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City "top Of The Shots" In Div One

Rudolf Hucker

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Looking at the statistics collated on the Football League website, I was a little surprised to learn that BCFC have had more attempts at goal than any other team in the division this season while Forest are w-a-y down this table. Even Orient are higher in this table than Forest. Click for Stats. I guess it serves to prove what we all know - that with a pair of fit, quality strikers we would already be promoted. Clearly we've been making chances just not taking them.

We've contrived to hit the woodwork no fewer that 26 times in the league this season. I just hope that the goalframe doesn't get in the way of one of our goal-bound efforts this weekend!

Other interesting snippets from this site show that Basso has played more league and cup games (54) than any other player in the division this term and that McCombe is third in the table of "ill discipline" (although quite how they work that out I haven't yet managed to derive from the stats.

I know that it's inconsequential and meaningless data which just serves to support the view that there are "Lies, damn lies and statistics". But it's intriguing nonetheless!

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Guest bernie from barrow gurney

ooh I love stats like this.

someone, I am busy at work right now but please will you add up all the shots, to give one big number ("A") and then take our Goals For ("B") then divide "B" by "A" to work out our "strike success" rate; THEN compare to other teams - that would give us a truer reflection on the success of our strikers.

If would be great if you could do it for each player - but I think you need a subscription to OPTA to find that out but I would love to know how we do against others. Would need to be for at least 30 shots per player or they wouldnt be accurate (i.e. Craig Woodman 1 goal from one shot etc = 100%)

In our case, though the numbers would be 60 (goals scored) divided by 687 (shots, on target, off target and against the post) = 8.67% or 1 goal for every 12 shots of any kind. Or also you could present that over 80% of on target shots are saved. ( 1 - ("goals for" / "on target shots") )

You could do the same for our defence if you could get a count of shots against, compared to goals against.

Also despite our moaning both Jevons and Brooker both have a goals to games ratio of 0.31 which is pretty good - although nothing compared to 62% of a certain B Sharp...


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Looking at the statistics collated on the Football League website, I was a little surprised to learn that BCFC have had more attempts at goal than any other team in the division this season while Forest are w-a-y down this table. Even Orient are higher in this table than Forest. Click for Stats. I guess it serves to prove what we all know - that with a pair of fit, quality strikers we would already be promoted. Clearly we've been making chances just not taking them.

We've contrived to hit the woodwork no fewer that 26 times in the league this season. I just hope that the goalframe doesn't get in the way of one of our goal-bound efforts this weekend!

Other interesting snippets from this site show that Basso has played more league and cup games (54) than any other player in the division this term and that McCombe is third in the table of "ill discipline" (although quite how they work that out I haven't yet managed to derive from the stats.

I know that it's inconsequential and meaningless data which just serves to support the view that there are "Lies, damn lies and statistics". But it's intriguing nonetheless!

Yeovil are bottom of the shots count so they must have some pretty accurate strikers, maybe we should think of signing one of them, with one possible exception of course.

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  • Admin
Shame it doesn't have figures for

HRZ, HCF or HCP...

..........that's Hit Row Z, Hit Corner Flag and Hit Car Park!


HCP? I thought that was more commonly referred to in statistical circles as CTS (Cleared the Stand)? :D

I'd also be interested in some WFT stats (Went for Throw-in)

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haha we havnt had a shot off target in the cup you having a laugh right

No joke. There has not been a single shot off target in cup competitions by a League One side (although some have hit the woodwork). Being the Official Website of the Football League, there is no way the figures can be brought into question.

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