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For all the so-called 'realism' being spouted on this forum, the FACTS remain that we are STILL in with a shout for promotion.

Until the fat lady sings and we have failed, we should be supporting the team AND THE MANAGEMENT.

There are people on this forum that bemoan the fact that the team are bottlers and that the management cannot motivate or discipline the players, yet these very same people demonstrating the self-same traits by 'bottling it' because we've had a run of bad performances/results.

The vast majority of fans are behind the team and the management. Those that are ridiculously calling for heads to roll with 9 games left in the season deserve the team they are seeing at the moment because they are no better in the standard of their support.

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For all the so-called 'realism' being spouted on this forum, the FACTS remain that we are STILL in with a shout for promotion.

Until the fat lady sings and we have failed, we should be supporting the team AND THE MANAGEMENT.

There are people on this forum that bemoan the fact that the team are bottlers and that the management cannot motivate or discipline the players, yet these very same people demonstrating the self-same traits by 'bottling it' because we've had a run of bad performances/results.

The vast majority of fans are behind the team and the management. Those that are ridiculously calling for heads to roll with 9 games left in the season deserve the team they are seeing at the moment because they are no better in the standard of their support.

That's a very fair point SR and one I mentioned in an email which was read out by Geoff Twentyman last night.

Danny will be judged on his record AT THE END OF THE SEASON.

However, he needs to secure an attacking midfielder and goal scoring centre forward before 5.00pm today, to have any real hope of automatic promotion.

Otherwise, our first target will be consolidation by securing the 75-77 points I believe we'll need for a play-off place.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Another arrogant post, like your post on the Steve L forum - Who the hell do you think you are?

"the FACTS remain that we are STILL in with a shout for promotion."

I doubt anyone will dispute that, but the FACT remains that playing the way we are there's no chance -Can you see ANY sign of things improving?

"Until the fat lady sings and we have failed, we should be supporting the team AND THE MANAGEMENT."

Which most of us do for every 90 mins - Its only after most of us moan, which good reason - Or have I been watching different games to you lately?

"There are people on this forum that bemoan the fact that the team are bottlers and that the management cannot motivate or discipline the players, yet these very same people demonstrating the self-same traits by 'bottling it' because we've had a run of bad performances/results."

Historically I think we're right in saying that - Even 97 we blew top spot, but if you choose to ignore the past then that's fine.

"The vast majority of fans are behind the team and the management"

And what do you have to quantify that statement? Done some snap polls have we? Most City fans I know are fed up, but lets not let facts get in the way shall we.

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Another arrogant post, like your post on the Steve L forum - Who the hell do you think you are?

"the FACTS remain that we are STILL in with a shout for promotion."

I doubt anyone will dispute that, but the FACT remains that playing the way we are there's no chance -Can you see ANY sign of things improving?

"Until the fat lady sings and we have failed, we should be supporting the team AND THE MANAGEMENT."

Which most of us do for every 90 mins - Its only after most of us moan, which good reason - Or have I been watching different games to you lately?

"There are people on this forum that bemoan the fact that the team are bottlers and that the management cannot motivate or discipline the players, yet these very same people demonstrating the self-same traits by 'bottling it' because we've had a run of bad performances/results."

Historically I think we're right in saying that - Even 97 we blew top spot, but if you choose to ignore the past then that's fine.

"The vast majority of fans are behind the team and the management"

And what do you have to quantify that statement? Done some snap polls have we? Most City fans I know are fed up, but lets not let facts get in the way shall we.

Er, if the forum reflects the mass of Cider-Reds, which I suspect it does, I think Willsbridge speaks for the mass of us. We are in a serious dip in form, one entirely predictable from before Xmas, and coming as it does at a critical point in the season, all the more depressing. Wilson so far seems incapable of sorting the problem out, for whatever reason (I dont give a toss which reason it is, all roads go back to out illustrious, well rewarded manager, who is showing all the signs of a startled rabbit in the headlights. These problems he has are not new, and aint going to go away. So do try and credit us with a little intelligence, we have been saying (not with any joy) that this was going to happen, unless- well we are still waiting for the unless bit to happen..

Ask DW what hes going to do about this problem, not have a go at us!!

Well done Willsbridge, speak up for ye masses!!!

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must agree with both you- but leaning towards Willsbridge, although full support is needed - and ok we are still in with a huge shout for promotion.

But we are all frustrated. To be honest, if we didnt go on the run, we would still have been 9th - and we were quite lucky as QPR and Plymouth had their dip in form then.

I for one am frustrated as i know we can play better, and always want to see players play for the shirt - something that did not happen when i saw Oldham at ours.

Although I'm not a Wilson out man, Danny is key to the frustration we are all feeling as:

He is the one with the power to change things.

He continues to look to LeeP to score the goals

Never changed the front two, and "now we are looking for a striker asap" when the transfer deadline is tonight.

Has not replaced Thorpe or Murray.

Has not taken us further than last year with nearly a million spent.

I am behind this team 100% - but in my opinion this is the place to moan, not in the ground - thats how i see it!


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Guest eviltaxman

All fair points....

But if you imagine if we didn't have that great run, but won/drew/lost the same number of games??

I mean, 11 wins, yes that's great but several defeats and draws, mix 'em up so the "run" doesn't quite stand out, other than 2-3 games unbeaten... we've still got the same points!!!!

Last night I was one for linching the team, seeing as they were more intent on fighting each other than the opposition, but now I've had the time to reflect, I'm still gutted that they couldn't get their act together (again), but I'm willing to give them the extra benefit of doubt and the chance to pull it together and start winning a few.

Yes, then at the end of the season we can slate the team/management or both if it all comes to naff all!


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Yeah all in favour of supporting the team as they are for life remember but I can't see us getting promotion this season, all I can see is Q.P.R, Swindon and Plymouth hitting embarrassing us 2 of which will be on our own soil.

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Guest cider gliders

Maybe we should have sang an danced ole the way back

from Birkenhead last night, after ole we only lost AGAIN!

We ole love the city, but we be sayin` it as it is!

This is the first time this season that we have said the city

will not go up! and they won`t cos they can`t SCORE

GOALS! So that don`t make we bottlers for speakin` out!

We be just so upset an hurt that the same thing is

happening again like it does every year an were sick of it!

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I will always support this club, no matter what. I don't care how well we're playing, or what division we're in. However how many times have we seen our club slip up towards the end of the season?

Member of this forum are not "bottlers", I'd be more inclined to say that they are realists.

Too many times on previous occasions we have slipped up, and at this current moment in time things don't look too great do they?

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