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Southport Red

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I'm getting tired of reading posts saying we are ####, promotion is lost,Wilson should go etc.

We are THIRD in the league

We are COMFORTABLY in the play-off spots

We could be in AUTOMATIC PROMOTION places again by the end of today

We have just come off a RECORD-BREAKING WIN-RUN

And becuase we have had a few very poor performances in recent times, some of you have given up!

I'm sorry but "Wilson must go"? "Promotion is lost"?


Really ironic that some of our supporters say the team bottles it and then they bottle it themselves.

You REALLY think second place is IMPOSSIBLE this year??

You REALLY think that if we get into the playoffs we aren't capable of winning TWO games in a row?

I know things have been bleak since the Sheff Weds game, but, so what? It's the law of averages working it's way out (or do you think because we're Bristol City we should win every game?

I know I'll get slated for this but it makes me angry the number of people who have bottled out because we have lost a few games - get a grip!

IF we don't go up this year then, by all means slag me off, fire Danny, do whatever!

In the meantime, please support the team. WE DO NOT NEED QUITTERS AND BOTTLERS IN THE GRANDSTANDS, it just doesn't help!

Rant over, Ritalin & Diazepam please nurse!

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Thing is Citygal, it's not even Happy-clappy. Moaning at this stage just helps to ENSURE failure, we should support the team BECAUSE performances are poor, that's when we're needed. If we are only going to support during the winnig streaks and then run for cover when results are bad we should join the other 85% of people in Bristol who support Arsenal/Man U etc.

Support the team BECAUSE things are not going to plan - that's when supporters come into their own

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11 match run, top slot, followed by a 1 win in 5 slipping to third, highlighted by some ###### performances, and a run out from hell imminent.... all is well in happy clappy land then.... c'mon mate get real, its the current run which counts not a run which finished 5 matches ago, and most people, just now, dont see an immediate improvement imminent.

when they do all will be well in happy clappy land

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Support the team BECAUSE things are not going to plan - that's when supporters come into their own
I totally agree SPR... We all can express our disappointment and discouragement after a bad spell like this but the moaning like we have seen on this forum recently really just makes it a whole lot worse.

We all know we are capable of grabbing an automatic spot still so why not get behind the lads and help them to achieve that. Stop picking out indiviual players and critisising them until your blue in the face. Stop getting on Wilson's back until the end of the season and as posted above at times like these true support is what is needed....

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Agree with you Southport Red.

Its easy for people to support a constantly winning team. It is now when the team need us most, when the nerves are beginning to jangle.

We have not suddenly turned into a bad team. One win is all thats needed to put promotion firmly back on track.

Thats why I am looking forward to tonight.

See you there.......

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Guest out of harms way

Couldn't agree more with these sentiments. I have to work in Manchester and the reaction i get when i say City fans aren't happy with Wilson is one of disbelief. We need perspective - we're doing ok - and right, sometimes we play poo, and we need someone to score more often - but keep the faith - make some noise (to borrow two such appropriate phrases) and we've every chance of going up.

By the way, the bloke who's done the yellow sub picture sinking the Gas priate ship is a genius. Well done mate.



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11 match run, top slot, followed by a 1 win in 5 slipping to third, highlighted by some ###### performances, and a run out from hell imminent.... all is well in happy clappy land then.... c'mon mate get real, its the current run which counts not a run which finished 5 matches ago, and most people, just now, dont see an immediate improvement imminent.

when they do all will be well in happy clappy land

But why do we need to judge the squad on the currant run ? Cant we support them on how they have played over the season? Surely it would make more sense to support them now and judge them at the end of the season ?

We could win the next two and its all back on again !!

I am as unhappy with the last couple of games but i have a clear enough mind to look back to other performaces this season and tell myself WE ARE GOOD ENOUGH, I dont agree with the Moaners for the simple reason that I went to Plymouth and saw us work so damn hard for three points.

I havent once said it has been great football in every game but we have been doing enough to get ourselves into third which no matter what some might say is a damn good position to be in.

I dont give a dot how well we play between now and the end of the season just as long as we get enough points to get us up.

We can play long ball for all I care as its results that matter at this stage, Last season we were the best footballing side in the divison along with Crewe but the ugly side won the league.

Not everyone has the ability to stay calm in situations like this but I will save my moaning for the end of the season if its all the same to the moaning brigade, Only then will you see/hear me slating the players.

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11 match run, top slot, followed by a 1 win in 5 slipping to third, highlighted by some ###### performances, and a run out from hell imminent.... all is well in happy clappy land then.... c'mon mate get real, its the current run which counts not a run which finished 5 matches ago, and most people, just now, dont see an immediate improvement imminent.

when they do all will be well in happy clappy land

BucksRed you have made my point!

9 games to go, 27 points to play for, two points off auto promotion spot (and we have to play them at home and they are also wobbly) and YOU HAVE THROWN IN THE TOWEL!

How can you judge the team on the last 5 games, they should be judged on the season, currewntly that means we're the third best team in the league, maybe we will do better than that, maybe we will do worse we'll see and then we should judge.

Why is it 'Happy Clappy' to make the observation that we should support the team more when things aren't going well? Anyone can support Arsenal at the moment and that's why Bristol City Centre (along with Swindon, Cardiff, Coventry etc. - BUT NOT SHEFFIELD) is full of Man Ure, Aresenal, Celtic shirts.

I support city, I support them when we're winning (when they probably don't need my help) and I stand up and be counted when they're losing because I am a supporter and that's what supporters do - THEY DO NOT GIVE UP FROM THIRD PLACE!

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Yep, we'll do that then:

#### poor before the run, as currently, and we were far from convincing during the run. 46 goals scored in the league season so far, I think says it all. We are not as good as last year, and the goal scoring problem, is the main reason we aint doing well, confidence sapped by a lack of goals, added to the mystifying decisions of DW. Yeah and we got the best defence in the Division, dont count for ###### if ya dont score.. fight our way to the top, and er... er....back down to 3rd. Watch the game Saturday did ya, or other recent ones? Most people say we aint played well at at all

So what exactly is different. The only game recently we havent performed poorly in is the Wednesday game where we lost in the last minute, literally. WE wernt going to win that one either. When we are poor we really are, and we've had some good luck in other games. See my post on highs and lows of the season, then come back and say we're still good enough to go up.

The mere fact of the desparate clutching of straws at Murray coming back indicates most people aint confident, and DW's lack of luck/interest delete as applicible in his hunt for loan players is another factor.

Yeah lets look at the whole season, overall...

Love to say we're good enough, but the facts would currently suggest otherwise..

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Yeah lets look at the whole season, overall...

Love to say we're good enough, but the facts would currently suggest otherwise..

The Facts suggest we're third best team in the league, which may well be good enough for promotion. If we could turn third best into second best then promotion would be guaranteed.

It is not happy clappy to suggest that posts and terrace shouts such as the ones you are making lower, not raise morale. We have played almost the same team all year, as you say they went from ##*p to table toppers and then back to ##*p again. What is the difference - morale and confidence. I'm sure it doesn't help either by reading & hearing that portion of the fan base have quit with 9 games to go.

I'm sure you are a real fan, that's why you feel so badly let down when our form crumbles but now is NOT the time to give in, moan like crazy in close season (I'll join you I promise, you may think I'm 'Happy clappy' but I'm not on recreational drugs, I see the world for what it is :@ ).

Now is the time for supporters to support and back the team, complaining might make you feel better but it won't help- plain and simple

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Guest keepthefaith
I'm getting tired of reading posts saying we are ####, promotion is lost,Wilson should go etc.

We are THIRD in the league

We are COMFORTABLY in the play-off spots

We could be in AUTOMATIC PROMOTION places again by the end of today

We have just come off a RECORD-BREAKING WIN-RUN

And becuase we have had a few very poor performances in recent times, some of you have given up!

I'm sorry but "Wilson must go"? "Promotion is lost"?


Really ironic that some of our supporters say the team bottles it and then they bottle it themselves.

You REALLY think second place is IMPOSSIBLE this year??

You REALLY think that if we get into the playoffs we aren't capable of winning TWO games in a row?

I know things have been bleak since the Sheff Weds game, but, so what?  It's the law of averages working it's way out (or do you think because we're Bristol City we should win every game?

I know I'll get slated for this but it makes me angry the number of people who have bottled out because we have lost a few games - get a grip!

IF we don't go up this year then, by all means slag me off, fire Danny, do whatever!

In the meantime, please support the team. WE DO NOT NEED QUITTERS AND BOTTLERS IN THE GRANDSTANDS, it just doesn't help!

Rant over, Ritalin & Diazepam please nurse!

It may have been a rant southport red but it was an educated one.

:Costumed89: :Costumed89: :Costumed89: :Costumed89: :Costumed89:


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Agree with you SR, i think the main reason everyone is giving up is because we do not seem to have what it takes over the past 5 or 6 seasons. I am one of the happy ones, "we still have to play everyone" brigade.

However the supporters see Danny making in many peoples eyes strange decisions, like Peacock up front, Tinnion on the left and Bell on the left, when we all think Goodfellow should start and Tinnion has now said he doesnt like playing there - this does not full the supporters with confidence.

To be honest, i think a lot of us are scared. Scared of another season of "nearly" and another season in division 2.

During our run, i would have no probs about the playoffs, but now - I'm not too sure...

Its our form now that I'm looking at, with QPR, Plymouth, Swindon and the possibility of playoffs coming up - i should be full of confidence, but I'm not. Can you honestly tell me you are?

On here, no doubt there will be moaners, in the workplace or in the pub too, but i am sure that 100% of us will be fully behind the team when it counts.

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Guest Red Shadow
In the meantime, please support the team. WE DO NOT NEED QUITTERS AND BOTTLERS IN THE GRANDSTANDS, it just doesn't help!

It's the quitters and bottlers on the pitch that get me annoyed. Year after year.
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Not by me, blooming excellent post.... beginning to think i was the only happy clappy person left on this forum  ;)
brilliant post SR and yes there are a few of us left ;) still trying to maintain a positive spin on things. Personally I'm looking forward to the last 9 games, its the best part of the season when you have everything left to play for ;):D
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Guest keepthefaith
It's the quitters and bottlers on the pitch that get me annoyed. Year after year.
ever heard the expression lead by example??????????????


Bravo Bobby well said old boy!!!!!!!!!


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brilliant post SR and yes there are a few of us left  ;) still trying to maintain a positive spin on things.  Personally I'm looking forward to the last 9 games, its the best part of the season when you have everything left to play for  ;)  ;)

Totally agree mate, Its what the game and supporting City is all about. Following this lot means you know its going to be up and down! :D

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Guest Red_Rat

People seem to forget that so far this season we are unbeaten against our fellow promotion chasers, and forthcoming opposition.

Plymouth (A) 1-0 to the City boys, only team to win their this season

QPR (A) 1-1

Swindon (H) 2-1

Brighton (A) 4-1 Got to be one of our best perfrmances of the season

Luton (H) 1-1

No good to be saying its all over now,our team thrives on the big games,we have big time players and they will show themselves in the next two crucial months.

We are going up!!

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- i should be full of confidence, but I'm not.  Can you honestly tell me you are?

I'm like you Lordofthebling, nowhere near as confident as I was just a few short weeks back, but 40 years of supporting City should have told me it CAN'T ever be easy with City.

I'm not confident no, I'm not happy no, but I'm not yet ready to surrender either, some posters on here have given up already and THAT is what I cannot understand.

I'm sure we'll all laugh about this someday ;)

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Saab driver is still here happily clappin ;)

I reckon,boyz and girls,what it is, you either see that glass half full.......

We're all fans,just do it in different ways ;)

Saab has died,after just spendin a grand on it to sell..am now "bike rider" ;)

STILL positive and i dont care...c'mon city!!!!

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Guest bemmyred

Well done bucksred, the only realistic reply on this posting.

As with last season our winning run only allowed us back into the frame with the top teams, and as with last season once up there they've proved they can't take the pressure.

Not one of our home matches has proved to me yet that we have what it takes to be a successful promotion side!!

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Well done bucksred, the only realistic reply on this posting.

Can't resist it can you? Someone starts a thread on being up for the rest of the season and trying to be positive and SUPPORT your team when things are rough,and you and wotsit have to dump your bitterness on it ;)

there's plenty of threads about how #### we are etc etc( you're-"the road to disaster"being a fine example).I'm sure they could use your....thoughts. ;)

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Guest bemmyred
Not even the 5-0 mauling of notts county, opening day of the season?
Against a team who didnt know if they'd be existance until just before the game, and a keeper who was so fat he'd be an embarrassment to the Downs League !!

So you were one of the mugs taken in by it after just one game.

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win to night, go back in to second, what will the reaction be tomorrow? wilson is a legend! Were going up! have to wait and see!
46 goals scored all season suggest otherwise.

Wilson is a legend all right, his ###### daft substitutions, AND starts for his team, will live long after he gets the flick!! :D Four years he's been trying, four years!! And he still aint found his ideal team!! ;)

One other point: A lot of you think, To be a REAL supporter you gotta be a happy clappy, all is well in Wilsons Blunderland. I dont think so, if we're playing #### we're playing ####, and no amount of spin can make it otherwise. I support Bristol City, not the underperforming current team. I'll be here as a Cider-Red long after this lot have sodded off somewhere else their talent gets them. A lot of the happys wont be here either, I'll bet. Dont patronise those of us who dont share your view of the world ;) I'm (and the other cynics/gloomys, or whatever we are this week, whatever, yawn :Sleep12: )no less a supporter than you lot

We are under performing this season top or not, the players have bottled it on at least two-three occasions, and with the fact they are running out of games to get promoted will get to em, and they will bottle at least one more game, none of which they can afford to. :D

I cannot beleive this team has managed to get itself to the top and then collapsed again, the previous three years havent made them stronger. I hope I'm wrong, but er I dont think its going to happen this year. ;)

I have witnessed my worst ever City performance this season, not in our Div 1 experience or other seasons, this one!! :@ I dxont wanna ever see another one like it!! :@

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It's the quitters and bottlers on the pitch that get me annoyed. Year after year.
I think the fans quit and their bottle went before the teams. Don't forget people started writing us off in December before we went on the 11 game run.

Funny thing is that the ones who made the most noise about breaking records are also the ones doing the most moaning now.

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One other point: A lot of you think, To be a REAL supporter you gotta be a happy clappy, all is well in Wilsons Blunderland. I dont think so, if we're playing #### we're playing ####, and no amount of spin can make it otherwise. I support Bristol City, not the underperforming current team. I'll be here as a Cider-Red long after this lot have sodded off somewhere else their talent gets them. A lot of the happys wont be here either, I'll bet. Dont patronise those of us who dont share your view of the world ;) I'm (and the other cynics/gloomys, or whatever we are this week, whatever, yawn :Sleep12: )no less a supporter than you lot

We are under performing this season top or not, the players have bottled it on at least two-three occasions, and with the fact they are running out of games to get promoted will get to em, and they will bottle at least one more game, none of which they can afford to. ;)

Do you actually read anyone else's posts?

I have said THREE times on this thread that it is not happy clappy to concede the title yet.

Why have you given up - because of the past? The past is not the future. Why does surrendering now make any sense? What is the point in saying 'we're doomed' 'we're ####', 'we're never going up'? Seriously, what is the point of that? What aim does it schieve, is it so you won't feel as hurt if we Do fail again (because if it is, that won't work either)

You are clearly a very passionate City fan, if you weren't you wouldn't be so angry now. Noone is questioning your commitment to the club or your loyalty, the love you have for City is quite clear in your posts (otherwise you wouldn't care whether we get promoted or relegated) but why do you think it helps to surrender with 9 games to go, I just don't understand.

Why do you assume that the rest of us are simple-minded morons who are easily satisfied simply because we haven't followed your lead and surrendered yet.

You might well be right, maybe we WILL blow promotion again, maybe we WILL still be in this division next year (god I hope not) but how does it help if you give up with a fifth of the season still to go and us in third place. Please explain because this negativity is spreading throughout the fans, may well spread out onto the pitch and doesn't take us forward at all - BTW it WON'T make it easier for you to bear if, at season's end you are proven correct, it will still hurt just as much.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Wait a minute, are you lot trying to say i can't be disappointed that city have only picked up 4 points from the last 5 games, and all of these teams being in the bottom half, one of them bottom and another in the relegation zone.

Come on I'm bound to be disappointed, after the last few season of seeing the team i love do so well and then lose it right at the last minute, and i just don't want to see it again. If any of you can say from the last 5 games possibly more that we look more like a top 2 team than a team bottling it again then you are obviously living on adifferent planet.

If we win today no i wouldn't be coming on hereb singing Dany's praises, however if we play well in the next few games and look like a team that should get promoted then i will once again come on here and praise wilson and the team.

You can't say we were good so we will do it, what matters is how you are doing in recent times, and recent times, to me, show that we are going to bottle it, if to you think its wrong for me to think this so be it, but personally i think i have valid grounds to be disappointed and expect the worst.

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What i don't get is that people seem to think that what is said on here translates to what happens come 3pm on a saturday, or 7.45 on a teusday wednesday or whatever. People don't accept that they are two seperate entities. What ever people say on here i bet the vast majority will be singing their hearts out when saturday comes.

I have been less than positive on here since saturday, but i was still there singing even when we were 2-0 down and i was so unbelievably ###### off about the fact that we were playing like a bunch of muppets who couldn't care less.

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Do you actually read anyone else's posts?

I have said THREE times on this thread that it is not happy clappy to concede the title yet.

Why have you given up - because of the past?  The past is not the future.  Why does surrendering now make any sense?  What is the point in saying 'we're doomed' 'we're ####', 'we're never going up'?  Seriously, what is the point of that?  What aim does it schieve, is it so you won't feel as hurt if we Do fail again (because if it is, that won't work either)

You are clearly a very passionate City fan, if you weren't you wouldn't be so angry now.  Noone is questioning your commitment to the club or your loyalty, the love you have for City is quite clear in your posts (otherwise you wouldn't care whether we get promoted or relegated) but why do you think it helps to surrender with 9 games to go, I just don't understand.

Why do you assume that the rest of us are simple-minded morons who are easily satisfied simply because we haven't followed your lead and surrendered yet.

You might well be right, maybe we WILL blow promotion again, maybe we WILL still be in this division next year (god I hope not) but how does it help if you give up with a fifth of the season still to go and us in third place.  Please explain because this negativity is spreading throughout the fans, may well spread out onto the pitch and doesn't take us forward at all - BTW it WON'T make it easier for you to bear if, at season's end you are proven correct, it will still hurt just as much.

I can assure you it aint going to give me any pleasure if we blow it, just rage at that bloody manager of ours blowing it again. I aint going to be on this forum saying told you so, it'll be on the Steve/Colin one demanding Wilsons head on a plate!! In a queue though mind you!!

IF we perform well tonite, then your comments will be valid, but I also said this runs like this are extremely hard to get out of, especially with the important games coming up, and the dwindling number of games. THATs my fear, and only a fresh face or two will help break this cycle. And Spud, we all will be cheering our daft heads of from 1945 tonite, cos we all want out of here, but GOD its bloody frustrating this season, the worst I can remember for a good few years!!!

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And becuase we have had a few very poor performances in recent times, some of you have given up!

I'm sorry but "Wilson must go"? "Promotion is lost"?


Really ironic that some of our supporters say the team bottles it and then they bottle it themselves.

You REALLY think second place is IMPOSSIBLE this year??

You REALLY think that if we get into the playoffs we aren't capable of winning TWO games in a row?

I know things have been bleak since the Sheff Weds game, but, so what?  It's the law of averages working it's way out (or do you think because we're Bristol City we should win every game?

I know I'll get slated for this but it makes me angry the number of people who have bottled out because we have lost a few games - get a grip!

I'm getting tired of reading posts saying we are ####, promotion is lost,Wilson should go etc.

Well stop reading them, then.

We are THIRD in the league

We were top

We are COMFORTABLY in the play-off spots

For Now

We have just come off a RECORD-BREAKING WIN-RUN

Ah, now that's where you are very wrong:

Our current form is



Now that, is very, very ####

And becuase we have had a few very poor performances in recent times, some of you have given up!

It's the team giving up, that concerns me.Don't blame the fans.

I'm sorry but "Wilson must go"? "Promotion is lost"?

See, you're agreeing now ;)

You REALLY think second place is IMPOSSIBLE this year??


You REALLY think that if we get into the playoffs we aren't capable of winning TWO games in a row?

Well, it depends, who against and on injuries etc but we could

I know things have been bleak since the Sheff Weds game, but, so what? It's the law of averages working it's way out (or do you think because we're Bristol City we should win every game?

I assure you that after 38 years of following City, I do not expect to win every game. ;)

IF we don't go up this year then, by all means slag me off, fire Danny, do whatever!

So, you'll give him that long then.Real faith ;)

In the meantime, please support the team. WE DO NOT NEED QUITTERS AND BOTTLERS IN THE GRANDSTANDS, it just doesn't help!

Even your mate DW praised the fans on Saturday, so you're incorrect there.

Don't blame the paying customer for criticising.Blame the overpaid, over rated manager for failing to spot what lots of us pointed out months ago.

Four days to the deadline we "step up our search for a player :@

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Thing is Citygal, it's not even Happy-clappy.  Moaning at this stage just helps to ENSURE failure, we should support the team BECAUSE performances are poor, that's when we're needed.  If we are only going to support during the winnig streaks and then run for cover when results are bad we should join the other 85% of people in Bristol who support Arsenal/Man U etc.

Support the team BECAUSE things are not going to plan - that's when supporters come into their own

85% :dunno:

Don't talk daft.

Do you actually go to the games?

I don't think so or clappy, happy you wouldn't be.

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85% :dunno:

Don't talk daft.

Do you actually go to the games?

I don't think so or clappy, happy you wouldn't be.

So again your questioning if people even go to games because they actually dont agree with your views, Get your head out of your backside and just accept that not everyone has such a grey outlook on life as you.

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Agree with you Southport Red.

Its easy for people to support a constantly winning team. It is now when the team need us most, when the nerves are beginning to jangle.

We have not suddenly turned into a bad team. One win is all thats needed to put promotion firmly back on track.

Thats why I am looking forward to tonight.

See you there.......

I too look forward to every game. :dunno:

But who is saying that some of the so called 'critics' don't support the team less when they are not winning - sorry but this is total 'tosh' :@

Yep, when the wins come thick & fast, we all delight. But like in all walks of life we need to be winners. If the blips set in we need to know why we aren't performing as good as we should & apart from a few very negative posts, this forum is the right place to air our views as to why things have gone a little pear shaped.

Like us all, I want the best out of BCFC, & if it takes the odd moan when things go a little astray then its good to get it sorted.

Dosn't mean that these so called 'moaners' are not behind the team, in fact I reckon it could be because they could care more & want the ultimate success for this great club. :dunno:

The club continues to get the full backing of the supporters, but I challenge any support to say that they don't have a moan & groan when things are a little off course. It just so happens that a forum is a good place to discuss just these issues.

As for becoming a bad team over night? Well IMHO, I don't think we have been world beaters even during our 11 match unbeaten run & the recent few games have showed what happens when the luck runs dry & we can't grind out those results.

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Of COURSE you're entitled to moan! :@

The point of the original post was to question why some fans have actually given up the ghost with 9 games to go, that's quite a different thing.

Moan by all means, in my time as a City fan I have become convinced it's something we're really good at (all the practice the team have given us down the years) but we should not surrender when autom promotion is still so close to our grasp and when playoff look a near certainty.

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It's not life mate, it's City and it's not grey, it's realistic.

My point, that you have missed, is that many a forum member who HAS argued about players, DW and their ability, turned out to be cyber warriors who hadn't been near the place for years....and yes, you can't accurately asses a game you don't see.

Get Real, Get a Grip and take off your Rose Tinted Specs.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again - one of the major reasons of perennial failure at BCFC is the fans who are stuck in a "1970's top flight" time warp, who still think we are better than Arsenal.

We've got no divine right to be anywhere, and the continuing negativity amongst a sad section of our support who seem to take joy in being proved right when things go wrong, WILL ensure that City will go nowhere fast.

Same is/has happened at the gas. Every decision made there these days is "one for the fans" like the appointment of Francis, Graydon etc... They build themselves up, think they're something they're not and fall flat on their arses.

Hope something similar doesn't happen at City.

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ever heard the expression lead by example??????????????

:dunno:  :dunno:  :D

Bravo Bobby well said old boy!!!!!!!!!

:(  :wacko:  :D

Lead by example, well I don't ever recall seeing the fans win a match or winning promotion, but I would like to be proved wrong.
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It's not life mate, it's City and it's not grey, it's realistic.

My point, that you have missed, is that many a forum member who HAS argued about players, DW and their ability, turned out to be cyber warriors who hadn't been near the place for years....and yes, you can't accurately asses a game you don't see.

Get Real, Get a Grip and take off your Rose Tinted Specs.

Well first off I'm not your mate, Half an hour around you would have me reaching for the razor blades.

My point you decided to ignore is that I dont think you have the right to question if someone goes to games because they dont agree with you.

You post repeated comments about the same things, I actually agree with SOME of the points you make but others are complete rubbish Deja Vu


Just because someone doesnt agree with you it doesnt mean you have the right to put them into different brackets......Happy Clappy, Rose Tinted specs and all the other complete rubbish you spout when someone doesnt agree with you.

Oh and to be even handed......Something I agree with you about !

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I'm getting tired of reading posts saying we are ####, promotion is lost,Wilson should go etc.

We are THIRD in the league

We are COMFORTABLY in the play-off spots

We could be in AUTOMATIC PROMOTION places again by the end of today

We have just come off a RECORD-BREAKING WIN-RUN

And becuase we have had a few very poor performances in recent times, some of you have given up!

I'm sorry but "Wilson must go"? "Promotion is lost"?


Really ironic that some of our supporters say the team bottles it and then they bottle it themselves.

You REALLY think second place is IMPOSSIBLE this year??

You REALLY think that if we get into the playoffs we aren't capable of winning TWO games in a row?

I know things have been bleak since the Sheff Weds game, but, so what?  It's the law of averages working it's way out (or do you think because we're Bristol City we should win every game?

I know I'll get slated for this but it makes me angry the number of people who have bottled out because we have lost a few games - get a grip!

IF we don't go up this year then, by all means slag me off, fire Danny, do whatever!

In the meantime, please support the team. WE DO NOT NEED QUITTERS AND BOTTLERS IN THE GRANDSTANDS, it just doesn't help!

Rant over, Ritalin & Diazepam please nurse!

TOP POST MATE :dunno: . I said much the same a couple of weeks ago. Sick and tired of posters who just spread doom, lets all get more positive and get behind OUR team. There ARE some people on the forum who seem to want us to fail. :dunno: If the players read a lot of the doom and gloom on here i dont think they would be exactly confident, infact i do wonder if the fans negative thoughts actually get to them. :D
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Guest Georgeformbygrill
I'm getting tired of reading posts saying we are ####, promotion is lost,Wilson should go etc.

We are THIRD in the league

We are COMFORTABLY in the play-off spots

We could be in AUTOMATIC PROMOTION places again by the end of today

We have just come off a RECORD-BREAKING WIN-RUN

And becuase we have had a few very poor performances in recent times, some of you have given up!

I'm sorry but "Wilson must go"? "Promotion is lost"?


Really ironic that some of our supporters say the team bottles it and then they bottle it themselves.

You REALLY think second place is IMPOSSIBLE this year??

You REALLY think that if we get into the playoffs we aren't capable of winning TWO games in a row?

I know things have been bleak since the Sheff Weds game, but, so what?  It's the law of averages working it's way out (or do you think because we're Bristol City we should win every game?

I know I'll get slated for this but it makes me angry the number of people who have bottled out because we have lost a few games - get a grip!

IF we don't go up this year then, by all means slag me off, fire Danny, do whatever!

In the meantime, please support the team. WE DO NOT NEED QUITTERS AND BOTTLERS IN THE GRANDSTANDS, it just doesn't help!

Rant over, Ritalin & Diazepam please nurse!

Totally agree with you southport red! fare enough we're all annoyed but it's getting boring hearing the same thing said over and over,Wilson out,we're not going up.:Sleep12: If we win tonight then the team we'll gain confidents and we can put the oldham result behind us!
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Some people (myself included) think we are going to go up.

Some people think we aren't going to go up.

At the end of the day, everyone on this forum ( the jury's still out on mr weqpr although I personally feel he's wavering !) wants us to go up, whether they thingk this will happen or not.

The people who post the most negative posts are among those who care the most about the club, even though some of the posts drive me nuts I can see that !

People who post the most positive stuff are also among the deepest fans of Bristol City. Its just that the two sides express themselves in different ways.

Could I suggest that we're getting extremely worked up about this and the arguments are developing into the unreasonable ...

.. which is fine by me. Football is about opinions passionately held, and let nobody shy away from saying whatever they feel on the forum. You have to get things off your chest somewhere.

Off for a lie down now, tired but happy clappy!

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There ARE some people on the forum who seem to want us to fail. :dunno:

What a load of utter ######! :dunno:

  If the players read a lot of the doom and gloom on here i dont think they would be exactly confident, infact i do wonder if the fans negative thoughts actually get to them. :D

The fans have a right to express there feelings/ good or bad. The players performance currently is atrocious, hence lots of really narked off people, a couple of wins and some passion shown might get the fans back on side, we have just got 4 points off the worst of the division in the last 5 games and have just handed back top spot to Plymouth without any sign of a fight put up, and to make matters worse we have the fixtures from hell coming up, WOW that fills me with confidence.

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It's not life mate, it's City and it's not grey, it's realistic.

My point, that you have missed, is that many a forum member who HAS argued about players, DW and their ability, turned out to be cyber warriors who hadn't been near the place for years....and yes, you can't accurately asses a game you don't see.

Get Real, Get a Grip and take off your Rose Tinted Specs.

Yeah , and i can remember you last season saying that you werent going to bother going to anymore games for a while. That was when a few results went against us. Easy to give up isnt it :dunno::dunno: .
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What a load of utter ######!  :dunno:

The fans have a right to express there feelings/ good or bad. The players performance currently is atrocious, hence lots of really narked off people, a couple of wins and some passion shown might get the fans back on side, we have just got 4 points off the worst of the division in the last 5 games and have just handed back top spot to Plymouth without any sign of a fight put up, and to make matters worse we have the fixtures from hell coming up, WOW that fills me with confidence.

Bit of support and passion might give the team a bit of confidence !! :dunno: :. You havent got any confidence in the team, DID YOU WHEN WE WON 11 IN A ROW ???? :Sleep12: :Sleep12:
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Stop living in the past, we have been on a right shitter of a run since then against #### sides.
Living in the past mate ? Living in the past was being down the Gate with 4000 other loyal supporters when we were 92nd in the league. You dont know how good it is NOW. :@
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