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Coaches Weren't Lost - Says Colin Sexstone In The Ep


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Anyway lets get on with getting behind the team now and getting out of this division u redssssssssss :fingerscrossed:

Everyone is.

The issues are different and unconnected.

As supporters we are paying customers and need to be treated as such.

Problems are encountered with all suppliers.What separates the good and bad is equity and fairness in reaction.

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:nono: £10 refund and £16-£18 when you next use the cats.

who in there right mind will ever use the cats again.

the whole day was a farce from start to finish.

best get billy smarts coaches and drivers next time,oooh sorry we did have have billy smarts drivers,

they wer a bunch of clowns.

as for colin sextone :liar: .oh well this post would be deleted if i went on

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As did other coaches which didn't make it by 3pm.
I'm guessing they either tried t to make it to the rendezvous point for the escort and got lost or just got lost altogether.

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What about the people that were on coach 11 was it that didn't even make it there? Surely they should get a full refund for both the Coach ticket and match ticket.

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What about the people that were on coach 11 was it that didn't even make it there? Surely they should get a full refund for both the Coach ticket and match ticket.

What about the team that missed out on all that support? Surely BCFC should get a refund of the three points?

Have you not realized that Nottingham has a large Polish community?

I'll try again; c**k up or conspiracy?


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What about the people that were on coach 11 was it that didn't even make it there? Surely they should get a full refund for both the Coach ticket and match ticket.

Dan C. There was a coach 11 in the secure pen at the game. As far as I know the last coach was (unfortunately) coach 8 which was the only one outside the secure pen.

Oh yes, the 3 journeys up the same road and the driver buying an A-Z. Of course we weren't lost!!! Yeah, right!

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A shocking day for CATS kind and I for one despite it's previously appreciated cheap and reliable service won't be gambling on their boring service again.

I made that decision at about 15:15 on 28/4/07.

I'll take my tenner but surely compensation should mean just that, not a cheap pay off offered by an arrogant big-wig who seems to have no sensitivety what-so-ever to the exploited common man.

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Guest Proper Job

I was on coach 8 and there was no doubt about it, our driver was completely and utterly lost.

As for the compensation being offered. Fair enough for the people who missed the first 5-10 mins (its still not good enough but you got to see a majority of the game) But our coach (driven by the driver who introduced himself over the bus speaker as Turbo hahaha) turned up at 3.59. I want at least half my match ticket refunded as i missed half the match, and a full refund of my coach ticket as i did not get the service i paid for. I don't want vouchers either as i don't intend to use CATS again ever!

I actually got to Carlisle and back in less journey time!

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Guest Blue Lion
A shocking day for CATS kind and I for one despite it's previously appreciated cheap and reliable service won't be gambling on their boring service again.

I made that decision at about 15:15 on 28/4/07.

I'll take my tenner but surely compensation should mean just that, not a cheap pay off offered by an arrogant big-wig who seems to have no sensitivety what-so-ever to the exploited common man.

You not only look like Lennon you sound like him as well!

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Thank fk I never have to use official coaches to get to games, but I will say this:

Sexton is a smug patronising individual at best. No WAY should coaches from Brizz leaving at 930 ish fail to get to Millwall BEFORE kick off, in the weather we're having now. I only take just over two hours to get home after a match at Brizz...Add 2 hours tops to get to London. A monumental fk up there...no doubt whatsover. add that to the "experience those who went by Train/car/mountain goat to London and sardined around before and after the game

why talk to an anti City rag like the Evil Post. speak to everyone else first, specially the fans

I would have thought CATS would have a list of vetted companies/drivers for big event/turn outs like this? Pray off finals/LDV's possible from BOTH Brizz teams-and its all at Wembley now Christ KNOWS how they'd manage the roadworks all round W London!.

Thought they would have routes worked out in advance and handed out to someone on the individual coaches.

Thought police liason from Briz would travel up, with at least some of this many coaches.

Thought vehicles specially on this trip would be in convoy, and good comms between them

Someone didnt do their bloody job properly and should get a right royal bollocking for it.

Thought the driver changes would have been organised properly.

Yet another PR coup for BCFC...how to REALLY impress your loyal fans

RedTop, quick question for ya: Have other clubs had similar experiences going to the New Den? Also how come the Sun didnt mention this in the report, or at least in Goals Extra? They normally pick up dead quick on stories like this one. This one would have been a great one for them to get their teeth into...

anyways channell this lot into support for the lads Saturday, and maybe the promised land will beckon loudly for us!

you Redz!

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You not only look like Lennon you sound like him as well!

Akin to our very own East End; so long as there is life, John Lennon lives.

He was a very great man.

:laugh: Not that I really need to inform you but that ain't actually my own mugshot in the avator.

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Guest Bawno

In response to what Colin Sextone said in the Post he is utterly wrong!

Our coach got lost around 3 times and had to do a u-turn in the middle of a busy main road which was a joke!

Our driver spoke no English and we had to get off and ask the locals for directions ourselfs (well, the steward did).

It disgusts me that Sextone is making such allegations as the coaches basically mucked up majorly and all the fans get is roughly a tenner back.

Not good enough.

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Will wonders never cease!

Again I cannot understand why CS would have spoken to the EP before the club had officially investigated, and as the official club website article now states that the problems were partly down to inexperienced drivers I doubt their "Colin Sexton says" story even more.

I've just spoken to Kirsty Pugh, the Evening Post journalist who wrote the article.

Kirsty confirmed that she spoke with Colin at around 5.00 pm on Sunday, April 29th and validated his quote:

"I understand that there was an accident on the M4 which held up the coaches.

"They did not get lost. Peter Carol has moved Bristol City supporters around the country for more than 15 years and they have been to Millwall many times.

"Some fans missed as much as 30 minutes of the game, but the coach drivers had to follow police instructions."

She added that before Colin made this statement, he mentioned that he didn't have the full details.

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I've just spoken to Kirsty Pugh, the Evening Post journalist who wrote the article.

Kirsty confirmed that she spoke with Colin at around 5.00 pm on Sunday, April 29th and validated his quote:

"I understand that there was an accident on the M4 which held up the coaches.

"They did not get lost. Peter Carol has moved Bristol City supporters around the country for more than 15 years and they have been to Millwall many times.

"Some fans missed as much as 30 minutes of the game, but the coach drivers had to follow police instructions."

She added that before Colin made this statement, he mentioned that he didn't have the full details.

Which shows up two things:

1. CS SHOULD have been aware by 2.30pm on Saturday of the problems (and have been asking the ref / police to delay the kick-off), let alone by 5pm on Sunday... by which time he should have gathered together a pretty clear picture of events for himself.

2. He does not engage brain before speaking to the press. He should have realised that a statement like 'They did not get lost' would be sure to infuriate fans on coaches that actually did get lost (which he could not possibly rule out at that stage, if - as he admitted - he did not have the full details). It was just typical CS bluster that was almost bound to come back and bite him in the bum!

Had he cared about the fans on the CATS coaches, he would have looked into events over the weekend and been able to give the EP journalist a quote from a position of knowledge. As he clearly does not care for the average fan and hadn't done his homework, he should have made a non-commital comment. Had he done that and then made the apology and refund offer that he did on Monday, the situation would now be a lot calmer ... by making his ill-advised comment on Sunday, he merely made matters worse. The man needs some PR coaching!

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Which shows up two things:

1. CS SHOULD have been aware by 2.30pm on Saturday of the problems (and have been asking the ref / police to delay the kick-off), let alone by 5pm on Sunday... by which time he should have gathered together a pretty clear picture of events for himself.

2. He does not engage brain before speaking to the press. He should have realised that a statement like 'They did not get lost' would be sure to infuriate fans on coaches that actually did get lost (which he could not possibly rule out at that stage, if - as he admitted - he did not have the full details). It was just typical CS bluster that was almost bound to come back and bite him in the bum!

Had he cared about the fans on the CATS coaches, he would have looked into events over the weekend and been able to give the EP journalist a quote from a position of knowledge. As he clearly does not care for the average fan and hadn't done his homework, he should have made a non-commital comment. Had he done that and then made the apology and refund offer that he did on Monday, the situation would now be a lot calmer ... by making his ill-advised comment on Sunday, he merely made matters worse. The man needs some PR coaching!

Well said

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PR has never been CS's strong point, we have moaned for years on here about the clubs poor PR.

One thing no spokesman for any organisation would dream of doing is offering a quote without knowing the facts. The fact that CS did so and admitted he wasn't aware of all the facts tells its own story.

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Seems to me that the club have handled it very well. They basically confirm that it was "inexperienced drivers" and the fact that the police were involved, which seems at odds with what the Evening Post printed.

It seems to me that the response, whilst swift, is more of an off the shelf, knee jerk solution whilst demonstrably not 100% clear of all of the facts and I wouldn't have expected anyone to be so soon after a complicated failure

I think the fact that they've acted swiftly and managed to get compensation in place within three hours of the start of the working week, and been frank about the reasons for the c**k-up, deserves some credit.

I think it proves that the Coach Company put their hands up and came up with a plausible explanation which was taken at face value as opposed to investigated fully to formulate a proper claim against an underperforming supplier

As they say, CATS travel has usually been very good and hopefully this is a blip.

Whilst true, that fact is not relevant to this situation and is along the same lines as a Restaurant poisoning you and then pointing out that they haven't done it before.It indicates previous standards of service, not the most recent level to which those dissatisfied are referring.

I also hope the club have:

a/ Let rip at the coach company and the police.

Whilst venting one's spleen at those rsponsible may give a brief moment of satisfaction, it doesn't get 1,000 people properly compensated whilst FULL reimbursement does.It also serves notice on the supplier that poor performance won't be tolerated irrespective of any cosy relationship that may exist.

b/ Learned any lessons that need to be learned about someone at the club keeping close control of the convoy, if this wasn't happening before.

If the coach company undertake to carry out the contract and are deemed a professional supplier, capable of that duty, then the club should do no more than order the coaches in necessary number, check method & risk assements and supply the stewards.

But credit where it's due for a swift response which, as Megansdad says, is fair and measured.

Swift yes, fair, no, measured, what against?

As the club says, now we ALL have to devote our attention to Saturday.

And to paraphrase a famous lady "Well the club would say that, wouldn't they" The two issues are entirely separate

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