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I Can't Stand It Any Longer!


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Day and night, at work, at home, in the car it really does not matter, all I can think about is what if this happens, what if that happens, please just let it be over!

No longer can I stand the thought of possibly being in this God awfull division another season, now or never, do or die, please, please, please release me from this misery!

Pass me the medicine, the cider, the spliff, the nurofens just let it stop. Nobody should suffer like this!

15 years, one promotion, 2 relegations and a poxy mickey mouse cup is all I have to show for my stress and heartache! Surely this is not just? Is there a God? If there is then City will win Saturday, Forest will crash and burn and the mighty seasiders will sink without trace. This has to happen or its the men in white coats for me!

Basso claims we should believe! I want to Adriano, I really do, but please God just stop the torment!

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Guest Sammy B

Alot of us feel the same over in Nottingham. Although you do have the added pressure because it is down to you. If you balls up we will be waiting to capitalise (Unlike over easter). Best of luck to you but i hope its us celebrating on May 5th.

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Alot of us feel the same over in Nottingham. Although you do have the added pressure because it is down to you. If you balls up we will be waiting to capitalise (Unlike over easter). Best of luck to you but i hope its us celebrating on May 5th.

Good Luck in the play-offs Sam....


BCFChris....Relax and Believe....

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Day and night, at work, at home, in the car it really does not matter, all I can think about is what if this happens, what if that happens, please just let it be over!

No longer can I stand the thought of possibly being in this God awfull division another season, now or never, do or die, please, please, please release me from this misery!

Pass me the medicine, the cider, the spliff, the nurofens just let it stop. Nobody should suffer like this!

15 years, one promotion, 2 relegations and a poxy mickey mouse cup is all I have to show for my stress and heartache! Surely this is not just? Is there a God? If there is then City will win Saturday, Forest will crash and burn and the mighty seasiders will sink without trace. This has to happen or its the men in white coats for me!

Basso claims we should believe! I want to Adriano, I really do, but please God just stop the torment!

I know how your feeling fella !!! Its beginning to drive me mad.

Cant go to Carlisle saturday as I'm down on the south coast on a pre booked family weekend.

I'm going to be sat in a bar watching Jeff Stelling biting my finger nails, toe nails & anything i can get my teeth into !!! :fingerscrossed:

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Day and night, at work, at home, in the car it really does not matter, all I can think about is what if this happens, what if that happens, please just let it be over!

No longer can I stand the thought of possibly being in this God awfull division another season, now or never, do or die, please, please, please release me from this misery!

Pass me the medicine, the cider, the spliff, the nurofens just let it stop. Nobody should suffer like this!

15 years, one promotion, 2 relegations and a poxy mickey mouse cup is all I have to show for my stress and heartache! Surely this is not just? Is there a God? If there is then City will win Saturday, Forest will crash and burn and the mighty seasiders will sink without trace. This has to happen or its the men in white coats for me!

Imagine whats its like for us old 'uns! Forty years I've been following City and in that time I've witnessed the club go from the old third to the old first division to the basement and then back to the old second division and then back to where we are now.....

I would guess (without looking it up) that in forty years I've seen approx 8 successfull seasons. Pretty crap when you think about it - but I've never lost the faith.Its just that now I know that I'll be there next season regardless of what division we might be in. Thats why it doesn't effect so much emotionally as it used to - been there done that....

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Day and night, at work, at home, in the car it really does not matter, all I can think about is what if this happens, what if that happens, please just let it be over!

No longer can I stand the thought of possibly being in this God awfull division another season, now or never, do or die, please, please, please release me from this misery!

Pass me the medicine, the cider, the spliff, the nurofens just let it stop. Nobody should suffer like this!

15 years, one promotion, 2 relegations and a poxy mickey mouse cup is all I have to show for my stress and heartache! Surely this is not just? Is there a God? If there is then City will win Saturday, Forest will crash and burn and the mighty seasiders will sink without trace. This has to happen or its the men in white coats for me!

Basso claims we should believe! I want to Adriano, I really do, but please God just stop the torment!

15 years? You lucky, lucky barsteward, try 42 and see how you feel !!

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Guest South Coast Red

Try 40 years , three promotions and about three tin pot cups (Anglo-Scottish , LDV , Freight Rover)

Mind you as this is my 40th season must be due a promotion !!

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Imagine whats its like for us old 'uns! Forty years I've been following City and in that time I've witnessed the club go from the old third to the old first division to the basement and then back to the old second division and then back to where we are now.....

I would guess (without looking it up) that in forty years I've seen approx 8 successfull seasons. Pretty crap when you think about it - but I've never lost the faith.Its just that now I know that I'll be there next season regardless of what division we might be in. Thats why it doesn't effect so much emotionally as it used to - been there done that....

We are the same :doh: in the 40 plus years bit anyway :mafia: but yes there are far more important things for us oldies ........like um surviving to see the next season; freedom of choice as to where we can actually sit (term used losely) in our own ground :D

Oh Chris, have another beer it wont get any easier as the years go by :dancer2:

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