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Is He A Gashead?!


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What really is the point behind all these dull little threads of yours Bristol Boy, you sure you are a City fan? You talk like you're a gashead the way you talk about this club.

You do seem to post more when we're playing worse and just seem intent on killing all optimism that any of us have that we're going to go up. I reckon you'll start going quiet again when we start winning.

I think we all know that you have no hope for club and you don't seem to support anyone involved with the club! Go support the gas if you really think we're that bad or have a bit of optimism for once, maybe talk about how nice it'd be to start winning again.

I think i'm not the only one getting very bored of you. I for one think we're still going to get automatic promotion, but I'm not too sure you actually want us to get promoted else you won't have anything to moan about! Grow up!

There you go you did say 'we could post what we want' and that's what i wanted to say!

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Fair enough, but I think you are on a different planet. It's going to hurt like mad when you come crashing back down to earth.

Bristol Boys posts are in the main factual, not saying I agree with them all, but I dont think you can doubt his allegiance. He speaks his mind and is clearly not happy with whats going on, so you actually think he likes posting this stuff? I'm sure he feels like all of us, I feel gutted and gets no perverse enjoyment out of City balls up another season, get a grip!. Keep 'em coming BB,

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I think he must surely be growing to like being down! He posts it so often!

You think I'm happy with the way City are playing? Course I ain't but I won't moan on and on and on saying the exact same points over and over. If I'm going to post I'll try and look towrards the good points rather than keep thinking there are none!

You lot talk like we ain't going to win a single game all season. you saying we definitely won't be going up?! We're 3rd yes that's right 3rd with 9 games to go and we are 2 points off 2nd place and 11 points into the playoffs. As i say I personally still think we're going up. It's not blind optimism it is looking at the table and having some faith in the team I love. If that isn't allowed then carry on to shoot me down cos it won't work, I'll be at every game I can be till the end of the season and i'll cheer the boys on, if you wanna give up then don't come follow us anymore and keep your moaning at home.

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My opinion is based on what has gone before, we have been #### 99% of this season INCLUDING the 11 games! With that in mind I cant see us making the grade, I hope I am wrong.

When have I said yur opinion isn't allowed, remember that you started this thread - having a pop at a fellow fan.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Personally i think hes a fantastic poster, he speaks his mind and follows his opinions through and doesn't just change them to please everyone else.

Those qualities for me makes a good poster, those who have to start up new posts just to have a pop at someone elses opinion instead of challenge it with a well thought out argument on the releven post. For me that makes a poor poster.

There are 3 kinds of people on the forum, Happy Clappies, doom and glooms and sitting on the fencers. My personal favouries are the doom and gloom and happy clappies as it rustles a few feathers and gets a good debate going, thats what makes me enjoy coming on here.

But I'm a sitting on a fencer, i just like to wait and see what happens and then comment on it. Predicting the future ain't a strong point of mine so i try not to.

If hes a doom and gloom person, so what, i used to be and if anything i lean towards doom and gloom more, afterall predict the worst and things can only get better, cant they?

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I don't see how we can be #### 99% of the season and currently be 3rd, have the best defence in the league and gone close to beating a british record of league wins on the trot! Wicked lets be this #### next season in division 1 and be 3rd!! Everyone is just being overly melodramatic.

Don't know where the second paragraph of your post has come from, I didn't say that you'd said I wasn't allowed an opinion. And thanks for the obvious reminder.

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I just looked at Bristol Boy's average post count per week.

During our great '11 match run' he posted more than the past 2 weeks.

Perhaps its just more noticable when we aren't playing well?

I thought our 11 match run went on for more than 2 weeks?!
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Good shout TommyCidered but some (including me) would say his posts ain't Doom and Gloom, depressing yes but depressing REALITY.

Challenge for NailseaRed -

Show me a post of BB's that doesnt have some form of factual content to back up his statement.

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I don't see how we can be #### 99% of the season and currently be 3rd, have the best defence in the league and gone close to beating a british record of league wins on the trot! Wicked lets be this #### next season in division 1 and be 3rd!! Everyone is just being overly melodramatic.

Don't know where the second paragraph of your post has come from, I didn't say that you'd said I wasn't allowed an opinion. And thanks for the obvious reminder.

Like I said earlier...you are on a different planet.
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Truth hurts sometimes doesn't it?

I don't necessarily agree with everything that he posts, but he posts how he sees things. Bristol Boy is as much a City fan as you, me and the majority of users on this forum.

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I have no feelings at all towards the posts you are referring.

I consider them in general to be of a negative nature, yet factual and pretty much indisputable when you look at the kind of football we are playing and have played.

The only point I like to make is everybody is allowed and entitled to an opinion. I do not like posts which openly criticise other posters by name.

We all get heated with others at times, however, the old saying of attack a post and not a poster is being heavily ignored of late on this forum.

Feel free to "go to town" on somebody's comments; however, surely you should leave names out of it as this makes it personal? ;)

I haven't been on the forum that long (compared to many others), however, long enough to know that personal threads have lead to some real distasteful incidents in the past. We all love a good argument, but surely nobody wants that?

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I have no feelings at all towards the posts you are referring.

I consider them in general to be of a negative nature, yet factual and pretty much indisputable when you look at the kind of football we are playing and have played.

The only point I like to make is everybody is allowed and entitled to an opinion.  I do not like posts which openly criticise other posters by name.

We all get heated with others at times, however, the old saying of attack a post and not a poster is being heavily ignored of late on this forum.

Feel free to "go to town" on somebody's comments; however, surely you should leave names out of it as this makes it personal?  ;)

I haven't been on the forum that long (compared to many others), however, long enough to know that personal threads have lead to some real distasteful incidents in the past.  We all love a good argument, but surely nobody wants that?

I was just purely curious as to whether or not he was a gashead simple question really :P
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Moaning = your interpretation.

My interpretation is he speaks the truth and you don't like hearing it.

just reckon there's more room for optimism and the poster I mentioned at the beginning of the thread seemed a good example, ok wrongly to name him but I have a passion for this club and i show it in my posts. I ain't a perfect poster i'll admit to that just don't think the over the top slating of players and attacking of DW is neccesary, if we were half way down the league table and not won in 10 games I could kind of see how people were feeling like that but at the moment lets still look up? I think I made my point that excessive attacking of one poster isn't liked so why get personal about a player or manager so much. BB was purely the poster I picked for my point.
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Guest east_dundry_red

I have an ideal.

If you dont like his posts dont read them. You dont have to read them your not made to. I wish you'd stop your moaning because this post is more negative than any of his. (this applys to everyone not just nailsea red)

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I have an ideal.

If you dont like his posts dont read them. You dont have to read them your not made to. I wish you'd stop your moaning because this post is more negative than any of his. (this applys to everyone not just nailsea red)

Yeah fair enough, it wasn't specifically his posts (as my original post wrongly suggested) more the general tone of the whole forum at the moment, but as you say moaning about moaning is just as bad.
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My complaint against Bristolboy was the amount of posts stating the same things over and over again.

Nailsea Red has perhaps gone a bit further but I see the doom merchants have closed rank protecting one of there own. Some people really take the bait !

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Guest east_dundry_red
Yeah fair enough, it wasn't specifically his posts (as my original post wrongly suggested) more the general tone of the whole forum at the moment, but as you say moaning about moaning is just as bad.
The problem is on this forum is people (including myself) are still ###### off about the oldham game and they have the right to be. We were awful. Hopefully a win tomorrow night will make people chill a little bit.
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What really is the point behind all these dull little threads of yours Bristol Boy, you sure you are a City fan? You talk like you're a gashead the way you talk about this club.

You do seem to post more when we're playing worse and just seem intent on killing all optimism that any of us have that we're going to go up. I reckon you'll start going quiet again when we start winning.

I think we all know that you have no hope for club and you don't seem to support anyone involved with the club! Go support the gas if you really think we're that bad or have a bit of optimism for once, maybe talk about how nice it'd be to start winning again.

I think i'm not the only one getting very bored of you. I for one think we're still going to get automatic promotion, but I'm not too sure you actually want us to get promoted else you won't have anything to moan about! Grow up!

There you go you did say 'we could post what we want' and that's what i wanted to say!

grow up
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"You talk like you're a gashead the way you talk about this club."

You're well off the mark, here, NailseaRed.

Criticising the players, management, playing style, lack of progress, the board - whatever - does not make one a GasHead.

If this forum was all positive positings 100% of the time, what fun would there be in that?

BristolBoy makes factual, articulate arguments to back up his opinions; granted, they have a negative spin but they are entertaining and many people (myself included) agree with a lot of his points - just as I am sure many people agree with yours.

We're all City fans here - lets just appreciate we have differing views.

One Team

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"You talk like you're a gashead the way you talk about this club."

You're well off the mark, here, NailseaRed.

Criticising the players, management, playing style, lack of progress, the board - whatever - does not make one a GasHead.

If this forum was all positive positings 100% of the time, what fun would there be in that?

BristolBoy makes factual, articulate arguments to back up his opinions; granted, they have a negative spin but they are entertaining and many people (myself included) agree with a lot of his points - just as I am sure many people agree with yours.

We're all City fans here - lets just appreciate we have differing views.

One Team

I believe there is TOO much doom and gloom when it isn't needed, but I agree it would be boring if we all agreed. You'd be hard pushed to find people that agree with my posts but I post to put across my thoughts not to be supported.

I agree we have differing views and that's what makes the forum the forum. Doesn't stop people getting carried away and ###### off with everyone being so negative and posting it :P;)

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its the forum, if somethings boring or not interesting - dont reply!

If it gets your goat or you agree say so - thats what its about and why this place is popular!

I'd hate to be a Manu Fan or an Arsenal fan, oh we have won again and again and we are top of the league happy clappy...

Then again maybe i would....

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What really is the point behind all these dull little threads of yours Bristol Boy, you sure you are a City fan? You talk like you're a gashead the way you talk about this club.

I think we all know that you have no hope for club and you

I think i'm not the only one getting very bored of you. I for one think we're still going to get automatic promotion, but I'm not too sure you actually want us to get promoted else you won't have anything to moan about! Grow up!

There you go you did say 'we could post what we want' and that's what i wanted to say!

Blimey, whos got a trop on then?

He is entitled to post, and I doubt very much he's a sag head.

Automatic Promotion, dream on mate. Assuming you were at the debacle Saturday, or Stockport, Wycombe, you must have seen a different game from the masses, that have posted here, walked early from the game, or combination of the two. PlyMOUTH have one slot, and we've to catch QPR. OK, so lets look at Saturday then: Both sides 2-0 at half time, QPR at Wycombe a side they dont do well against either. final Score at the Gate (Home game, against 6th bottom side, who their own fans expected to get beaten), Still 2-0 to Oldham, and ##### me QPR have dug out a draw, spawny maybe, but they dug out a draw. Whereas we er did er #### all. Story of our season. Great support, a mostly decent, and occasionally brilliant players, and er a lack of goals, some ##### poor excuses, and an outstanding record against some of the worst sides in the division. We might we have a good record against the top sides, but we beat Cardiff twice last year and lost once, the one that really counted! coffee might be in order here.

Remove the rose tinted glasses and take a realistic look at our season. Did the hard work hauling the pasties and cocknies down, and blew it again, through the same faults we have had (As Bristol Boy, and others have kept pointing out) all season.

As one of the the biggest spenders in the division this year, we are entitled to ask how we are still so poor at times. Its an insult to compare us to Wigan, defensively yes, but there aint no Duke in this side. Oldham have scored two more than us, at us!! Dont that ring alarm bells, or is everything really so rosy that we just sit back, back the (under-performing) team, and we'll go up, and everything will be happy ever after????

Dont attack others because they dont share your overly optimistic view, its a forum and as such everyone is entitled to their say. Personally I have had it with people who see no problems in the Wilson Blunderland, but there ya go, #### happens, its a democracy, and thats the way it is.

Love and Peace.

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just one point from that and something I take optimism from is that you say we perform against the top teams and we still have QPR, Plymouth, Swindon, Brighton and Luton to play before the end of the season. If you think we play well against top teams do you not think we'll get better results against these teams? I say all hope isn't lost yet, slate me for being positive at the end of the season if we don't go up, but i'm putting my neck on the line and saying we'll get 2nd.

Can i have some of that peace? ;)

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just one point from that and something I take optimism from is that you say we perform against the top teams and we still have QPR, Plymouth, Swindon, Brighton and Luton to play before the end of the season. If you think we play well against top teams do you not think we'll get better results against these teams? I say all hope isn't lost yet, slate me for being positive at the end of the season if we don't go up, but i'm putting my neck on the line and saying we'll get 2nd.

Can i have some of that peace? ;)

Good luck to ya, for being optimistic, but that died on Saturday, for me and a host of others. We have a real problem at City now, and blaming fans is not helping. Because we have an unbalanced side, further damaged by some players under-performing and undercurrent of indfference has now set in, and short of changing managers (NOT and option) its very difficult to see them turning it around. Not that I feel our manager is capable of it either. There are too many problems surfacing again after the run finished, to be too optimistic. As my post indicated QPR fought back, and all they need off us is a draw, and I feel both will do that, while the others Swinedead, and Brighton will be looking for revenge for the defeats we handed out earlier. Our best chance of a result against the top teams is Luton, cos they leak late goals. Unless our illustious leader finds a gem which could turn it round. always hopeful on that, cos I've been banging long enuff bout it, but realistic, DW hates changing things till they really are bad. My forecast finish is 3rd/4th, and Division 2 football next season, AGAIN!!

Still I'm a Cider Red for life not just promotions, i've seen too many relegations to owt else. ;);):D:D

Your welcome to the Peace, at times this forum is becoming too hot headed!! :D

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Good luck to ya, for being optimistic, but that died on Saturday, for me and a host of others. We have a real problem at City now, and blaming fans is not helping. Because we have an unbalanced side, further damaged by some players under-performing and undercurrent of indfference has now set in, and short of changing managers (NOT and option) its very difficult to see them turning it around. Not that I feel our manager is capable of it either. There are too many problems surfacing again after the run finished, to be too optimistic. As my post indicated QPR fought back, and all they need off us is a draw, and I feel both will do that, while the others Swinedead, and Brighton will be looking for revenge for the defeats we handed out earlier. Our best chance of a result against the top teams is Luton, cos they leak late goals. Unless our illustious leader finds a gem which could turn it round. always hopeful on that, cos I've been banging long enuff bout it, but realistic, DW hates changing things till they really are bad. My forecast finish is 3rd/4th, and Division 2 football next season, AGAIN!!

Still I'm a Cider Red for life not just promotions, i've seen too many relegations to owt else. ;)  ;)  ;)  :D

Your welcome to the Peace, at times this forum is becoming too hot headed!! :D

i just see it as a mini season from now cos we've all got to play each other at the top so anything could happen. Bring on the big boys, come on City now's the time to stand up and be counted, if any of the players don't want it then they should say now, but if they're in the pitch in a City shirt I wanna see total commitment. I think a lot of us are frustrated cos we know we CAN do it and now's the time to prove it.
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There's a fair point to be made here:

We have played badly this season in fits and starts BUT we can't say for sure that we're not going to get promoted.

By playing badly we've got to third place and only 2 points off second!

You cannot rule out that we won't go up on auto, let alone playoffs.

I don't think that's happy clappy - I'm not happy with our form or DW's management, but I don't think we're doomed to stay in this division for sure.

And whatever happens, I'll be supporting the team alongside the happys and the moaners.

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Am I in the running for a forum award yet?  :(

You should be. After all, you express your views well.

I personally am going for Worst Avater.

I did consider going for highest average of smilies per post, however, am lacking behind "Glos Boy" by 122. Remember, always attack the post ;):P


edit : firked something up :D:D

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Why?! I've never said he never uses facts just say it gets a bit tiresome with PURE moaning.
Look at the match reviews after our wins and then the defeat at Sheff Weds and you'll see I was more complimentary of our form in a defeat than some wins.

It's the consistent level of performance that gets you promoted, not a bit of luck and the wind blowing the right direction.

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My complaint against Bristolboy was the amount of posts stating the same things over and over again.

Nailsea Red has perhaps gone a bit further but I see the doom merchants have closed rank protecting one of there own. Some people really take the bait !

If you read "all of my posts" on this Forum and the old one, you'll find that they have been, complimentary, humorous, angry, damning......you know, all the things that human emotions create.

There have been hundreds if not thousands.

A great man once said "you'll never solve a problem with the thinking that created it"

The more I think about it, that's DW's problem.

The poor bloke just can't see it.

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well i say leave Bristol Boy alone. All he wants is to make his point thought to all of us. People think i am the worst person on this forum but calling people gasheads on this forum will only spark trouble. Nailseared if you hate someone typing on this forum or you believe the topic is boring then DON'T BOTHER READING IT :@

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No....read it properly, it refers to THE PAST TWO WEEKS-You know when we've been very poor :P
My point was that for it to be a valid post count comparison you really need to compare periods that are the same length because you are of course going to post more in the 11 match run than you are in the last 2 weeks because it is a longer time period :P

So if TomF really wanted to add in a stat then he'd need to pro rata his figure for the 11 match run and work out an average 2 week figure :P

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just one point from that and something I take optimism from is that you say we perform against the top teams and we still have QPR, Plymouth, Swindon, Brighton and Luton to play before the end of the season. If you think we play well against top teams do you not think we'll get better results against these teams? I say all hope isn't lost yet, slate me for being positive at the end of the season if we don't go up, but i'm putting my neck on the line and saying we'll get 2nd.

Can i have some of that peace? ;)

That's exactly what I posted about ten days ago, with full facts and figures.

It differs dramatically from previous seasons, so there is hope.

It's not the results, it's our inability to score and the fact that DW hasn't addressed it all season.

Add to that DW's tactical blindness with TD & JB then LW on the wing etc and it's enough to make a saint swear!

Loyaltys all well and good, but LP hasn't scored in 13 and LM has 2 in 16-Come On!

If, after Sat, although, probably before that, he's have come out and said-there's a problem, I was wrong, I'll sort it-as do lots of other managers, I'd have said, fair play sir, I'm with you.

To Little, To Late

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Look at the match reviews after our wins and then the defeat at Sheff Weds and you'll see I was more complimentary of our form in a defeat than some wins.

It's the consistent level of performance that gets you promoted, not a bit of luck and the wind blowing the right direction.

I would disagree that beating 11 teams on the trot is down to more than just blowing wind and a bit of luck :P we could go on arguing all day. :P
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That's exactly what I posted about ten days ago, with full facts and figures.

It differs dramatically from previous seasons, so there is hope.

It's not the results, it's our inability to score and the fact that DW hasn't addressed it all season.

Add to that DW's tactical blindness with TD & JB then LW on the wing etc and it's enough to make a saint swear!

Loyaltys all well and good, but LP hasn't scored in 13 and LM has 2 in 16-Come On!

If, after Sat, although, probably before that, he's have come out and said-there's a problem, I was wrong, I'll sort it-as do lots of other managers, I'd have said, fair play sir, I'm with you.

To Little, To Late

I agree with some of that! shock horror :P I don't think it's too late just yet, can we wait and see how the next 9 games pan out then see where we stand? If we aren't promoted I think Wilson has to go. But just give him till the end of the season. Do you think if we get promoted we should get a new manager then?
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I would disagree that beating 11 teams on the trot is down to more than just blowing wind and a bit of luck  :P we could go on arguing all day.  :P
Go on. You'll be up to a 100 posts and a 1,000 views.

I'm just going to carry on with my smilies. Please ignore me; should be easy.

:@ :wub::(:D:me?:;):D :Sleep12: ;);):D:(:P:(:huh:

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I won't bury my head in the sand, I'm not going to write a post like i did this morning to start a thread like this then go and run away I'll stand by what I have written but also admit i make mistakes in my posting sometimes, and if that takes 100 posts to get that across then so be it ;)

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