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Clubs Attitude To Fans


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Does the Club really care about the ordinary fan? The club says that they do but often give the impression that the fan is simply a source of finance.

Take the catering - since Lindleys got the franchise fans have almost constantly complained about the poor quality of the overpriced "food and drinks".I know the club have recently carried out a poll which confirms what we've all been saying for the past 3 seasons!

Look at the fiacso against Notts County - running out of water on one of the hottest days of the season.People suffering from heat exhaustion!

Numerous complaints to both Colin Sexstone and Steve Landsdown flooded in only for Sexstone to come up with some lame excuse about storage space :clap: I don`t recall if there was an apology or not.

Take the ticket fiasco when we trying to get Cardiff tickets last season.Another example of the club doing nothing for the fans who were queueing up for hours and hours.I remember getting charged a quid for some weak tea! :Cheeky22: whilst I was waiting.A disgrace.

Half-price season tickets at Xmas.A way of insulting those of us who bought the complete season ticket in the summer.

I could go on - but overlong threads don`t get read!

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It's amateurish isn't it? (Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question!)

I have to say though that I don't have anything to compare it too, are the fans of other clubs better treated? (you can answer that one). :clap:

I read those little snippets on teletext from the fanzine writers across the country and the impression I get is, they feel much the same about their clubs. :Confused13:

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Guest WestburyRed
Does the Club really care about the ordinary fan? The club says that they do but often give the impression that the fan is simply a source of finance.

Half-price season tickets at Xmas.A way of insulting those of us who bought the complete season ticket in the summer.

Whats wrong with half-price (half) season tickets exactly? The full season ticket buyers who purchase in the Summer get by far the biggest discount, so whats wrong with giving supporters the chance to buy one at Christmas?!

I only got mine 3 weeks ago as I simply could not afford it during the Summer, so up until now I've paid for a ticket every week, and now I have a season ticket which was price adjusted to reflect how many games have been played, anything wrong with that?!

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Absolutely agree with you - especially about the catering.

Sitting in the Dolman - it's almost impossible to get anything to eat or drink at half time. This Saturday I decided I needed a hot drink. Nothing else just a hot drink.. so I went to the hot drink stall (the nescafe jar - near the atyeo end) a nice small queue. Got to the front asked for ONE bovril - sorry no hot drinks!

There was no notice/sign - they just waited until you got to the front of the queue to tell you.

I then had to spend 20 mins at the hot food counter - at the side of the stand - missing the first 5 mins of the 2nd half and all I wanted was a HOT drink. Added to that - they wanted £1.20 for a bovril cube and some hot water - disgusting!

Come on City this is terrible. I don't usually bother buying anything and I doubt I will attempt to again. I'll bring a flask next time.


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Guest Oswald Ninny

I'd heard that Number 31 (the fans) has been tranfer listed due to our unreasonable expectations and a lack of commitment from our ever strained financial purse strings.

Let's hold out for a bosman


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I like the fact that one of the reasons for not being allowed in the East End is because of the large followings from other clubs - Nice too see they care enough to provide away fans as much space as possible. And I do love the way they're allowed to flout the laws against standing up en masse - The same rules people in the Dolman and Atyeo seemingly risk breaking for just singing one rendition of "stand up if you love City"

The catering is terrible, but people still use it, and untill its boycotted the club wont change anything. We're cattle, we don't need good food.

In a way it's a good thing the club doesn't really push to get new fans, someone who came to their first ever football match right now would be put off for life.

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I think one day you and I ought to sit down and put the world to rights, if there was a rating system you would be getting several more points from me! :Wave:

The worst service I have received though was at Bournemouth where I queued 15 minutes into the 2nd half (OK so I was the lucky one) only to watch as the server sold the last remaining hot pies to three queue jumping stewards!! :Rage: :Rage: :Rage:

That was adding insult to injury.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
The worst service I have received though was at Bournemouth where I queued 15 minutes into the 2nd half (OK so I was the lucky one) only to watch as the server sold the last remaining hot pies to three queue jumping stewards!!  :Rage:  :Rage:  :Rage:

That was adding insult to injury.

Come on be fair, they'd probably had a hard 45 minutes warning people that if they persisted in shouting above the recomended council decible level they would be ejected

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Just back to the old catering. Last Sat, went to the Ateyo kiosk to get my usual cup of something indescribable and a cold min 5% meat pastie. Got there about 10 mins into h/t, only to find the shutters down. I ask a few guys in the queue whats happening but no-one seems to know. Just as the game kicks off, a member of staff appers and annouces that due to a fire-alarm scare they arnt opening :Confused13:

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Guest lydneyred

Went to Huddersfield last season, bought one of their meat pies, took one bite was so disgusting, threw it against the wall, to watch it slowly stick and slide down the wall.

Always buy chips before I go into the gate, as I know I won't touch..........sorry I refuse....to touch or eat anything in the Dolman.

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Guest east_dundry_red


i think yet again you are trying to have a pop at the club. To be honest i know somethings such as catering are discrasefull but they club does think of the fans and i have witnessed this MANY times on a 1st hand basis!

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The club are getting somethings right and somethings wrong, Sexton was right when he spoke about storage space in the Kiosks. It wasnt an excuse its the truth. As you don't ever use the facilitys you may not realise how small they actually are. Badly designed and theres very little the club can do about that now.

The only way things will improve on the Quantitiy front is a new stadium, They simply don't have the room at the gate.

I totally agree with you on Prices but they can charge it due to a lack of competition, Its no different from going to a concert at somewhere like the NEC and paying the prices......You cant go anywhere else so they can charge what they like.

The standard of the food isnt the best but this is to do with the catering company, Unfortuantly because the its contracted out there is very little the club can do until the contract comes up for Renewal.

I cant agree about the half season tickets, to be honest I cant see your argument on that at all ? The people who buy there tickets in the summer get the biggest discount so whats the problem ?

Just like any company there are good staff and bad staff, for instance not all stewards are evil! They are told to clamp down on certain things in certain areas before a game and as such they have to follow the directives given to them, Granted there are some who get a little bit "Hitler" but generally most of them do there best to be accomodating.

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I personally don't have a problem with the half season tickets, but everything else Robbored said is spot on.

Catering: There will always be queues but to serve COLD food which should be hot (happens every game) is scandalous and probably dangerous too. The standard of service is also terrible. Just poor untrained 16 year olds who have been drafted in by an agency and no proper leadership of them to make sure procedures and service to customers are carried out properly. City also lose out on revenue because food runs out so quickly. The Cardiff ticket fiasco was an extension this: no co-ordination, forward planning and/or common sense.

One day we'll get it right.

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This is a bit controversial but... I actually quite like the pasties !

Mind you I've never had one with foreign bodies in it like some people have claimed on here :vomit2:

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Guest Ricky BCFC
After what ive been told by my friend who works in the catering down the Gate i will NEVER go near the food again  :clap:

If it's serious then any chance you could share?

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If it's serious then any chance you could share?

I don't really want to tell tells because they havent worked there very long but its just a case of them re-heating things numerous times, freezing them then re-heating again basically... and this is asking for trouble.

Having had a severe case of salmonella myself i wouldnt risk that again by eating dodgy re-heated pies from the kiosk.

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Guest black golf







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