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who is this fan?


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No idea what his name is, but he's a regular at a few Bemmy pubs (3 Lions, Masonic), and he's got a small cult following about the place.

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Guest jiffyred

I know this man SPIKE(don't know his real name) used to drink in the robins when i was a barman top bloke and as you can see city mad.

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would i need the permission of the crowd?

Small print on tickets / rules of entry for stadiums etc states that you allow yourself to be filmed

Not sure if that covers one spectator filming another though!

On subject of Rod....top guy...red through & through

Stewards at Brighton caught him with a can in the inside pocket of his Denim jacket

It wasn't open or anything and this was nearly half time...fair do/'s to them they just took the can off him...a lot of other grounds would have ejected him but common prevailed to avoid a scene

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would i need the permission of the crowd?



All of the following must be put into practice and suitable documentation kept to record the methods used:

By law, there has to be a person or organisation responsible for the scheme

The appropriateness and reasons for using CCTV need be established.

The purpose of the scheme must be notified to the Data Protection Commissioner.

Operators of the scheme need to be made aware of the purpose, and can only use it for that purpose.

The equipment must be limited to cover only those areas designated.

Operators should not be able to adjust or manipulate cameras to cover areas not declared as part of the scheme.

If it is not possible to restrict camera coverage of unauthorised areas, operators are required to be properly trained to recognise the privacy implications of covering such areas.

Signs should be placed to warn that the public are entering an area covered by CCTV.

The signs should be clearly visible and legible and will vary in size according to circumstances.

Signs should give the identity of the person or organisation responsible for the scheme, contact details and the purpose of the scheme.

It is permitted in extreme circumstances not to have signs, but this rule is subject to stringent conditions.

Information obtained by CCTV is only to be used for prevention or detection of criminal activity, or the apprehension and prosecution of offenders. It should not be used for any other purpose.

It is not permitted to make sound recordings of the public.



All of the following must be put into practice and suitable documentation kept to record the methods used:

The installer must check that the system performs correctly

If the main recording medium is by video recorder, only good quality tapes must be used

The tapes or other medium for recording should not be used after the quality of recorded images has deteriorated

Details of camera location, time and date that are recorded should be accurate. Regular time checks are needed and must be recorded

Cameras should be situated to capture images relevant to the purpose of the scheme

Cameras must be suited to the physical conditions in their location, including adequate lighting and vandal resistance if appropriate

Users should assess whether or not to use constant recording according to the purpose of the scheme

Cameras should be properly maintained and serviced to ensure clear images are recorded

Cameras should be protected from vandalism to ensure that they remain in good working order

Faulty cameras must be fixed within a specific time period

Images should not be retained for longer than is necessary and should be erased when the period expires

Images retained for evidential purposes should be kept in a securely controlled place

The operator should ensure that correct documentation is completed for any images that are removed for evidence



All of the following must be put into practice and suitable documentation kept to record the methods used:

Monitors displaying images from areas in which individuals would expect privacy should not be viewed by unauthorised persons

Access to recordings should be restricted to authorised persons

Viewing of recordings should take place in a restricted area in private conditions

All persons with access to images should be aware of procedures when accessing recordings

All operators should be trained in their responsibilities

All access to the medium on which the images are recorded should be documented

No recorded images should be disclosed to third parties except for limited or prescribed circumstances

All requests for access to data should be documented. Data subjects should be provided with a leaflet which gives information about the recorded images

The manager of the scheme has to make certain decisions regarding disclosure and duty of confidence

All staff involved in operating the equipment must be able to recognise a request from an individual to prevent processing likely to cause damage to that individual

A manager or designated member of staff should undertake regular reviews of the documented procedures to ensure compliance

The operator should ensure that correct documentation is completed for any images that are removed for evidence

From the above (Remember they are all Law with a maximum penalty of a £5000 fine for non-conformity), it is evident that proper documented records are essential in order to ensure compliance.

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All of the following must be put into practice and suitable documentation kept to record the methods used:

By law, there has to be a person or organisation responsible for the scheme

The appropriateness and reasons for using CCTV need be established.

The purpose of the scheme must be notified to the Data Protection Commissioner.

Operators of the scheme need to be made aware of the purpose, and can only use it for that purpose.

The equipment must be limited to cover only those areas designated.

Operators should not be able to adjust or manipulate cameras to cover areas not declared as part of the scheme.

If it is not possible to restrict camera coverage of unauthorised areas, operators are required to be properly trained to recognise the privacy implications of covering such areas.

Signs should be placed to warn that the public are entering an area covered by CCTV.

The signs should be clearly visible and legible and will vary in size according to circumstances.

Signs should give the identity of the person or organisation responsible for the scheme, contact details and the purpose of the scheme.

It is permitted in extreme circumstances not to have signs, but this rule is subject to stringent conditions.

Information obtained by CCTV is only to be used for prevention or detection of criminal activity, or the apprehension and prosecution of offenders. It should not be used for any other purpose.

It is not permitted to make sound recordings of the public.



All of the following must be put into practice and suitable documentation kept to record the methods used:

The installer must check that the system performs correctly

If the main recording medium is by video recorder, only good quality tapes must be used

The tapes or other medium for recording should not be used after the quality of recorded images has deteriorated

Details of camera location, time and date that are recorded should be accurate. Regular time checks are needed and must be recorded

Cameras should be situated to capture images relevant to the purpose of the scheme

Cameras must be suited to the physical conditions in their location, including adequate lighting and vandal resistance if appropriate

Users should assess whether or not to use constant recording according to the purpose of the scheme

Cameras should be properly maintained and serviced to ensure clear images are recorded

Cameras should be protected from vandalism to ensure that they remain in good working order

Faulty cameras must be fixed within a specific time period

Images should not be retained for longer than is necessary and should be erased when the period expires

Images retained for evidential purposes should be kept in a securely controlled place

The operator should ensure that correct documentation is completed for any images that are removed for evidence



All of the following must be put into practice and suitable documentation kept to record the methods used:

Monitors displaying images from areas in which individuals would expect privacy should not be viewed by unauthorised persons

Access to recordings should be restricted to authorised persons

Viewing of recordings should take place in a restricted area in private conditions

All persons with access to images should be aware of procedures when accessing recordings

All operators should be trained in their responsibilities

All access to the medium on which the images are recorded should be documented

No recorded images should be disclosed to third parties except for limited or prescribed circumstances

All requests for access to data should be documented. Data subjects should be provided with a leaflet which gives information about the recorded images

The manager of the scheme has to make certain decisions regarding disclosure and duty of confidence

All staff involved in operating the equipment must be able to recognise a request from an individual to prevent processing likely to cause damage to that individual

A manager or designated member of staff should undertake regular reviews of the documented procedures to ensure compliance

The operator should ensure that correct documentation is completed for any images that are removed for evidence

From the above (Remember they are all Law with a maximum penalty of a £5000 fine for non-conformity), it is evident that proper documented records are essential in order to ensure compliance.

did anyone read all this?

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Guest nogginthenog
did anyone read all this?

No and cidered should go and get himself a proper job, does he really think that anyone is remotely interested, some people have far too much time on their hands :preacher:

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No and cidered should go and get himself a proper job, does he really think that anyone is remotely interested, some people have far too much time on their hands :preacher:

:fastasleep: sorry sleeping on the job again :fastasleep:

oh the joys of a 1 minute google search and cut 'n' paste on your dinner hour amounting to 3 minutes work

just to answer a question only to be slated, i feel like lee johnson now ;)

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I spoke to Rodney once, and I know there's the principle of the matter but from what I gather he ain't caught up in all the bloody modern legistlation malarky and is really quite the showman so I doubt very much he'd mind this little spot of publicity and would may well even be supportive of it.

So give all this moral panic a rest I reckon. It's just a bit of fun.

When he does hear of it and if he does object then obviously remove it and give nester a clip round the ear'ole, but I can't see it myself.

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Guest Red Wardy
So if someone is recording you right now through your window..you don't mind?

Was that filmed through a window? Nester the peeping Tom

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would i need the permission of the crowd?

In a nutshell, yes!

I think you'll find that you need the permission of the club/FA to even take photos inside the ground.Outside on the public highway, the law reverts back to what's already on here.

What you've done is quite harmless (unless Spike objects) and with no malice of forthought, however there is a very fine line with this kind of thing and there are large sections of society for whom taking pictures can have a far more sinister motive.

I don't like to Police filming the fans outside stadia or travelling to matches on the basis that they might do something......perhaps I should go and film their wives at Asda on the basis that they might shoplift :disapointed2se:

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Guest Forest_for_life

That is class! Does he do the Rod Stewart at every away game? We have our own club legend Ebby who travels over for every game from Germany but I doubt he'd dance for the fans like your man Rod.

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As I understand it, you can ask for a copy of the film and they have to give you a copy - same goes for CCTV.

If thousands started doing that, they'd soon stop.

they let you have the cctv for £12 but only if it is to do with any court case or legal stuff like, and only if your sure

you are in the cctv in which you send them a photo, they then blank the faces out of other people in the cctv

apart from yours they do this if you want the cctv and not party to any wrong doing in the picture.



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Why? If you have nothing to hide,whats the problem?

I got a problem with nosy barstewards filmin/photographing at me PERIOD, and I got nowt to hide as it goes.

The equipment concerned steals my soul.

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