet and a bookies along with Sky TV.You also get the team sheet read out about 30 mins before k.o.

Feedback tells us that lots of fans think its excellant value.You as always have a different view to lots of others.

I make it 8-1 to me on this thread so far.

(The one with you because he'd like to price the ruffians out of the market).

About par for the course.

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1)I disagree in principle with having to pay £5 to get into the R&W, and said so when the charges were introduced. I've had to cough up because taking a 3yo lad to games would have been impossible in the winter without somewhere warm to take him up until the last minute - somewhere that was free to get into last year, although obviously we bought drinks etc when inside.

2)I don't blame the Supporters' Club for it, as I suspect it was foisted on them by the club. 22p or whatever it is per game (assuming you attend all of them) is not good value when it should be free.

3)However, I have another gripe. Why can't those of us with season tickets or pre-prepaid tickets get directly into the ground from the R&W like we did last season? Having to walk back out to queue up and go through a turnstile seems unnecessary, takes far longer, adds to last-minute queues outside the ground and is inconvenient. Surely the old system was better and gave us longer to eat, drink and hand over money at the bar?

1) It was 'free' to you because you were a ST holder.It was part of the 'priveledge' of having one.Anyone without a ST could not gain access to the hall.This season the hall is accessible to anyone who cares to join the SC.Its therefore much more widely available to all fans.

2) Truth is the SC didn't have much say in the matter of moving, but it was to the benefit of the football club that we did move.The move also gave us room to expand membership which was a serious problem with such limited space in the Atyeo suite.It was the best thing for all concerned.

3) I didn't previously use the Dolman Hall so don't know how fans accessed the stand last season.If someone could explain I'll look into why its changed and try to get an answer.

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Its all about opinions of course - but apart from a minority of angry-heads :ranting: on this forum the feedback the SC has recieved has been excellant.Lots of fans have commented on how much better the DEH is than before its refurbishment.They enjoy the facilities and think its good value especially as its no longer exclusive to ST holders only. Any City fans can join.

In my opinion...

Drink is overpriced.

Food is overpriced & of poor quality

Facilities aren't actually much better, just different. They've levelled the floor, painted the walls & added a couple of screens. However, there is no longer any facilities for kids whatsoever and few tables. It's not exactly enticing for all is it? I also question your use of the term "good value" - that's relative.

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I used to go in there about half a dozen times last season but the food and drink wasnt the best. I see the standards have not improved since last season from what Ive heard. Do you have any say in feedback from st holders for the food and drink standards?How many members are there and how do you intend on retaining your present members?

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I make it 8-1 to me on this thread so far.

(The one with you because he'd like to price the ruffians out of the market).

About par for the course.

Nick, you should know that those with a strong opinion - especially a negative one are always more vocal.

I don't take straw polls on this forum seriously at all.The forum reflects a small percetage of the fan base overall.

At least 70 odd fans have fed back to me and the SC committee positively over the season.We've had very few negative comments at all.

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Nick, you should know that those with a strong opinion - especially a negative one are always more vocal.

I don't take straw polls on this forum seriously at all.The forum reflects a small percetage of the fan base overall.

At least 70 odd fans have fed back to me and the SC committee positively over the season.We've had very few negative comments at all.

10-1 now. :D

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In my opinion...

Drink is overpriced.

Food is overpriced & of poor quality

Facilities aren't actually much better, just different. They've levelled the floor, painted the walls & added a couple of screens. However, there is no longer any facilities for kids whatsoever and few tables. It's not exactly enticing for all is it? I also question your use of the term "good value" - that's relative.

I certainly agree about the food and drink being overpriced and of questionable quality - but its always been so ever since Lindleys' took over the franchise.Its the same in virtually every football stadium all over the country.They have 'captive customers' if you like.Its the same on the railways,motorway services,airports,theatres.......exploitation imo.

The facilities are better.More tables and chairs,more TV's, nicer decor, upgraded toilets,wider range of food if you want it,more gaming machines.....

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I used to go in there about half a dozen times last season but the food and drink wasnt the best. I see the standards have not improved since last season from what Ive heard. Do you have any say in feedback from st holders for the food and drink standards?How many members are there and how do you intend on retaining your present members?

With regard to the food - it depends on who you talk to.Some fans think its far better than before,with a wider choice and so on and others think its just as bad as it always was.Its all about opinions but everyone agrees that its overpriced.

There are approx 3500 Bronze and 240 Gold members.

Fans always have a choice about whether they join the SC or not.This last season they will have seen what facilties are on offer and make their own decision regarding next seasons membership.

With regard to Gold membership - there has been a great deal of interest from fans about upgrading and its likely that we have to start a waiting list.

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I certainly agree about the food and drink being overpriced and of questionable quality - but its always been so ever since Lindleys' took over the franchise.Its the same in virtually every football stadium all over the country.They have 'captive customers' if you like.Its the same on the railways,motorway services,airports,theatres.......explotation imo.

Agree - it is exploitation however, why should the Club/Lindley follow suit?

The facilities are better.More tables and chairs,more TV's, nicer decor, upgraded toilets,wider range of food if you want it,more gaming machines.....

It's hardly life changing and, to me, it's still a major disappointment that kids aren't really catered for. Why gaming machines when arcade machines could have been used? However, as I've previously said, it should be open to all - not exclusively S/T holders, SC members or Trust members for that matter (yes, I'm aware that the current arrangement is SC members only). My biggest gripe is that people are being forced to become a member of an organisation just to use the facilities. Ok, so there is freedom of choice & local pubs etc but, again, they're not suitable for all ages and weather also plays a factor.

First come, first serve I say.

People should choose to join the SC &/or Trust for reasons that don't make them feel like they are being held to ransom over the use of Club facilities.

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At least 70 odd fans have fed back to me and the SC committee positively over the season.We've had very few negative comments at all.

I'd say you serve the 250 Gold members exceptionally well. The refurbished private bar allows them to catch up with friends in nice and relaxed surroundings that can't be found elsewhere near AG

Unfortunately these 250 make up only 2.5% of City's core support. For the remaining 97.5% I don't see that the SC does much at all. I visited the DEH for the first time since it's renovation for Steve's City Foundation launch night and I didn't notice a huge difference to what it was like before and certainly not enough of an improvement to justify the £5 entry charge.

I'll stick to 139 North Street for my pre match tipple for the time being.

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What I personally object to is my season ticket being increased in price and getting less benefits for it.

And one of the rights I did have being taken away from me and given to a supporters club who can be labelled as inclusive at best (see earlier topics where you'd only answer perfectly valid queries about the SC via PM).

Now it's not the SC's fault that the season ticket prices increased (I'm still smarting about the justification being the new stand - if the new stand wasn't built, why wasn't I refunded the extra charge made?), but under what justification was it made that the facility for all season ticket holders was given to a clique who can then charge for entry?

And making it available for more isn't a valid argument - it's available to anyone for cash, and it was near capacity when it was ST only in any case.

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Agree - it is exploitation however, why should the Club/Lindley follow suit?

It only partly down to the club and Lindleys.From what I understand the brewery Coors dictate the bar prices.I assume that Lindleys set the food prices though'.

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I'd say you serve the 250 Gold members exceptionally well. The refurbished private bar allows them to catch up with friends in nice and relaxed surroundings that can't be found elsewhere near AG

You are assuming - wrongly - that the positive feedback comes from gold members only.Certainly some did, about 15, but the remainder all came from bronze members.

We had several situations where fans signed up one week and at the next home game brought friends and family along to sign up as well because they liked what they were getting.They all thought is was excellant value.

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Is the solution not simple?

1, Incorporate the £5 into next years season ticket rise; so allowing all S.T`s in :dunno:

2, Incorporate the 20p or whatever it is into the pay on the day tickets, then allow them in on production of the said ticket; :dunno:

Job done all have access :preacher:

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You are assuming - wrongly - that the positive feedback comes from gold members only.Certainly some did, about 15, but the remainder all came from bronze members.

We had several situations where fans signed up one week and at the next home game brought friends and family along to sign up as well because they liked what they were getting.They all thought is was excellant value.

I made no assumptions on who the 70 respondents were, but merely stated a personal opinion on what I think the SC does well.

55 people giving positive feedback out a possible 3,500 seems a tad low to me. Are you actively engaging with the remaining 3,445?

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The thing I'm annoyed about (which is why I started the thread, so thanks for the repsonses!) is that as a Season Ticket holder I can't go and hear our chairman's Q&A session!!

So my £300 a season is less important than a £5 membership!?


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The thing I'm annoyed about (which is why I started the thread, so thanks for the repsonses!) is that as a Season Ticket holder I can't go and hear our chairman's Q&A session!!

So my £300 a season is less important than a £5 membership!?


One Team

Equally it could be argued that your refusal to pay a £5 membership fee (the price of two pints spread over a season) is more important to you than wanting to go to hear the Q and A. The DEH seems the obvious place to have an event like this. Can you suggest any other part of the ground that would be more suitable or more inclusive? I speak as a non SC member myself.

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Equally it could be argued that your refusal to pay a £5 membership fee (the price of two pints spread over a season) is more important to you than wanting to go to hear the Q and A. The DEH seems the obvious place to have an event like this. Can you suggest any other part of the ground that would be more suitable or more inclusive? I speak as a non SC member myself.

Well, the club could simply make Dolman access open to everyone for the Q&A. Why should I have to join an organisation that I don't have any faith in to participate in this?

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Well, the club could simply make Dolman access open to everyone for the Q&A.

Good point. Though I suppose they would then face objections from any SC member who couldn't get in because it was full.

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Nick, you should know that those with a strong opinion - especially a negative one are always more vocal.

I said right at the start I'm not that bothered about it. Just expressing my opinion. I would say most of the others on the thread are the same - its not something any of us are going to lose sleep over.

As for negative ones being more vocal, well you are incorrectly trying to imply that those who do not think something is good value is negative - it is not that at all, it is simply expressing an opinion.

Now, for example, the East End campaign, that was indeed very vocal on here, probably the most vocal - and it was in fact positive, ie the campaign was for something which the fans wanted to happen.

Disproves your hypotheses I think.

Anyway, 13-1 now. :fish:

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Surely it is more the principle than the refusal.

Gold, Bronze........ oh dear a class sytem amongst supporters, how distasteful.

Actually I don't find it distasteful at all Ian. They are simply catering for people on different budgets. Exactly the same as the different price structures for seats in different parts of the ground.

I think there is a strong case to say that the SC needs to have a more considered sense of what it is and what its function should be. But I don't have a problem with the principle of charging different amounts for different levels of service.

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Actually I don't find it distasteful at all Ian. They are simply catering for people on different budgets. Exactly the same as the different price structures for seats in different parts of the ground.

I think there is a strong case to say that the SC needs to have a more considered sense of what it is and what its function should be. But I don't have a problem with the principle of charging different amounts for different levels of service.

Maybe, just maybe I could agree with you Dave if anything other than Bronze membership was available to all, it's not. Obviously there is a good reason and presumably it is a lack of space or facilities to offer more than a limited Gold membership.

What is distasteful to me is that fans who are supporters of their club cannot use part of a facility in a stand which was generously paid for by a former Chairman for the enjoyment of all, regardless of their individual wealthunless they pay a small membership to an organisation they may not wish to join.

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Its all about opinions of course - but apart from a minority of angry-heads :ranting: on this forum the feedback the SC has recieved has been excellant.Lots of fans have commented on how much better the DEH is than before its refurbishment.They enjoy the facilities and think its good value especially as its no longer exclusive to ST holders only. Any City fans can join.

iam a member but think it's a rip off, why did they make the hole of the deh for the sc, when the small bar would have been enough as the bar in the ws was about the same size. then sc got a proper glass and st got plastic ones

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As for negative ones being more vocal, well you are incorrectly trying to imply that those who do not think something is good value is negative - it is not that at all, it is simply expressing an opinion.

A balanced opinion at that. :whistle2:

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iam a member but think it's a rip off, why did they make the hole of the deh for the sc, when the small bar would have been enough as the bar in the ws was about the same size. then sc got a proper glass and st got plastic ones

If you think £5 a season in a rip off or 22p per game if you prefer then its your choice whether you rejoin next season.

If you want a rip-off then how about £3.75 for a pint of Magners at the Kendleshire Golf Club that I got charged after a warm round of golf on monday.It was my choice not to have another....

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Well, the club could simply make Dolman access open to everyone for the Q&A. Why should I have to join an organisation that I don't have any faith in to participate in this?

Thats kind of what I was driving at - I just don't understand why this can't happen for a one off session with SL. I attended the last one and the DEH was far from full.

DaveL - you make a reasonable point about my refusal to pay £5; but its more of a principle thing for me. Clearly £5 is not very much money but when I've forked out £300 odd quid for the last 10 years its a tad frustrating that I can't go and hear our chairmans Q&A session.

Whilst the DEH includes SC members, its specifically excluding ST holders who aren't - that can't be right in this instance.

If nothing else, SL won't get challenged or reach fans who are ST holders but not SC members and I can't be the only one!

Good debate though, gents - nice one.

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Whilst the DEH includes SC members, its specifically excluding ST holders who aren't - that can't be right in this instance.

If nothing else, SL won't get challenged or reach fans who are ST holders but not SC members and I can't be the only one!

Good debate though, gents - nice one.

One Team

Previously the DEH was only accessible to ST holders and therefore when Steve Lansdown held a Q&A session it was only ST holders that were there.Other fans had no access and were therefore denied.This time any SC member, ST holder or not can gain access.

I don't know how you can predict that SL won't get challenged - surely you aren't suggesting that only ST holders are capable of such an act?

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Previously the DEH was only accessible to ST holders and therefore when Steve Lansdown held a Q&A session it was only ST holders that were there.Other fans had no access and were therefore denied.This time any SC member, ST holder or not can gain access.

I don't know how you can predict that SL won't get challenged - surely you aren't suggesting that only ST holders are capable of such an act?

I meant that SL won't get challenged by season ticket holders who aren't SC members.

I'm sure SL will be challenged by SC members, Robbored - if you go perhaps you can ask him on my behalf why ST holders who aren't SC members can't hear what he's saying!

Actually, I might just join the SC, pay my fiver and ask him myself...

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and your point is?

I suppose the underlying point is that you say my views are in a minority, I have demonstrated that on this thread the complete opposite is the case.

But, to be balanced, I am also pointing out your assertion that 2,770 registered members of this forum is unrepresentative of the City fan base.

Just, you see, presenting a balanced argument. :D

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Actually, I might just join the SC, pay my fiver and ask him myself...

One Team

Which to me seems like the most eminently sensible solution. I think there is a proper debate to be had about the nature and role of the SC, how it can readjust from being a relatively small group of people to a larger organisation and how it can best represent the views of its many members and work for the benefit of the Club.

The danger about the way this debate is conducted on here is that it can sometimes turn into a 'lets have a pop at Robbored' fest, which doesn't help anyone IMHO, particularly when he becomes justifiably defensive in the face of continued criticism which sometimes strays into the personal. Though I also think he could do himself a few favours by responding more openly to some of the entirely reasonable points that have been made by several posters.

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What time is the B & Q/ Q & A session to start?.

I was dead against paying 5 pounds British Sterling to attend what I was entitled to for free before. As I meet a group of friends there I coughed up.

Decor much better, plastic glasses are stupid and not needed(anyone ever seen a glassing or fight in there?), screens are poor, food is ok, ale is overpriced, repetitive overloud/distorted tannoy safety announcements are really annoying, more seating/tables provided but more required.

After waiting in the queue at the bar for 10 mins for a pint before the Forest game, I asked the bar staff why the 'six-shooter' pint machines were'nt being used. They said that they were only used when they were busy, a quick glance behind at the thirsty red lines made me wonder what 'busy' meant.

Overall I 'Spose I'm a negative. Sorry. But I'll probably be back for more.

Fiver, no problem. Room for improvement, yes.

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What time is the B & Q/ Q & A session to start?.

I was dead against paying 5 pounds British Sterling to attend what I was entitled to for free before. As I meet a group of friends there I coughed up.

Decor much better, plastic glasses are stupid and not needed(anyone ever seen a glassing or fight in there?), screens are poor, food is ok, ale is overpriced, repetitive overloud/distorted tannoy safety announcements are really annoying, more seating/tables provided but more required.

After waiting in the queue at the bar for 10 mins for a pint before the Forest game, I asked the bar staff why the 'six-shooter' pint machines were'nt being used. They said that they were only used when they were busy, a quick glance behind at the thirsty red lines made me wonder what 'busy' meant.

Overall I 'Spose I'm a negative. Sorry. But I'll probably be back for more.

Fiver, no problem. Room for improvement, yes.

12.45 - 1.30pm.

A balanced view no doubt.

In what way do you think improvements could be made? apart from the price and quality of the beer and food which beyond the control of the SC.

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I meant that SL won't get challenged by season ticket holders who aren't SC members.

This is a true point, how many ST holders, the main lifeline of the club, will be in attendance of this event or will it be filled up with 5 match a season guys just wanting a pint at half time ?

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Previously the DEH was only accessible to ST holders and therefore when Steve Lansdown held a Q&A session it was only ST holders that were there.Other fans had no access and were therefore denied.This time any SC member, ST holder or not can gain access.

I don't know how you can predict that SL won't get challenged - surely you aren't suggesting that only ST holders are capable of such an act?

I don't think that's quite right, RR. I seem to remember that passes were made available for non-season ticket holders who wanted to attend the Q&A in the Red and White bar last season. There were always enough tickets made available for non-ST holders who applied in advance. Hence it was open to all, even though the R&W normally wasn't.

That said, it's possible that SL wants to make a point of answering questions from SC members, just like the previous Q&A at Rotherham was effectively only for away fans. Maybe he wants, over a period of time, to answer questions from different sections of City supporters, or perhaps he just wants to show his support for the SC. Whatever - I'm sure anyone who has a question they want answered will be able to get someone at the R&W to ask it.

RR, you ask what could be done to improve the R&W 'experience'. Three simple suggestions:

1. More tables and chairs. If you arrive any time after 1.30pm (and perhaps before - I've never got there earlier) you can't find a chair, never mind a table. There's plenty of space for tables and chairs.

2. Allow fans to enter the ground directly from the R&W Bar, as they used to do. It is much quicker and much more convenient. Last season, you walked to the corridor by the toilets, where two guys took your ticket just like a turnstile operator. It reduced last minute queues outside and also meant we didn't have to go back outside, make our way to the turnstiles, join the end of the queue to get back in. Given that these days you have to buy a ticket before getting to the turnstile, the fact that it's no longer just season ticket holders is no excuse for taking this convenience away, since pretty much everyone inside will already have either an ST or a ticket bought in advance or from the kiosks.

3. Make sure all the TVs are working.

But above all, more seats and tables please. Trying to eat (soggy, mushy and apparently oven-cooked) chips and ketchup with a 3-year-old sat on the carpet isn't easy and certainly isn't fun.

I don't want to be completely negative about it. The R&W is a huge improvement on what was there before (i.e. nothing) and does enhance the experience of the day for me. The club deserves credit for making it happen. But it should be free to get into - especially as we were told the renovations were being paid for by the Premier Seating, meaning the entrance fee was not needed to cover the cost. And it could be MUCH better.

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RR, you ask what could be done to improve the R&W 'experience'. Three simple suggestions:

1. More tables and chairs. If you arrive any time after 1.30pm (and perhaps before - I've never got there earlier) you can't find a chair, never mind a table. There's plenty of space for tables and chairs.

2. Allow fans to enter the ground directly from the R&W Bar, as they used to do. It is much quicker and much more convenient. Last season, you walked to the corridor by the toilets, where two guys took your ticket just like a turnstile operator. It reduced last minute queues outside and also meant we didn't have to go back outside, make our way to the turnstiles, join the end of the queue to get back in. Given that these days you have to buy a ticket before getting to the turnstile, the fact that it's no longer just season ticket holders is no excuse for taking this convenience away, since pretty much everyone inside will already have either an ST or a ticket bought in advance or from the kiosks.

3. Make sure all the TVs are working.

But above all, more seats and tables please. Trying to eat (soggy, mushy and apparently oven-cooked) chips and ketchup with a 3-year-old sat on the carpet isn't easy and certainly isn't fun.

I don't want to be completely negative about it. The R&W is a huge improvement on what was there before (i.e. nothing) and does enhance the experience of the day for me. The club deserves credit for making it happen. But it should be free to get into - especially as we were told the renovations were being paid for by the Premier Seating, meaning the entrance fee was not needed to cover the cost. And it could be MUCH better.

1) More Tables and chairs will be purchased over the summer by the football club.Hopefully they will be in situ for the start of next season.

2)I can't comment fully on this point,and as I didn't use the DEH last season I have no personal exerience of the old system.I will endeavour to find out why it was changed.

3)The TV's are an issue.There is one in the Gold Bar which hasn't worked for at least 4 months despite the relevent people being informed.Its sometimes very difficult to get things done when all the time you put in is voluntary.All the SC committee have full time jobs.

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12.45 - 1.30pm.

A balanced view no doubt.

In what way do you think improvements could be made? apart from the price and quality of the beer and food which beyond the control of the SC.

Thanks for the reply. It's appreciated.

Me balanced, sometimes but rarely. La La.

Improvements- Glass containers for over 18's fluid, no more tannoy safety announcements for all parts of the ground in the DEH, more tables and chairs, better screens, topless female bar staff!.

No probs with food, but surely the SC have a say with price/quality of ale, somewhere along the line someone has to accept responsibility. I would hope that as the SC readily accept my money/membership that the same organisation would endeavour to 'control' or influence the environment in which their members are accommadated.

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Thanks for the reply. It's appreciated.

No probs with food, but surely the SC have a say with price/quality of ale, somewhere along the line someone has to accept responsibility. I would hope that as the SC readily accept my money/membership that the same organisation would endeavour to 'control' or influence the environment in which their members are accommadated.

The SC have absolutely no influence on food or beer prices.I have spoken to Lindleys about both and the area manageress informed me that the beer prices are set by the brewery and not Lindleys themselves and that food prices are set nationally by Lindleys.You will pay the same price for Lindleys food whenver you are at a club where they have the franchise.

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With regard to the food - it depends on who you talk to.Some fans think its far better than before,with a wider choice and so on and others think its just as bad as it always was.Its all about opinions but everyone agrees that its overpriced.

There are approx 3500 Bronze and 240 Gold members.

Fans always have a choice about whether they join the SC or not.This last season they will have seen what facilties are on offer and make their own decision regarding next seasons membership.

With regard to Gold membership - there has been a great deal of interest from fans about upgrading and its likely that we have to start a waiting list.

So out of those 3500 Bronze & 240 Gold members, you have recieved "70 odd" positive comments, there are more negative comments on this post alone.!!!!!!!

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So out of those 3500 Bronze & 240 Gold members, you have recieved "70 odd" positive comments, there are more negative comments on this post alone.!!!!!!!

I reckon that at least 3500 of our members would have positive comments to make if they were asked.The comments we have recieved so far have been volunteered.Fans felt that they wanted to pass on thier positive remarks.Thats a pretty good indicator imo.

Don't tell me that a few negatives comments on this forum are to be taken seriously.Many people come on here just to moan about something.If its not the SC its the ticketing,the EE,the premier seating,the catering, the manager, the players, the board, the chairman,the chief executive, the stewarding.......ect,ect.

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The SC have absolutely no influence on food or beer prices.I have spoken to Lindleys about both and the area manageress informed me that the beer prices are set by the brewery and not Lindleys themselves and that food prices are set nationally by Lindleys.You will pay the same price for Lindleys food whenver you are at a club where they have the franchise.

Thanks for the reply. I now understand that the ale/food prices are controlled by Lindleys. Remember that there is always competition. Shame that Clarks Pies in Bemmy don't make cheap ale, heaven.

I would still appreciate that the views expressed with regard to improving other areas of the 'City experience' were possibly addressed.

Thank you for your input.

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I reckon that at least 3500 of our members would have positive comments to make if they were asked.The comments we have recieved so far have been volunteered.Fans felt that they wanted to pass on thier positive remarks.Thats a pretty good indicator imo.

Don't tell me that a few negatives comments on this forum are to be taken seriously.Many people come on here just to moan about something.If its not the SC its the ticketing,the EE,the premier seating,the catering, the manager, the players, the board, the chairman,the chief executive, the stewarding.......ect,ect.

But you expect me to take your comment seriously about the "70 odd", I go to watch City every week with a lot of mates, and the majority are not happy with the new set up, if you were to do a poll, I would be very surprised if there were more positive than negative remarks on this subject.

The guy who asked the first question has a valid point, how can someone who pays over £300 per season ( the life blood of our club), not be allowed to ask OUR Chairman a question, but someone who pays £5 a season, just to have a half time drink, can ???????

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In what way do you think improvements could be made? apart from the price and quality of the beer and food which beyond the control of the SC.

I want the Supporters Club of BCFC to be about more than providing somewhere for people to have a pint on the 20 odd matchdays during a season.

I don't understand why the SC don't get involved in other activities to make watching BCFC an easier and more pleasurable experience.

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Don't tell me that a few negatives comments on this forum are to be taken seriously.Many people come on here just to moan about something.If its not the SC its the ticketing,the EE,the premier seating,the catering, the manager, the players, the board, the chairman,the chief executive, the stewarding.......ect,ect.

You confuse moaning with constructive criticism and/or making valid points.

You make a comment that 22p per game for bronze membership is "excellant value" and accuse anyone that disagrees with that subjective statement to be a moaner.

£2.20 for a pint of proper real ale at my local or in the Coopers, against £2.80+22p = £3.02 for a pint of sh!te in the DEH?

Whether you have any control over Lindleys is irrelevant.

Its not excellent value.


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Only last month I raised the following question to Steve (lansdown). He kindly replied see Question and Response from Steve. Anyone can raise a question like I did to SL by emailing, and he will reply...which is fair play.

Question / Suggestion sent 16 March 2007 to SL

Hia Steve,

Tomo here who has featured in the matchday programme through Ed Furnis many times.

I appreciate that there are already plans being made to change the seats in the dolman. However, have you ever considered knocking out some seats between B and C BLOCK & E and F Block and building steps down into the exhibition hall. This would help congestion when leaving the ground and also give the Dolman fans access to better catering / facilities. I never see any point in ever knocking down the Dolman whilst the Williams and East end gets developed moving forward. The Dolman is perfectly adequate and this structural change would be great for the stand. I think the exhibition hall is a brilliant improvement to the Dolman and this proposal would keep all the Dolman fans happy.

One other thing, I think all Dolman season ticket holders and pay on the gate fans should have instant access to the hall (without the membership thing). Membership for the good facilities does not add up. We need to keep everyone happy and I would say that it may be more profitable in the long run.

Not everyone will use it....alot of fans prefer to stay in their seats at the half time interval anyway but I think this would certainly bring in revenue through the bar and catering services,

Let me know what you think Steve ?

Cheers for now



Dear Tommo

Dolman Stand

Thank you for your email which was forwarded on to me. The points you highlight are valid and ones which illustrate the poor design of the Dolman Stand. Unfortunately it has not been built in such a way to make the entrances/exits in the manner you suggest and to be perfectly honest I think it would be cheaper to knock the whole thing down and build a completely new stand rather than do what you are suggesting.

On the subject of entrance to the Dolman Hall on match days I do not think you can do this without having some form of membership. Even with the crowds we are getting now i.e. 10,000 plus on a regular basis you are never going to be able to please everyone so those people who want to use the hall need to be able to come at the time they wish knowing they can get in. Even then with the excess numbers we have in the membership people realise they have to get there early. To be honest it does seem to be working pretty well at the moment and contrary to popular belief I do not like changing things just for the sake of it.

I appreciate you dropping me a note with your suggestions. Keep them coming. I have always said you need at leas ten ideas to find a potentially good one.

Kind regards.

Yours sincerely


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