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Just wondering how many people are going to Tranmere? Obviously everyones upset/ashamed/worried/suicidal about Saturday, but will that stop you from travelling? Could be one of the smallest crowds we've brought this season, what with it being a night game an all.

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Guest Northern Cider-Dude

I'm going to be there, me and ma mate leavin sixth form early, booked the night off work as well

only two hours drive from where i live

these northern games are the matches i wait all season for!

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Can't go ;)

Would of but I'm on a disciplinary in work for being away too often (3 times in one year ;) ) Also that couple with me purposly arranging it so that i don't have college or work on a Tuesday so i don't have to miss any city games, but then for some strange reason we go and have it played on a Wednesday.

Saying that i suppose it could be a chance for me to stop putting myself in more and more debt. Owe too much at the moment borrowing more will put more strain on me getting cash for the playoff final :P

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

Can't go due to money. I suspect about 400-500 to travel there. They brought about 190 down hee on a tuesday night but they have quite a nice ground.


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Guest cider gliders

Yeah we be goin`, an to Port Vale too! They may

be playin` #### at the moment, but we be ole in

this together, so lets get behind the lads an hope

to god we don`t have to go through what we did at

the end of last season! UP THE CITY! ;)

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yeah, I will be there.

What- 4 hours each way in car + M5/M6 interchange at rush hour...all for 90 minutes of footy that we will lose anyway.

Must be mad.

There will be hardly any of us there tonight- one of the lowest away attendances of the season I think.

ps- just found this new (I think) smilie so going to use it even though it doesn't relate to my post. I just want to play ----> :@ he he- that's funny. he he he

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