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The Breakdown Of Our Fans

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With the sell out on Saturday felt i should get this out there after seeing people say how they are wondering where all the extra fans are coming from

This is how i see it.

Group 1.There are 8,000 season ticket holders who will be there whatever the game.

Group 2.There are then another 8,000 who are also proper die hard fans (same as seaosn ticket holders) but due to work commitments, location etc they cant go to every game. However normally aobut 4,000 attend the game. These fans would be at every game if they could.

This expalins our average attendance of about 12,000 for most games.

If there is a big game e.g. Swansea it is likely that all 8,000 of group 2 will try and make it as it is a big game. This explains the attendance of 16,000 for games such as Swansea.

Group 3. About another 8,000! These people will jump on the band wagon and come to any promotion game or any game which GWR can actually be bothered to cover. GWR jump on the band wagon so much its untrue, they care jack all aobut City and the Gas but when its a big game they big up themselves talknig aobut how they love "Bristol Sport"

I hope this helps people work out why this game is a sell out and why they cant get tickets etc.

I have seen a few posts on here saying "ticket request please". I would imagine the majority of these fans fall into group 3 because if u try hard enough u are 99% guaranteed a ticket for any City game. However, i do appreciate that some of these fans may fall into the roup2 catorgory.

As for myself i had been a City season ticket holder for the last 4 years as has my dad but I am now at University at Nottingham Trent(hence no season ticket).My Dad still has his season ticket. This season i have made it to 12 games. I bought my ticket for the Rotherham game more a less as soon as it came on sale simply by texting my Dad and telling him to go down ticket office and get me one. Anyone who wanted a ticekt for the Rotherham game should have got one 2 weeks ago as they would easily ahve got one-why leave it to a week before. I would fall into the group 2 catorgory.

I apologise to any genuine City fn who cant get a ticket now but i hate the people who jump on the bandwagon! Why do we get 40,000 for the play off final but only 12,000 for Bradford on a rainy Tuesday night! Every game is as important as another!

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Group 3 is much larger than that (more like 25k) but other than that, that's pretty much how I see it too.

If we go up, and stay up, some of the group 3 might graduate to group 1 or 2. It will take sustained success to persuade them to do that though.

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Guest Jamie

This season I am a number 2! But next season will be Number 1 again all becuase I got my job a couple of months ago and I could no way afford to get a season ticket this season unlike past seasons when my dad ust to pay for mine (Those were the days!)

Think you are very true and rather accurate with the groups and number of them. Next season IF we are in the Championship then I see it this way:-

1) Any where from 9,500/12,000

2) 10,000 but unless it's a big game it will only be around 7,000

3) Well what ever can be fitted into the stadium after numbers 1 & 2!

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When I saw 'The Breakdown Of Our Fans', I assumed it was a yet another thread whinging about the buses being delayed on the way to Millwall!

I thought it was about mental disintegration in the run up to Saturday's game.

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With the sell out on Saturday felt i should get this out there after seeing people say how they are wondering where all the extra fans are coming from

This is how i see it.

Group 1.There are 8,000 season ticket holders who will be there whatever the game.

Group 2.There are then another 8,000 who are also proper die hard fans (same as seaosn ticket holders) but due to work commitments, location etc they cant go to every game. However normally aobut 4,000 attend the game. These fans would be at every game if they could.

This expalins our average attendance of about 12,000 for most games.

If there is a big game e.g. Swansea it is likely that all 8,000 of group 2 will try and make it as it is a big game. This explains the attendance of 16,000 for games such as Swansea.

Group 3. About another 8,000! These people will jump on the band wagon and come to any promotion game or any game which GWR can actually be bothered to cover. GWR jump on the band wagon so much its untrue, they care jack all aobut City and the Gas but when its a big game they big up themselves talknig aobut how they love "Bristol Sport"

I hope this helps people work out why this game is a sell out and why they cant get tickets etc.

I have seen a few posts on here saying "ticket request please". I would imagine the majority of these fans fall into group 3 because if u try hard enough u are 99% guaranteed a ticket for any City game. However, i do appreciate that some of these fans may fall into the roup2 catorgory.

As for myself i had been a City season ticket holder for the last 4 years as has my dad but I am now at University at Nottingham Trent(hence no season ticket).My Dad still has his season ticket. This season i have made it to 12 games. I bought my ticket for the Rotherham game more a less as soon as it came on sale simply by texting my Dad and telling him to go down ticket office and get me one. Anyone who wanted a ticekt for the Rotherham game should have got one 2 weeks ago as they would easily ahve got one-why leave it to a week before. I would fall into the group 2 catorgory.

I apologise to any genuine City fn who cant get a ticket now but i hate the people who jump on the bandwagon! Why do we get 40,000 for the play off final but only 12,000 for Bradford on a rainy Tuesday night! Every game is as important as another!

Good post. I think this is a very accurate break down of the fan base. Obviously its never going to be completely accurate as I'm sure there are some people who wouldnt class themselves in any of the groups.

It is however a good generalisation. Nice work, I like it...

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Agree with most of that TBF.

I'm in Group 2 personally. Would love to be in Group 1, but as I have to work away a lot at weekends, it just doesnt make financial sense to get a season ticket when I can only get to about 50% of home matches anyway.

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With the sell out on Saturday felt i should get this out there after seeing people say how they are wondering where all the extra fans are coming from

This is how i see it.

Group 1.There are 8,000 season ticket holders who will be there whatever the game.

Group 2.There are then another 8,000 who are also proper die hard fans (same as seaosn ticket holders) but due to work commitments, location etc they cant go to every game. However normally aobut 4,000 attend the game. These fans would be at every game if they could.

This expalins our average attendance of about 12,000 for most games.

If there is a big game e.g. Swansea it is likely that all 8,000 of group 2 will try and make it as it is a big game. This explains the attendance of 16,000 for games such as Swansea.

Group 3. About another 8,000! These people will jump on the band wagon and come to any promotion game or any game which GWR can actually be bothered to cover. GWR jump on the band wagon so much its untrue, they care jack all aobut City and the Gas but when its a big game they big up themselves talknig aobut how they love "Bristol Sport"

I hope this helps people work out why this game is a sell out and why they cant get tickets etc.

I have seen a few posts on here saying "ticket request please". I would imagine the majority of these fans fall into group 3 because if u try hard enough u are 99% guaranteed a ticket for any City game. However, i do appreciate that some of these fans may fall into the roup2 catorgory.

As for myself i had been a City season ticket holder for the last 4 years as has my dad but I am now at University at Nottingham Trent(hence no season ticket).My Dad still has his season ticket. This season i have made it to 12 games. I bought my ticket for the Rotherham game more a less as soon as it came on sale simply by texting my Dad and telling him to go down ticket office and get me one. Anyone who wanted a ticekt for the Rotherham game should have got one 2 weeks ago as they would easily ahve got one-why leave it to a week before. I would fall into the group 2 catorgory.

I apologise to any genuine City fn who cant get a ticket now but i hate the people who jump on the bandwagon! Why do we get 40,000 for the play off final but only 12,000 for Bradford on a rainy Tuesday night! Every game is as important as another!

I reckon Group 2 is bigger than that. Based on your calcs each group 2 would go to 12-13 matches a season. If I went to that many I would get a season ticket. Personally I go to 5-7 per season (and have done so since 1990, except for Pulis' season when I could only face 3!)

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I reckon Group 2 is bigger than that. Based on your calcs each group 2 would go to 12-13 matches a season. If I went to that many I would get a season ticket. Personally I go to 5-7 per season (and have done so since 1990, except for Pulis' season when I could only face 3!)

Good thread - gets you thinking.....

Ive been to 22 games this year - 3 of which were away......so only will have missed 3 home games this season come 5 o'clock on saturday....

Why didnt I get a season ticket? Because funds didnt allow me to at the time and by crikey I was rueing that decision last week as obviously couldnt get a ticket for Millwall

....and in the past two seasons when I did have a season tkt we've been next to the biggest whingers alive - especially last season - only sat in my official seat once or twice as I couldnt stand it the moaning divvy any more - and he had hygiene problems as well!!

Paid a bit more revenue to the club maybe but c'est la vie - its all in a good cause!

Ill definitely be in group one next season though - even i fI have to rob a bank!!

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Guest Rob_BCFC

I also fall into Group 2, except that I live in Bristol unlike other Group 2 fans. I'm only 15 so I can't afford to get there let alone buying a season ticket.

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a large majority of your group 3 fans will become group 2 fans if we played at a higher standard.

i don't blame them for not wanting to see average division 3 football at £20 a pop.

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Guest SouthGlosRed

Interesting that a lot of people posting on here seem to fall in to the group 2 category, myself included.

Personally think group 2 figure could be higher, maybe 12000.

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i would love to be a st holder i have a wife and 4 kids who are going sat costing £60 for tickets alone add £20 for progs and food cant afford every week !!!call me a part timer if you like when i was single and had plenty of disposable income i did the grimsby away on newyearsday mansfields etc I'm just a fulltime dad who supports his local team as often as finances dictate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers all :englandsmile4wf:

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