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Where Have All The Extra Fans Come From?


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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

i see what u r saying, but 19,000 people probably can't make it to every match due to money / family commitments / travel etc,

example - one week, person A will go to a match, and the next home match, they wont but people B & C who couldn't go to the first match will attend this one. see what i'm saying??

This week, just happens to be an important week, so more city fans will put this game above any other plans. WHat p155es me off most is when we go to Cardiff / Wembley and 35,000 city fans come out of nowhere.

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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

And you are right to ask. I have been thinknig the exact same thing since the Forest game!

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Guest wurzel920

Well I for 1 can't make every game as I live in Glasgow and have family commitments so I have to pick and choose my games and this happens to be one of them.

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Where have you all been?

Seeing as I started a 'ticket' thread, I best at least reply to this.

Following many years (I'm 30 BTW!) supporting city with a season ticket, the fiasco against Brighton at the Mel stadium when Mr Lita was left out of the side, persuaded me not to bother again until things picked up. It was at the FA Cup that year (away at Brentford on a cold damp night) that started me thinking if it was really worth it with the shambolic displays, but sitting in the Mel stadium dejected finally convinced me not to renew my season ticket. So I have been a silent supporter for the past few seasons simply tuning into the radio at home every week and visiting the odd home game if I was free.

Working for Mr Lansdown himself (I sit not 20ft away from his desk!) has of course kept my interest going, and a change of circumstances this weekend (I was due to be in Kent), means I can possibly see my team get their well deserved promotion, if I can get a ticket.

Hope that's ok? ;):)

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Guest TonyD

I see what you're saying and agree completely.

I would have had a ticket weeks ago but I play on Saturdays and it wasn't until this Sunday that our game had to re-arranged to Tuesday 8th May for various reasons (pitch unvailable, opposition players playing cricket now!).

I then had a chance to watch City by which time all the tickets had sold out and I failed to get one of the 300 extra ones on sale Tuesday - hence the begging now!

I've supported City since 1986 and go to the home mid-week games and occasional away games. When I stop playing football (not long now - my age and I have a baby on the way!) I will be down the Gate every home game as I was when I was younger.

There are a lot of fair weather supporters though, so I completely understand what you are saying.

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I'm not questioning anyone who has other commitments, family, financial or distance related. Just wondering if people who want the tickets now have seen us play this season? Are they city fans or just coming to keep mates company? And what can be done to encourage them to come again, if anything?

I really hope any City fan who wants to be there, can be there, and is able to get a ticket.

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Can't you ask your boss for a ticket ?

HAHAHAHAHA, I wish! He hasn't got himself in the position he has today by giving things away! There are a couple of hardcore supporters here at HL (home and away without fail!), and even they have to pay for tickets, no discounts & no concessions!


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The Saturday local football season accounts for a lot of our support I'm guessing. Their season is all but over now and only the odd games since beginning of April.

Spot on! The Southwest actually has the largest number of amateur players in the country!

I know of a few people that would normally play on a Saturday but their season is now over.

Were also looking at the biggest game since probably 1998 so people will be travelling from all over the country wanting to be a part of it.

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Working for Mr Lansdown himself (I sit not 20ft away from his desk!)

Oooh! What's he like as a boss? Does he buy a round on company nights out? Does he talk about his football interests, or keep them entirely seperate? Is he in a bad mood if City lose?

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There is a simple answer to this..........and several complicated ones.

People follow success and that's more true in 2007 than it's ever been as is the fact that there are more alternatives for our "leisure pound" including more football of far better quality on TV, that is far cheaper.

I know people that:

  • Walked after The Millenium.
  • Walked after we got relegated last time.
  • Got fed up with League One Football............aren't we all.

I don't feel that, even given our lofty postn, we're playing entertaining football this season.There is the odd game (Yeovil home-Oldham away) where we've been excellent but when you offset that against games like Huddfld, Carlisle & Cheltenham home & Gillingham away, you can see the point.

For me, this season has proved that, whilst very important, winning isn't everything to an awful lot of people.Three old fans of City who stopped going when we lost at The Millenium, came back for The JPT games against the Gas.They vowed never to return and won't be there Saturday, preferring to play Golf and they were diehards who went home and away for twenty years.

I hope & think we will do it Saturday and anyone that thinks we have fans who don't want success in deluded.

The club have a long way to go in attracting crowd like the ones I was proud to stand in years ago.In some cases they were almost double the 19,500 SL has spoken of today-That shows what is still possible.

Part of that is making the fans feel wanted.There can be no disconnect and fans will want to see investment in players & facilities and I think and hope that SL will allow that.

Get that right and, given the fact that away support is far higher in The Championship and our own optimism will increase and you'll see sell outs at AG more often.

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Does he talk about his football interests, or keep them entirely seperate?

To be honest unless he talks to you about City, it's best not to hassle him about it. I know that if I were in his shoes the last thing I would want is fans stopping me and giving their opinions on the team, week in week out. Having said that though he is not adverse to sitting down on a friday afternoon for a 5 minute chinwag with the city regulars, if it's not to busy.

Is he in a bad mood if City lose?

Never, I can honestly say with my hand on my heart, he is ALWAYS optimistic and looking at the positives from every game, regardless of the result.


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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

know what you mean, but that happens all the time,(and at every club) LDV etc, at the moment don't really care, as long as on saturday they all get behind the club and make it a great atmosphere, and if these people help us get promotion all well and good, I think I can live with that for now.

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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

I`ve been waiting for the E.E to open; will I be back if when we win ? see first ans

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Fact is there are loads of fairweather fans who all want to jump aboard the promotion bandwagon.Whilst they are partimers they do provide much extra revenue and thier money is as good as anyone elses.

The problem is that they can take the tickets of more loyal fans who are left high and dry.

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Guest Heathy33

I think you will find that a lot of the exiles like me who mainly travel to away games in thier area are making the effort to come home for the weekend. Whilst i have been a red for years i am far less committed than when i lived in bristol. I used to use my City 2000 membership to help get sort after tickets and make up for my lack of regular attendance.

So yes, i am a part timer, but we arn't all lucky enough to live in bristol, and some of us cannot give up every saturday to drive home.

Still it does annoy me that i'm lumping myself in with the #### who get a big game ticket off a mate in the pub and turn up wearing a blue jumper!

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Fact is there are loads of fairweather fans who all want to jump aboard the promotion bandwagon.Whilst they are partimers they do provide much extra revenue and thier money is as good as anyone elses.

The problem is that they can take the tickets of more loyal fans who are left high and dry.

Problem being what is a loyal fan? someone who gets there "when they can" or someone who puts watching City before most everything else? whatabout someone who used to go to all home and most away but now has other priorities? or someone who goes when they can afford; maybe someone who buys a season ticket; whatabout someone who travels hundreds of miles half a dozen times a season to see home games; don't forget the I`ve done longer than you thing as well 1 week newbie or 40 years plus?

its that old who`s the part timer thing again and who`s considerably more important :fastasleep:

Thought we are ALL City fans the end :yes:

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Fact is there are loads of fairweather fans who all want to jump aboard the promotion bandwagon.Whilst they are partimers they do provide much extra revenue and thier money is as good as anyone elses.

The problem is that they can take the tickets of more loyal fans who are left high and dry.

Is it that big a problem? Many of the loyal fans will either have a season ticket (if you're that loyal and go to every game it makes no sense not to have one) or will have booked well in advance.

You haven't done this in your post, but I don't like the underlying message in some posts that part time supporters are inferior because they don't sweat BCFC blood.

We shouldn't be shunning the part timers we should be welcoming them with open arms. The more people, the more BCFC benefits and god forbid - maybe more of an atmosphere?

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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

Wether its a fan for the day or forever, does it really matter and who cares :dunno: thats their problem or loss or even blessing some games.

Point being there must be a tiny minority of fans who havent had ample chance to buy a ticket, most are chancers hoping for a last minute ticket.

Liverpool/Manure shirts have been appearing in every pub in the land over the last few days most wouldnt even know where the respective grounds were but were fans for the "day" as a few will be at our ground on Sat.

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We shouldn't be shunning the part timers we should be welcoming them with open arms. The more people, the more BCFC benefits and god forbid - maybe more of an atmosphere?

I'm certainly not shunning partime fans - as I said earlier their dosh is as good as anyone elses.

However if I were an exile who lived miles away and could only get to a few home games but more away I'd be pretty pissed off if I couldn't get a ticket for what will hopefully be a promotion day because the 'two games a season' types had bought them all up.

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I'm certainly not shunning partime fans - as I said earlier their dosh is as good as anyone elses.

However if I were an exile who lived miles away and could only get to a few home games but more away I'd be pretty pissed off if I couldn't get a ticket for what will hopefully be a promotion day because the 'two games a season' types had bought them all up.

:disapointed2se: thats rubbish; there are these computer thingys :igiveup: that you can buy tickets on and as said earlier all have had ample time.

p.s you can live miles away yourself if you like; 10`s of thousands of them :clapping:

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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

Fair comment Em, they cant all be part timers like me............ :whistle2:

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I'm certainly not shunning partime fans - as I said earlier their dosh is as good as anyone elses.

However if I were an exile who lived miles away and could only get to a few home games but more away I'd be pretty pissed off if I couldn't get a ticket for what will hopefully be a promotion day because the 'two games a season' types had bought them all up.

Too much presumption in your statement for me.

These "two games a season" type may become 4, 5 or 23 some time in the future.

I agree that it is a shame that there are some very loyal fans who may have missed out for whatever reason, but, that is the way it goes sometimes when demand suddenly out-strips supply.

They'll be back. Hopefully along with the others !!

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Fact is there are loads of fairweather fans who all want to jump aboard the promotion bandwagon.Whilst they are partimers they do provide much extra revenue and thier money is as good as anyone elses.

The problem is that they can take the tickets of more loyal fans who are left high and dry.

Sometimes Robbored....... you really make me laugh...... this is one of those occasions

For the sake of all of us ....... pass the prawn sandwich my good fellow :)

Any 'loyal fan' that wanted a ticket could get one....... and you know that...... don't you?

Being a 'loyal fan' and missing the boat is a totally different thing?

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Same happens all over the country.

Some fans are not satisfied with the week-2-week dramas of a lower league season - some want the guarentee of performance or a match that has a big conclusion.

Many are also locals who will take their Chelsea supporting kids to their first football match.

Swindon have also sold out for Saturday - and I'm sure many other big attendances will occur across the country in the same situation.

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fao: robbored. I'm sure that if any committed exile fans were committed enough to be committed then one way or another they would have a ticket. Are you being stupid or simply fishing again? (The two aren't muturally exclusive in your case) One question - do you make a prat of yourself for attention or are you genuinely a prat?

To answer RedM: Apply this to Millenium '04 and I'd understand.

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What about me then - i've got a season ticket and probably get to see half of this seasons games. I fly from Guernsey but can't be guaranteed that my flight will take off or even arrive due to the weather situation in Guernsey. Sometimes (on numerous occassions) i have turned up at the airport only for my flight to be indefinitely delayed and hence miss the game. In the previous season i made a 500 mile round trip every home game, so there are plenty like me who make every effort to get to every game but just can't. Sometimes i can get a flight for 80 quid and other times for over 300 quid and i'm sure that many of those fortunate to be living in or around Bristol would struggle to get to as many games as i have done in similar circumstances - this doesn't make me any better than anyone else or more committed or a fairweather fan, everyone has their own reasons for not attending every game either home or away, but remember circumstances change and those of you that do go to every home and away game may not do so in the future due to unforseen circumstances. A CITY FAN IS A CITY FAN NO MATTER WHAT.

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I see stupid little chav girls down the gate every big game not even watching.... Its Sick

don't be so sexist, there are plenty of kids that go that don't watch all of the game sometimes but to make a generalisation like that about girls is ridiculous.

And I am not a chav either. If I'm not looking at the pitch for a few seconds I'm usually discussing with the GIRL next to me something about the game.

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don't be so sexist, there are plenty of kids that go that don't watch all of the game sometimes but to make a generalisation like that about girls is ridiculous.

And I am not a chav either. If I'm not looking at the pitch for a few seconds I'm usually discussing with the GIRL next to me something about the game.

Dolly i think he means girls about 12/13.

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If I'm not looking at the pitch for a few seconds I'm usually discussing with the GIRL next to me something about the game.

Are you sure you arent talking about shopping, tv or some celebrity......... :whistle:

Sorry Dolls, I couldnt resist.

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I see what you're saying and agree completely.

I would have had a ticket weeks ago but I play on Saturdays and it wasn't until this Sunday that our game had to re-arranged to Tuesday 8th May for various reasons (pitch unvailable, opposition players playing cricket now!).

I then had a chance to watch City by which time all the tickets had sold out and I failed to get one of the 300 extra ones on sale Tuesday - hence the begging now!

I've supported City since 1986 and go to the home mid-week games and occasional away games. When I stop playing football (not long now - my age and I have a baby on the way!) I will be down the Gate every home game as I was when I was younger.

There are a lot of fair weather supporters though, so I completely understand what you are saying.

Is that why you only buy short sleeved replica shirts Tony. :whistle2::whistle2::clapping::clapping:

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Well I for 1 can't make every game as I live in Glasgow and have family commitments so I have to pick and choose my games and this happens to be one of them.

This is fair enough and I'm sure many other people are in this situation.

The thing that annoys me however is the people who have been on here the last couple of days asking for tickets. Really if you were that desperate and quick enough off the mark you would have been able to get a ticket. These people obviously didnt try hard enough...

-please note - I'm sure there are some exceptions to that, its just a generalisation. so if you are loyal but failed to get a ticket don't fly off the handle with me.

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fao: robbored. I'm sure that if any committed exile fans were committed enough to be committed then one way or another they would have a ticket. Are you being stupid or simply fishing again? (The two aren't muturally exclusive in your case) One question - do you make a prat of yourself for attention or are you genuinely a prat?

To answer RedM: Apply this to Millenium '04 and I'd understand.

Well I'm an exile, I have been to 10 games this season (not fan of the year but not bad) and I didn't get a ticket - clearly my commitment is in question - Oh that and City put another 300 tickets on sae without telling anyone. I get text messages from the club telling me what Colin Sexstone has fr breakfast but zilch and diddley squat on the extra tickets front (only found out by reading a post on this thread).

Interesting to note though that roaring mysef hoarse at away games, buying this season's shirtand paying for the stoopid SMS service still means that I'm not a committed fan - thanks fo rletting me know, I hadn't realised that after 45 years of this nonsense I am a glory hunter.

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Guest Red_Chelt

I don't know where all the other fans have come from but I suspect some of them, like me, just go to a few games a season. Money/other commitments means you end up choosing the bigger /more important games. Sad but true.

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I don't know where all the other fans have come from but I suspect some of them, like me, just go to a few games a season. Money/other commitments means you end up choosing the bigger /more important games. Sad but true.

And some people who ONLY go to games like Carlisle (LDV Final) or Brighton (Play Off Final). They are the worst!

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Guest Red_Chelt
And some people who ONLY go to games like Carlisle (LDV Final) or Brighton (Play Off Final). They are the worst!

Good to know there's at least ONE category of fan who is worse than me then. :whistle2:

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Good to know there's at least ONE category of fan who is worse than me then. :whistle2:

The t***s! They are in the majority in my local. There is only 3 or 4 season ticket holders that go in there. Only 3 or 4 go to a couple of games, and the rest NEVER go down ashton gate.

There is 1 bloke who will only where a city shirt on a weekend if city win. Lose or draw and he will wear plain clothes!

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Well I'm an exile, I have been to 10 games this season (not fan of the year but not bad) and I didn't get a ticket - clearly my commitment is in question - Oh that and City put another 300 tickets on sae without telling anyone. I get text messages from the club telling me what Colin Sexstone has fr breakfast but zilch and diddley squat on the extra tickets front (only found out by reading a post on this thread).

Interesting to note though that roaring mysef hoarse at away games, buying this season's shirtand paying for the stoopid SMS service still means that I'm not a committed fan - thanks fo rletting me know, I hadn't realised that after 45 years of this nonsense I am a glory hunter.

It ain't really for me to judge individual cases mate (it was a broad, pis*ed generalisation) and you're putting the words ''glory hunter'' into my mouth.

Why, may I ask, did you not purchase a ticket when they were available for weeks online, over the phone and to collect in person?

What I was trying to say is that had you been committed enough to obtaining a ticket when they were available then you'd now have one (sorry to sound Motherlike and I do feel for any City fan missing this one), didn't mean to cast aspersions upon your Cityness as a whole.

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OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

When you have separated fans between those who you don't object to being at the game, and those who you think fall into the "sad scrabblers" category, what parameter are you using? Matches attended? Distance travelled? Quality of opposition? Money spent? etc.

As commented in the replies, different people have different reasons for making, or not making, it to games. Personally, this is only my 4th match of the season. For no reason other than I couldn't get to any of the others. If we go up, or stay down, I'll still probably only get to a max of 5 or 6 games next season. As Bruce Hornsby once sang, "That's just the way it is".

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didn't mean to cast aspersions upon your Cityness as a whole.

Cityness - good word - I like it!

You are right, there was time to get a ticket and by the time I woke up it was too late c'est la vie. But the fact remains that the ground will have thousands of people who have never seen City before (and will certainly not be there next season) so it's a shame that people like me, who are more committed than about 30% of tomorrow's crowd couldn't get a ticket.

I didn't like the way peope were rubbishing the previous poster who made a similar point, a theme seemed to be developing that if you haven't got a ticket you are not a proper fan. As I say, man and boy for 45 years (didn't really get started til I was three) I have been a loyal City fan (god knows how I've suffered!), because I don't have a ticket for tomorrow doesn't make me less a fan than anyone else (you are correct in implying that it does mean I am less well organised - guilty as charged).

Back to RedMs original point, if the people going tomorrow for the first time DO come back then it wil all have been worth it.

Just one last question though, we all want to see City in the Premiership, but the truth is that if they were many of us would never be able to see them (either priced out, shoved out by the Prawn sandwich brigade or woud simply find this ticket scramble (which would be a weekly event), itop flight football comes with many costs perhaps?

Anyway, as I said, Cityness - I like it!


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When you have separated fans between those who you don't object to being at the game, and those who you think fall into the "sad scrabblers" category, what parameter are you using? Matches attended? Distance travelled? Quality of opposition? Money spent? etc.

As commented in the replies, different people have different reasons for making, or not making, it to games. Personally, this is only my 4th match of the season. For no reason other than I couldn't get to any of the others. If we go up, or stay down, I'll still probably only get to a max of 5 or 6 games next season. As Bruce Hornsby once sang, "That's just the way it is".

I don't object to any City fan being there, who am I to judge? But for many it seems it will be the only match they have seen this season. Is it purely because they haven't been able to get to any other match, even when the match hasn't kicked off at the usualy 3.00 Saturday time. Is is money, distance, time, that people now have? Granted I never took into account of all the people who play football and can now attend due to their season ending.

What if it was a mid table 'nothing' match. What if we were down or had a chance of going down. Would the club be facing a sellout then?

I guess by just even reading or posting on this, a Bristol City Forum, people must have commitment to the club. It's the ones who turn up and don't even know what colour we play in (I kid you not), never mind who the players are I would wonder about. If they get hooked and attend even 1 or 2 matches next season, fair enough but how many won't be back. And how many more go missing when the team needs them most on a cold, wet winters night?

As for distance, there are some really, really committed fans who live miles away. I don't believe they are lesser fans just because they aren't physically at the Gate very often, just the opposite in fact.

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I'm certainly not shunning partime fans - as I said earlier their dosh is as good as anyone elses.

However if I were an exile who lived miles away and could only get to a few home games but more away I'd be pretty pissed off if I couldn't get a ticket for what will hopefully be a promotion day because the 'two games a season' types had bought them all up.

The answer is surely some kind of membership scheme at reasonable cost.I don't mean City 2000/3000/4000 at £2pw or whatever it is-I mean something like £20/25pa that would give preference to City Fans as opposed to some prawn sandwich munching herbert who'd be at The Rovers if they were in the same position and reckons Showunmi's Savage!!

Obviously ST Holders come first and that's only right & proper if 7,500-10,500 @ an average of £300/350 each are prepared to stump up there cash a season in advance.Premier Club Membership at £1,000pa for five years automatically gets you a ticket and I can't complain about that because (IF WE SELL THE MEMEBERSHIPS, which is another issue) the money will be used to improve facilities (New EE) and our playing staff.

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I have been to 11 home games tihs season but due to being severley skint in the past month or so I havent been able to consider buying a ticket for the game when I have been lucky to be able to put petrol in my car to get to work or buy food for my family due to being ripped of by a ban kthat closed my account without notice. Having now sorted that problem out and been paid I have now made all possible attempts to get a ticket for myself and my son and have now been very fortunate that a fellow foum member (you know who you are) has helped me out and also not even asked for anything over the face value of the tickets. We can all judge and say you should have got them before you have had every opportunity etc etc but when you have to make choices sometimes othere are other priorities.

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I am one of those part-timers... was a ST holder until I moved away and now with 4 kids under 11 and a wife who does not understand me, never mind footy!! I have to limit the games I go to.

So naturally I pick and choose the games and with city in with a chance in recent months have risked divoirce and gone to a few more then normal.

I don't count myself as less of a fan then those that go home and away, which is what I used to do when I was young, free and single with plenty of cash in my pocket.

Mortgage, kids, wife, and a long drive put a stop to that, but I care for city just as much as before, but live on world and SMS for some games now.

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Guest zidereddy
OK, I'm prepared to be shot down but I just had to ask!

Anyone else think it's a bit sad people are scrabbling around for tickets? We've hardly had many other matches where we've sold out this season, not that I'm knocking the sell out that's a good thing, but our attendences haven't been great this season overall.

Where have you all been?

Will you be back if we win, will you be back if we fail to get promotion?

Sorry, just had to ask.

lot v people who play local football saturdays and cant get to matches season is over so will want to see this one i know a few so must be loads out there.

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Guest Boltsy

Who gives a flying ######.

At the end of the day its a sell out,

Some people need to get over their 'number one fan' egos and accept that there is a wide fanbase that is entitles to watch the match.

Kudos to you for making every match, some people don't, some people can't.

Really gets to me this part time supporter crap that pops up every time we play a big home match.

I will not and nor should anyone discriminate against so called part timers, Bristol City is a large football club for the 'CITY'.

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Have been reading this post and getting really annoyed by it. My husband is the member on otib, but I quite often sit and read it as I also support City.

My husband and oldest son live and breathe city and the whole family are supporters, but we are not in the fortunate position to have enough money for the whole family to go to ashton gate every other weekend. Kivsy (hubby) and son go to as many games as we can afford, maybe every other game, and the whole family go when there is a fans of the future game as we can afford that.

Tommorow is a huge game for city and all of their fans and of course we have done everything we can to get together enough cash for the whole family to go, and to be honest I don't see what is wrong with that!! We have 4 children, so tommorow is costing us £60 in tickets alone, then they will want a programme, drinks, sweets (all at inflated prices) !

What I am trying to say is that I am no less of a supporter than somebody who goes week in week out, I still despertaly want them to win tommorow.

Kivsy, Mrs Kivsy and 4 mini kivsy's will be in the eastend tommorow, singing our hearts out!!!!

We are going up, say we are going up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :englandsmile4wf:

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Have been reading this post and getting really annoyed by it. My husband is the member on otib, but I quite often sit and read it as I also support City.

My husband and oldest son live and breathe city and the whole family are supporters, but we are not in the fortunate position to have enough money for the whole family to go to ashton gate every other weekend. Kivsy (hubby) and son go to as many games as we can afford, maybe every other game, and the whole family go when there is a fans of the future game as we can afford that.

Tommorow is a huge game for city and all of their fans and of course we have done everything we can to get together enough cash for the whole family to go, and to be honest I don't see what is wrong with that!! We have 4 children, so tommorow is costing us £60 in tickets alone, then they will want a programme, drinks, sweets (all at inflated prices) !

What I am trying to say is that I am no less of a supporter than somebody who goes week in week out, I still despertaly want them to win tommorow.

Kivsy, Mrs Kivsy and 4 mini kivsy's will be in the eastend tommorow, singing our hearts out!!!!

We are going up, say we are going up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :englandsmile4wf:

Well said ignore Robbereds posts hes a wind up merchant; we all do our best if thats not good enough .tough who cares what the big boys think :goingup:

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Guest ashtonyate

Never mind where these fans came from I expect they got fed up watching teams that were crap week in and week out.

Having a go at fans that have strade away from watching a team that failed to get out of this division for the time its taken

City Is reasonable for fans to not bother.

Don't have ago at them have a go at the people that's allowed City to under achieve year after year.

I'm just hoping we do it today because you can never trust City to do anything easily.

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