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Just Back From Wembley


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Bristol zoo is very nice as well. Even has inflated prices. The thing is i would rather visit the zoo than ever watch the sags and mix with their putrid fans. EVER. In fact, I would rather stick a rusty nail down my japs eye than watch those scummers no matter where it is.

Can only agree 100%

Was offered tickets hospitality and transport all free to watch the Sags but my heart only pumps ONE COLOUR!

Edited by Arny
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Nice try but we all know you went.

Of course I went and had a bloody good day out.

I went up the pub last night and exchanged the usual banter with the local gasheads.It was good laugh.These are mates that I spend lots of time with.Play golf,skittles,bowls and drink with them.Out of about a dozen locals its only me and another guy who are City fans.

I was genuinely pleased that they were happy having won the game.I'm not one of those who hates everything about the dark side.The bottom line is that they are just football fans the same as you and me.They just happen to have been misled in life and follow the gas but they are just as loyal and love their club as much as any of us love the City.

Edited by Robbored
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WHat a c**k, the person who loves to bang on about glory fans and part timers jumps on the Rovers bandwagon for a day out at Wembley.

You couldn't make it up could you?

Mornin' moomin.

I wondered how long it would be before you showed up and started to dish out the stick.... :bruce_h4h: sooooo predicatble.

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The gas could have lost the game and then I would have seen them fail and you and your ilk would be less aggressive in your critism of me.

The result isnt really the issue, but I think you already know that. The shame :disapointed2se:

But your're right - each to his own and who are you to judge whether what others choose to do is right or wrong.

Yes I am. You shouldnt of gone.

Who's judging ? I couldnt give a rats ass what you do, just adding my two penneth :innocent06:

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Do you actually think before you posted last night Alan?

I honestly don't think you should have, and even more so as your position of Bristol City,s supporters club chairman!

Many fans on here give you a hard time over any post you make. This is sort of digging yourself into a deep deep hole.... :mf_sleep:

You should have kept it to yourself, because as most say on here, they would not step near a ground/stadium to watch Bristol Rovers.

There WAS massive tension between Rovers and City fans going into sats game. I know 30 City lads who went into Clifton to watch the match and went mental when the Shrews scored.

As did the Rovers fans coming back to our boozer last night and giving the likes of me a f@@@@@ hard time!

Did i like it? I was pissy as @@@@, to be honest , and still pretty jarred off about it today.

I don't want to get into a heated debate about it with you, because i personally don't give a toss.

All I'm saying, I WOUDLNT HAVE TOLD NO ONE, and its harder for you because of the position you hold at our football club.

Could be a hard day ahead, I'm afraid!

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Mornin' moomin.

I wondered how long it would be before you showed up and started to dish out the stick.... :bruce_h4h: sooooo predicatble.

Highly amusing to see you trying to put the cat back in the bag Robbored. Keep it up! You can do it! :juggle:

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Mornin' moomin.

I wondered how long it would be before you showed up and started to dish out the stick.... :bruce_h4h: sooooo predicatble.

Nothing pleases me more. The man who likes to slag off his own fans is a Rovers glory fan come the end - Will you now stop posting such blinkered b***ocks in relation to fans that don't go week out?

Fingers crossed.

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Do you actually think before you posted last night Alan?

I honestly don't think you should have, and even more so as your position of Bristol City,s supporters club chairman!

Many fans on here give you a hard time over any post you make. This is sort of digging yourself into a deep deep hole.... :mf_sleep:

You should have kept it to yourself, because as most say on here, they would not step near a ground/stadium to watch Bristol Rovers.

There WAS massive tension between Rovers and City fans going into sats game. I know 30 City lads who went into Clifton to watch the match and went mental when the Shrews scored.

As did the Rovers fans coming back to our boozer last night and giving the likes of me a f@@@@@ hard time!

Did i like it? I was pissy as @@@@, to be honest , and still pretty jarred off about it today.

I don't want to get into a heated debate about it with you, because i personally don't give a toss.

All I'm saying, I WOUDLNT HAVE TOLD NO ONE, and its harder for you because of the position you hold at our football club.

Could be a hard day ahead, I'm afraid!

Well said Id be too embarrassed to admit I went to Wembley to watch rovers to be honest. Ive been a city fan since a youngster and been watching them for nearly 19 years. No way could I go and support them on their big final day!! To start the thread as a "fishing" topic is all well and good but when your in a responsible position as you are Alan you are only going to diminish your relationship with us fans than enhance it. At the end of the day youve dug yourself a big hole and people arent going to forget it. City till I die. :city:

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Guest Rodney
Do you actually think before you posted last night Alan?

I honestly don't think you should have, and even more so as your position of Bristol City,s supporters club chairman!

Many fans on here give you a hard time over any post you make. This is sort of digging yourself into a deep deep hole.... :mf_sleep:

You should have kept it to yourself, because as most say on here, they would not step near a ground/stadium to watch Bristol Rovers.

There WAS massive tension between Rovers and City fans going into sats game. I know 30 City lads who went into Clifton to watch the match and went mental when the Shrews scored.

As did the Rovers fans coming back to our boozer last night and giving the likes of me a f@@@@@ hard time!

Did i like it? I was pissy as @@@@, to be honest , and still pretty jarred off about it today.

I don't want to get into a heated debate about it with you, because i personally don't give a toss.

All I'm saying, I WOUDLNT HAVE TOLD NO ONE, and its harder for you because of the position you hold at our football club.

Could be a hard day ahead, I'm afraid!

Good post & talking about his position within the football club, how can this be altered / voted upon??

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Guest Matty
Nothing pleases me more. The man who likes to slag off his own fans is a Rovers glory fan come the end - Will you now stop posting such blinkered b***ocks in relation to fans that don't go week out?

Fingers crossed.

Well after reading a number of posts (and some threads started by RR) I can say this sums it up perfectly for me.

Think before you post and some things are best kept to yourself...



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Mate I grew up in Frenchay and Downend so I have much more Gashead mates than City!

Would I drive them all in a bus to Wembley and then sit and watch them win promotion in a play off final.

Would I bollox.

Downend boy as well here, and most of my family are Rovers fans.

But would I be their bitchboy on designated driver service for the day? I dunno about that one.

Edited by Lordofthebling
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Guest Red Head


Mornin' moomin.

I wondered how long it would be before you showed up and started to dish out the stick.... :bruce_h4h: sooooo predicatble.

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Fair shout Robbored. Sounds like you had a good day out, and you really have encouraged some posters to spit bile, all over a free trip to Wembley to see a football match. I watched the game on TV, and after a dodgy 10 mins, thought the Gas were the better side, with two good goals by Walker, some excellent defending by Elliott, and a good save by the keeper (Non-Flapper yesterday!). Right, the abuse can now flow in my direction as well......... I really don't give a stuff, football is only a game. (Cue Shankley quotes)

BTW - I totally agree with all hate filled comments re Goodbye Irene, the most annoying, dreary dirge ever!

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  • Admin
What a bunch of narrow minded and bigoted muppets!

So ....I went to Wembley to see the new stadium.As I'm not a member of the England Supporters club I'm not likely to get to see England in a competitive match.Friendlies are meaningless.I'm also not likely to get there as a City fan - next season we won't in the Mickey Mouse Cup and its unlikey that we'll feature in the finals of the Carling or FA Cup.

Possibly but very unlikely a play-off final is the best hope I've got.

If people were "that desperate" to watch a game at Wembley it was 'pay on the day' for both the FA Trophy and FA Vase finals a few weeks back - there is NO excuse to go there just cause the Gas were there !

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Fair shout Robbored. Sounds like you had a good day out, and you really have encouraged some posters to spit bile, all over a free trip to Wembley to see a football match. I watched the game on TV, and after a dodgy 10 mins, thought the Gas were the better side, with two good goals by Walker, some excellent defending by Elliott, and a good save by the keeper (Non-Flapper yesterday!). Right, the abuse can now flow in my direction as well......... I really don't give a stuff, football is only a game. (Cue Shankley quotes)

BTW - I totally agree with all hate filled comments re Goodbye Irene, the most annoying, dreary dirge ever!

Why would anyone abuse you? you did what most of us did....watched it on TV. The chairman of Bristol City SC went to the game with 40.000 gas and had a wonderfull day out watching them win and no doubt joining in there celebrations :winner_third_h4h: .

Thats the problem i have,i wonder how many of his Gas mates have been given tickets to big City games by him, when City fans cant get them.

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You would have to stick pins in my eyes before I would ever go and watch rovers in any sort of final.

I had never even been to the memorial ground before the JPT because id always vowed I would never go there (in previous derby games the decision had either been taken out of my hands due to holidays or work) but I went to the memorial for the derby game, and I went to the fans forum game because its for charity, but there is no way on Gods earth that you could ever have got me to go to Wembley yesterday to watch the gas play, even if I had been offered a free ticket, or even if they had paid me.

Edited by Dollymarie
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Had the worst day of my life watching the semi-final second leg in a pub with just one saghead (known her for over 30 years so suppose is a "friend"!)

Can't imagine what it would be like surrounded by 40,000 of them - would be hell on earth

Am avoiding all local news - can't even bring myself to watch the goals

Hate em with a passion


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Had the worst day of my life watching the semi-final second leg in a pub with just one saghead (known her for over 30 years so suppose is a "friend"!)

Can't imagine what it would be like surrounded by 40,000 of them - would be hell on earth

Am avoiding all local news - can't even bring myself to watch the goals

Hate em with a passion


Have to agree. Downend/Frenchay most of my life and know a few Sags, though most haven't watched them for years and so only travel on the latest bandwagon leaving town! They are very quiet until something like, this then start giving it large!

Followed City since forever and just hate everything about the Gas. Always have. Can't explain it. Totally irrational but that's the way it is. This doesn't extend to my feelings about the individuals I know who follow them. I just can't help but think that there is something very wrong with them!!


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Guest red-or-dead

Robbered, You are a complete and utter Tosspot!

I'm feeling so much anger reading this post.

You can give all the reasons you like, 'Free day out' So bloody what!!!

To go and watch the scum is simply unbelievable and totally unforgivable!

You are a absolute disgrace!

Chairman For The SC - Not for much longer, I Hope!

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Works every time.You'd think they would have learnt by now.

It all started years ago when I used to course fish.I caught the same tench about 6 times in one summer.I knew because it had a torn rear fin and was very distinct.

Ever since then.... :thumbsup:

A pathetic straw grasp, in an attempt to disguise what a complete and uter c**ksmoking muppet you are!

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Dear oh dear! Seems I've opened up a real can of worms with this thread but do any of you think that I really give a toss about what people think?

I'm so used to vindictive and malicous remarks aimed at me (mainly from people that have never met me) that I get disapointed when anything positive is said.

Where would you all be without the forum scapegoat to entertain you? :rofl2br:

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Nice bump.

That should ensure another 3 pages at least...

:doh: He he......

I forgot to say.I wasn't the only City fan at Wembley yesterday.I saw at least three (you now who are) forum users and another three familiar faces from 'B' block in the Dolman.

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Guest Red Head
:doh: He he......

I forgot to say.I wasn't the only City fan at Wembley yesterday.I saw at least three (you now who are) forum users and another three familiar faces from 'B' block in the Dolman.

Then you are all GAS! No City fan would ever watch the scum. GAS GAS GAS. GAS scum!

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Guest Red Head
:redcard: we don't see them on here bragging of watching the gas and being there bus driver and stooge for the day :redcard:

No excuse, they are GAS!

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Guest Harvey_BCFC
You would have to stick pins in my eyes before I would ever go and watch rovers in any sort of final.

I had never even been to the memorial ground before the JPT because id always vowed I would never go there (in previous derby games the decision had either been taken out of my hands due to holidays or work) but I went to the memorial for the derby game, and I went to the fans forum game because its for charity, but there is no way on Gods earth that you could ever have got me to go to Wembley yesterday to watch the gas play, even if I had been offered a free ticket, or even if they had paid me.

That's very nice for you, why even bother posting that 'I would rather contract AIDS than go on an all expenses paid trip to the greatest stadium in the world' rubbish when it has already been done plenty of times on previous pages. Its becoming very tedious.

I went, who cares to be perfectly honest. It's not like I went for a day out to support the gas, I went for a day out to see the stadium as I cannot foresee another scenario where I would ever get to go there. Truth is, thousands of City fans did the same yesterday because they have mates that went and they knew it would be a good day out.

Now climb back into your golden chair and polish your greatest supporter in the world award.

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All in all a good day out made much better by not giving a toss about who won.

So Rovers are playing for Promotion, and you don't give a toss that they won.

Call yourself a City fan?

Word passion springs to mind.

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Far be it from me to defend RobboGas because the guy is a grade A tool. But how is his admission any worse than Our 'Wonderful' Chairman being photographed holding a friggin Gas Flag at the World Cup?

Personally I think both acts are deplorable and should see them both doing a stretch at the tower or at least provide half time entertainment to include rotten veg and a couple of sets of stocks. However Lansdown was defended by many on here.

Shame on you RobboGas ... BOOOOOOOO! Burn him, he's a witch.

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Dear oh dear! Seems I've opened up a real can of worms with this thread but do any of you think that I really give a toss about what people think?

I'm so used to vindictive and malicous remarks aimed at me (mainly from people that have never met me) that I get disapointed when anything positive is said.

Where would you all be without the forum scapegoat to entertain you? :rofl2br:

You really do think too much of yourself Robbored...

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Guest Red Head
That's very nice for you, why even bother posting that 'I would rather contract AIDS than go on an all expenses paid trip to the greatest stadium in the world' rubbish when it has already been done plenty of times on previous pages. Its becoming very tedious.

I went, who cares to be perfectly honest. It's not like I went for a day out to support the gas, I went for a day out to see the stadium as I cannot foresee another scenario where I would ever get to go there. Truth is, thousands of City fans did the same yesterday because they have mates that went and they knew it would be a good day out.

Now climb back into your golden chair and polish your greatest supporter in the world award.

Hey, GAS HEAD - truth is, thousands of City, you sure? Got any gay mates, go with them for a day out?

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Guest Harvey_BCFC
Hey, GAS HEAD - truth is, thousands of City, you sure? Got any gay mates, go with them for a day out?

I truly am in awe of your pure lack of intellectual proesque. Thank you good sir, you have reminded me that people as dim as you still exist.

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Guest Red Head
I truly am in awe of your pure lack of intellectual proesque. Thank you good sir, you have reminded me that people as dim as you still exist.

**** of off GAS HEAD, your prosaic diatribes wont wash the fact!

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What a bunch of narrow minded and bigoted muppets!

So ....I went to Wembley to see the new stadium.As I'm not a member of the England Supporters club I'm not likely to get to see England in a competitive match.Friendlies are meaningless.I'm also not likely to get there as a City fan - next season we won't in the Mickey Mouse Cup and its unlikey that we'll feature in the finals of the Carling or FA Cup.

Possibly but very unlikely a play-off final is the best hope I've got.

So.....I happen to have a number of gashead mates who as people I like very much.They offered me a ticket as long as I drove them to and from Wembley in thier own mini-bus. I obliged.The ticket was £54 worth.

Now you lot can slag me off as much as you like and even have a pop and my position in the SC but at the end of the day I went to the New Wembley to experience £750m worth of stadium and that I did.

Friendly rivalry between the clubs is fine and there was loads of banter today but this neatherdal attitude that some have displayed on this thread is frankly.....neatherdal.

Grow up.

Before anyone mentions Yeovil - I don't have many Yeovil mates.One in fact so there was no way I was going to get ticket for tomorrows game.

That proves totally beyond question what a complete fool you really are. How can the chairman of BCFC supporters Club, and a well known pontificator on the subject of the EE, Part Time fans, actually go and watch the club 99% of City fans hate more than any other, and not expect total abuse??

I agree with Robbored on this topic. I don't have time for the hate and spite going on about the Rovers. Get over it. They are just another football team.

After witessing the shite they come out with this season (Prior to which I couldn't give a toss about them) I fully understand the loathing so many City fans have for them. They are not now or ever been just another team. Sjoke, Millwall, Chellsski, now THEY are just other teams.


Works every time.You'd think they would have learnt by now.

It all started years ago when I used to course fish.I caught the same tench about 6 times in one summer.I knew because it had a torn rear fin and was very distinct.

Ever since then.... :thumbsup:

Well y'all got a few more bites than you expected-whatever floats your boat, oh voice of reason.Ah yes you know: the voice of reason, banging on about the EE, part time supporters blah blah blah. and you the Chairman of the Supporters Club. youre not fit to be that man. Fn good reason not to join said club, if I actually needed one. Still.

Of course I went and had a bloody good day out.

I went up the pub last night and exchanged the usual banter with the local gasheads.It was good laugh.These are mates that I spend lots of time with.Play golf,skittles,bowls and drink with them.Out of about a dozen locals its only me and another guy who are City fans.

I was genuinely pleased that they were happy having won the game.I'm not one of those who hates everything about the dark side.The bottom line is that they are just football fans the same as you and me.They just happen to have been misled in life and follow the gas but they are just as loyal and love their club as much as any of us love the City.

Really, seen their pox ridden forum lately have you? They don't see us as just another club. They hate us with a passion most of them. Passion, you must vaguely remember that now. maybe not.

WHat a c**k, the person who loves to bang on about glory fans and part timers jumps on the Rovers bandwagon for a day out at Wembley.

You couldn't make it up could you?

No you couldnt, chairman of the Supporters Club, no less, BRFC Supporters Club.

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That's very nice for you, why even bother posting that 'I would rather contract AIDS than go on an all expenses paid trip to the greatest stadium in the world' rubbish when it has already been done plenty of times on previous pages. Its becoming very tedious.

I went, who cares to be perfectly honest. It's not like I went for a day out to support the gas, I went for a day out to see the stadium as I cannot foresee another scenario where I would ever get to go there. Truth is, thousands of City fans did the same yesterday because they have mates that went and they knew it would be a good day out.

Now climb back into your golden chair and polish your greatest supporter in the world award.

I just can't belive what I'm reading! I went for a good day out! You people are unbeliveable.

You have no concept of what it means to be a City fan or a football supporter.

You must be the new breed of middle class supporter we hear so much about. You do not understand the culture of football or the working class man in this country, and what is sad you don't seem to care why so many people are really upset with people like you and especially Robbored the man who is meant to represent us.

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Robbored.... why the hell would you go and watch the sags just to see the new wembley? If that was me, I would seriously question myself as a City supporter. Living and working in London, it made me retch just knowing that gasheads were in the vacinity of my prescence.

When I heard the result, from the most miserable gasheads on the tube (so much so that neither me or my gf could work out if they had won or not) it made my stomach turn knowing that all we had achieved this season has now been undermind by a team that simply had a good run at the end of the season.

Not would I, in a million years, ever sit with the otherside and listen to them repeatedly go on about IRENE...that is just the way it is and the way I am I suppose. I was physically sick finding out that they had been promoted. The only positive being however, is thinking about how all the Forest suporters are going to feel when they have to visit the cow shed which is the mem!

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Guest Harvey_BCFC
I just can't belive what I'm reading! I went for a good day out! You people are unbeliveable.

You have no concept of what it means to be a City fan or a football supporter.

You must be the new breed of middle class supporter we hear so much about. You do not understand the culture of football or the working class man in this country, and what is sad you don't seem to care why so many people are really upset with people like you and especially Robbored the man who is meant to represent us.

Yes, I play football competitively every day of the week and have no concept of it. Give me a break you moron, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

Who gives two tosses if I don't understand the working class man? Working class people arn't the only people that can appreciate football. Your hypothesis that the less money you earn = a better understanding of football truly amazes me. It's ludicrous!

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You must be the new breed of middle class supporter we hear so much about. You do not understand the culture of football or the working class man in this country, and what is sad you don't seem to care why so many people are really upset with people like you and especially Robbored the man who is meant to represent us.

You couldn't be more wrong about the concept or tribalism of the of working class support and its tradition.

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but the biggest mistake is not keeping it to yourself! :redcard:

Why? I'm not ashamed that I gave some mates a hand and got to see the New Wembley.I thought it was my duty to let other forum users know what a magnificent stadium it is.

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Guest Red Head
Thankyou and well said but certain 'no brainers' will take every opportunity to take a pop.They never think things through - probably because its too difficult!.

You are such a condescending bigot, "certain "no brainers" will take a pop". You have just watched the arch rivals and posted it on a public forum, what did you expect? Can't you see that to a lot of BCFC fans what you have done is about as low as low can get. Did you think it through before you posted???

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You have just watched the arch rivals and posted it on a public forum, what did you expect? Can't you see that to a lot of BCFC fans what you have done is about as low as low can get. Did you think it through before you posted???

Thats how you see it but plenty of others don't share your narrow view.Some do and some don't.

Its your opinion - nothing more nothing less.I just happen to see it differently.

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Why? I'm not ashamed that I gave some mates a hand and got to see the New Wembley.I thought it was my duty to let other forum users know what a magnificent stadium it is.

you're joking right?

In your position - you should have kept quiet. Anyone who's interested in football will have heard/read/seen what the stadium is like.

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Guest BCFC_Harry
Hey, GAS HEAD - truth is, thousands of City, you sure? Got any gay mates, go with them for a day out?

**** of off GAS HEAD, your prosaic diatribes wont wash the fact!

I think someone needs to grow up before they post anymore...

Don't really see your side of someone going to see the new wembley having anything to do with "gay mates" or why you see it being funny to ask.

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So did any of you watch the game on sky?

Yes, to cheer on Shrewsbury in the hope I can laugh at Rovers losing.

You're missing the point, its not about watching another team, thats fine, its the fact its Rovers.

Fail to see how any City fan could stomach being surrounded by 40,000 Gasheads for a day.

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Guest Bluebeard
Why? I'm not ashamed that I gave some mates a hand and got to see the New Wembley.I thought it was my duty to let other forum users know what a magnificent stadium it is.

don't you post on our forum under the username "Bobboblue"?

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Yes, to cheer on Shrewsbury in the hope I can laugh at Rovers losing.

You're missing the point, its not about watching another team, thats fine, its the fact its Rovers.

Fail to see how any City fan could stomach being surrounded by 40,000 Gasheads for a day.

Believe it or not they are just normal people who support a different football team!!!

I'm not missing any point.

I suppose you think all gay people wear pink? And french people all wear garlic? Thats how narrow minded you are being!!!!

To hear people quote ''l'd rather kill myself than watch the sags'' is just.... well, l don't really think it needs explaining.

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Guest Harvey_BCFC
Believe it or not they are just normal people who support a different football team!!!

I'm not missing any point.

I suppose you think all gay people wear pink? And french people all wear garlic? Thats how narrow minded you are being!!!!

To hear people quote ''l'd rather kill myself than watch the sags'' is just.... well, l don't really think it needs explaining.

Couldn't have put it any better myself. Great post :chant6ez:

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Guest Red Head
I suppose you think all gay people wear pink? And french people all wear garlic?

Don't they? How are we meant to spot/smell them if they don't?

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Yes, I play football competitively every day of the week and have no concept of it. Give me a break you moron, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

Who gives two tosses if I don't understand the working class man? Working class people arn't the only people that can appreciate football. Your hypothesis that the less money you earn = a better understanding of football truly amazes me. It's ludicrous!

Its nothing to do with the money you earn,its about being brought up in a community with the club that binds the community together and the tradition that brings. My history and many thousands of city fans have their roots in Bedminster and other areas of South Bristol.

The club has always been a focal point of life in Bedminster/Ashton. Its not about knowing the the tatics and technical aspects of the sport, but its also understanding the beautiful game on and off the pitch. Thats what make football diiferent to other sports.

Its the people game.

How do play competitive football everyday of the week???

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Guest Harvey_BCFC
Its nothing to do with the money you earn,its about being brought up in a community with the club that binds the community together and the tradition that brings. My history and many thousands of city fans have their roots in Bedminster and other areas of South Bristol.

The club has always been a focal point of life in Bedminster/Ashton. Its not about knowing the the tatics and technical aspects of the sport, but its also understanding the beautiful game on and off the pitch. Thats what make football diiferent to other sports.

Its the people game.

How do play competitive football everyday of the week???

Monday- Pro 5

Tuesday- Training

Wednesday- Pro 5

Thursday- Training

Friday- Nothing

Saturday- Game

Sunday- Game

Ok then every day except one.

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Guest Red Head
Monday- Pro 5

Tuesday- Training

Wednesday- Pro 5

Thursday- Training

Friday- Nothing

Saturday- Game

Sunday- Game

Ok then every day except one.

You must be very fit.

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To repeat a point I made in an earlier post,

As a representative of football supporters cant you see something unethical in accepting a spare ticket from your group of mates? or anything wrong with your Gashead mates offering you a freebie ticket for a Gas match when you are a City fan?

Knowing the scarcity of tickets available shouldnt fans of any club lucky enough to have a spare ticket offer it to a genuine fan of their own club... not give it to a rival in return for a favour?

You & your mates, for your own selfish reasons, deprived a ticketless Gashead an opportunity to have your seat at Wembley yesterday.

- forget the fact that it was the Gas, how would you view it if you heard of a group of City fans depriving a fellow City supporter of the chance to support City in a high profile, limited seat game by giving a ticket to a Gashead for a favour? ...

Fine example your mates are as supporters of the so-called 'Family Club'... & fine unethical representative of football supporters you are!

(the 'just wanted to see the New Wembley Stadium' excuse (even if it means sitting with & watching the Gas) is a bit poor imo ...if that was your only reason for going then like others have pointed out, -there are 'other' games, some pay on the day, when you could have done that!)

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