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Stockport Get Mark Robins


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:clap: is it true that stockport are going to sign Mark Robins on a FREE transfer? Surely after his success here we should go for him?? I know he is 33 but he can do a job that nobody in the team at present can do, and that is to nick a goal out of nothing! anybody agree or disagree?
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Mark Robins has been available on a free for the last week or so.

After shelling out 300k on Millar can you really see DW and SL turning around and saying sorry made a mistake and go out and sign robins as well ??

At 33 i would say robins is to old, give him a year contract may be although i am sure he would want a bit more job security. hense he wont be coming to City.

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Yes but Rotherham are in the first division and we are in the second division. Do you not remember to impact he made last season or the goals he scored? I'm sure I'm not the only one to agree but if Robins had played in the play offs we would had least got to the final. Ok he is 33 but so what?? hes got at least a couple of years in him and he may help develop out current strikers into division 1 players?

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I've said before I'm not convinced we want him, his history is one of starting with a bang at clubs only to fade away. I think we got the best out of him at the end of last season. my only possible reason for bringing him in would be to teach Roberts about positioning and making the right runs, as we don't seem to have a coach who can do it at the moment. :sport5: (waits for Roberts fans backlash!).

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:clap: from what ive seen this season we are not going to score enough goals to go up. We will continue to draw the majority of our games if we do not get a proven goal scorer
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Oh sorry I thought the ball was supposed to bounce that far in front of him so he could show his "tremendous pace" when he goes to get it back!!! :Costumed34:

You seem to have lots of smart replies; so what's the solution then?

Depend solely on Peacock? (who never plays more than 75% of the season)

Wait for Miller to become more than a potential player? (see 2005/6 season at best)

Wait for Matthews to get fit? (see never)

Expect Lita to take his form for the Reserves up to 1st team standard in a week?

The fact is everybody who is pro-Robins is clinging to the hope that he will score the goals to get us out of this #### division; cos we got firk all else :TheBird:

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Actually I DO think we should stick with Miller, he will only improve through playing at this level and Peacock is better playing off him.

I don't want to get into a slanging match about Roberts I just think it's a shame that his obvious attributes (good pace and powerful shooting boots) are subdued by his lack of control and footballing brain.

As for relying on Peacock, there are quite a few successful sides that have and still are relying on one person scoring the majority of the goals.

How about Arsenal for a start.

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:clap: What gets to me is the fact that only 8 months ago robins was obviously ok for us otherwise wilson would not had signed him. So what has changed in 8 months apart from the fact we are now mid table in the 2nd division and Robins is now FREE. NOTHING. NO MONEY!!! I wouldnt had agreed that we should pay for him, but now all we have to do is pay his wages and a vast majority of that would be performance and appearance based??
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Perhaps he was always intended to be a short term fix, for the reasons I have already given.

I don't know what his wages might be but even if he was on a free I expect he would want a sign on and help with relocating, he may want to stay in the north.


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I might consider it at xmas or in January, we all consider we have had a poor start but there is little to choose between us and a dozen others at the moment as we are 4 points off second.

I would be happier if the management would give an opportunity to someone from within, Marvin Brown has been incredibly hard done by and I would hate to see Darren Hawkins or even Joe Flurry (who really impressed me when I saw him in the Frys tournier in the summer) overlooked for a short term solution.

If Robins can be signed on the cheap and want's to come then fine, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it if he signs for the mini mancs. :sport18:

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Guest pogue mahone
do you not agree that perhaps we need a short term fix to get us out of the 2nd divison? :clap:

not necessarily, because you then need to continue that in division 1. let's be honest had we gone up last season we would now be sat at the very bottom of division 1, and it would all be very reminiscent of the last time that we were up there.

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not necessarily, because you then need to continue that in division 1. let's be honest had we gone up last season we would now be sat at the very bottom of division 1, and it would all be very reminiscent of the last time that we were up there.

I don't think we would as i feel there is very little difference between the top of the second division and most of the first division. Just look at cardiff and we all know how ###### they are!!1

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