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What A Difference 24 Hours Can Make.

Guest Norton Red

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Guest Norton Red

This time yesterday a lo of us (including myself) were feeling some what down beat about our chances of playing Division 1 football next season, but after a day of calls, calls and more calls Danny and the board could possibly have changed our season.

When asked last night on Radio Bristol Danny "denied" knowing about a Murray loan deal, Danny your a sly old dog but well played on that one.

Just wondering did we have a sell on clause in Scotts' contract at reading meaing we got some of the money we just paid for him (oh the irony of it!!!!!!!)

But going to work this morning I was not a happy bunny considering last nights results and thinking that we would be stuck in the league again next year, then when I left 12 hours later I had just heard about Murray and succesefully p****d off every one in the factory with my jolly tunes.

Could Murray and Rogier and Caskey turn our poor form round??

God I hope so!!!!!!!!!

(If this has all been said before sorry but there are a hell of alot of posts to read after one of the bussiest transfer deadline days in the clubs history)

Norton Red

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