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The 2 Lee's


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Just been reading the Lee Miller thread and I have noticed some things that have made me laugh. On Lee Miller a lot of people are saying that if he'd get the right balls to him he'd score more and that even if he didnt score a goal all season but set up goals he should be kept in the team. The thing is why does Lee Miller get all this sympathy and understanding yet Lee Peacock in my view, gets unfairly slated by loads on here when the above comments surely apply to him aswell?? The reason none of the front boys are scoring prolificly is because the service is ######e, if Lee Peacock had got some decent service he'd be well into 20+ goals now and Lee Miller not far behind, fact. Bottom line is LP has scored almost twice as many as LM so I dont see how he can be continually slated and Miller praised.

Both players in my view are very good and both cannot be faulted for their effort and commitment to Bristol City Football Club.

So come on, we cant have one rule for one and one rule for another (too many one's in that line!)

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Dunno what all #######e that is about. Should say rubbish - Well a 5 letter word beggining with s and ending in e with hit in the middle!!

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Earlier in the season, when LP was scoring goals, he attributed his scoring to not being a target man like last season and that LM was taking the load off of him.

Wilson is now playing LP as a target man without LM in the side most weeks. So LP is not scoring as he was.

Sometimes a manager has to listen to his players and sometimes players have to tell the manager that they don't think they can do what is being asked - but I suspect Clist did that and look what happened to him.

DW has a stubborn streak a mile wide and will keep LP in the side for the remaining games although it is not in the best interests of the team to do so unless LM is also in the side as the target man.

In short, and in less of a ramble, it is not LP's fault that he is not a traget man but is being forced to pretend he is.

Very good points mate
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Guest whitey_03
Just been reading the Lee Miller thread and I have noticed some things that have made me laugh. On Lee Miller a lot of people are saying that if he'd get the right balls to him he'd score more and that even if he didnt score a goal all season but set up goals he should be kept in the team. The thing is why does Lee Miller get all this sympathy and understanding yet Lee Peacock in my view, gets unfairly slated by loads on here when the above comments surely apply to him aswell?? The reason none of the front boys are scoring prolificly is because the service is ######e, if Lee Peacock had got some decent service he'd be well into 20+ goals now and Lee Miller not far behind, fact. Bottom line is LP has scored almost twice as many as LM so I dont see how he can be continually slated and Miller praised.

Both players in my view are very good and both cannot be faulted for their effort and commitment to Bristol City Football Club.

So come on, we cant have one rule for one and one rule for another (too many one's in that line!)

Although i think the critism Lee Peacock gets on here is way over the top, there is no need to try and get another player slated just because Peacock is.

Also Peacock has been playing this level for how long 3 years, Miller is in his first season, not yet completed a full season and you think he deserves the same critism as Peacock. If you want to bring up figures, Peacock £600,000 Miller £365,000! Peacock rarely gets subbed in a game, Miller usually first to come off, if playing at all. Now I am not condoning the treatment Peacock gets on here but as I said to try and get people to slate another player, why?????

Come lets get behind the striker for the run in, ideally they both score on Saturday in a 2-1 victory, and we can all be happy for a week!!

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I agree that Lee Peacock gets unfair criticism, this is because Wilson keeps playing him. He is not the 20+ goals a season striker that we need to get us out of this division, but I don't think any of the other strikers are either.

It's quite simple.

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Although i think the critism Lee Peacock gets on here is way over the top, there is no need to try and get another player slated just because Peacock is.

Also Peacock has been playing this level for how long 3 years, Miller is in his first season, not yet completed a full season and you think he deserves the same critism as Peacock. If you want to bring up figures, Peacock £600,000 Miller £365,000! Peacock rarely gets subbed in a game, Miller usually first to come off, if playing at all. Now I am not condoning the treatment Peacock gets on here but as I said to try and get people to slate another player, why?????

Come lets get behind the striker for the run in, ideally they both score on Saturday in a 2-1 victory, and we can all be happy for a week!!

Whoooooooooooooooooa! I'm not trying to get Miller slated mate, far from it. As I said I think Lee is a very good player and has service to him been good he'd score even more. I'm on about the opposite, why do any of them have to be slated. I just cant see why LM was getting positive responses and LP negative responses when they are both putting in the effort and not being rewarded.
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The thing is why does Lee Miller get all this sympathy and understanding yet Lee Peacock in my view, gets unfairly slated by loads on here when the above comments surely apply to him aswell??
lee miller is young and still learning and lee peacock is now

a experienced old head and should know better :P

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass
lee miller is young and still learning and lee peacock is now

a experienced old head and should know better

totally right! Peacock should be talking to Miller and helping him but he's as quiet as a mouse....
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Whitey 03, Miller is going to get it cos the Peacock lovers dont like the fact their boy is copping for the flak. Fact is Over-reated Peacock has flattered to deceive his entire time here, Thorpe, Robbo and Scotty have scored more goals in that period. This is despite Thorpe not giving a f**, Robbo, in some peoples eyes being crap, and Scotty being a winger. Hes not as good as DW or his fans think he is, and we got ripped off.

The wee man will be a much better striker for us, when he gets a decent partner, possibly Robbo, or Rougier. Leapy considering he is "playing" for a new contract has been poor, and in fairness while DW always picking him regardless, is not helpful to him, doesnt excuse his poor performance missing in over half of his appearances this season, especially when the goals are desparately needed.

And remember Peacock lovers, this is the wee mans FIRST season in our pacier more pyhsical game, and it will take time to settle in after the lower standards of Scottish Div 1. Lee Miller will become one of our better strikers of this era, maybe not the best, but up there, theres no way Leapy will.

One final thought for you Peacock lover: Lee Miller chose us over newly promoted Wigan, and Scottish Premier Division Aberdeen, both clubs above our standards, and er tell me who has shown any interest in out of contract in the summer Lee Peacock? I aint heard of anyone, which indicates to me hes not much cop as a striker, in other managers eyes, or got an exteremely high opinion of himself, which puts other potential managers off.

Lee Miller for Bristol City, and Scotland....

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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

One point I would like to make is how often do you see the strikers in the six yard box waiting for the crosses or even running in to the six yard box. Too often they are working the flanks or outside holding the ball up. Surely one of them has to be in the box when we are attacking.

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Guest whitey_03
Whoooooooooooooooooa! I'm not trying to get Miller slated mate, far from it. As I said I think Lee is a very good player and has service to him been good he'd score even more. I'm on about the opposite, why do any of them have to be slated. I just cant see why LM was getting positive responses and LP negative responses when they are both putting in the effort and not being rewarded.
Sorry mate, I thought this was another of those threads where Peacock supporters try and deflect any blame Peacock is getting onto Miller. Granted Peacock shouldnt get slated at all either, but many feel just because he gets it, it is alright to hound on another player!!

As I said ideally they both score against QPR, and then everyone would have to shut up for a week!! But it is a forum, and everyone is entitled to come on and moan, slag, be opinionated if they wish. I thought you were trying to slate Lee so I just brought up a few facts, which I didnt want to, but some users support Peacock through thick & thin, and I do it for Miller.

Just a cheeky little jibe though, it will be interesting to come back on here in a few years time, and see if Lee Miller gets the stick Peacock gets at present. Personally I think he will have proved himself by then, and will be a major player for City. But we have to wait and see!!

Again DannyBoy, sorry, the cat claws have now been retracted :laugh:

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Just been reading the Lee Miller thread and I have noticed some things that have made me laugh. On Lee Miller a lot of people are saying that if he'd get the right balls to him he'd score more and that even if he didnt score a goal all season but set up goals he should be kept in the team. The thing is why does Lee Miller get all this sympathy and understanding yet Lee Peacock in my view, gets unfairly slated by loads on here when the above comments surely apply to him aswell?? The reason none of the front boys are scoring prolificly is because the service is ######e, if Lee Peacock had got some decent service he'd be well into 20+ goals now and Lee Miller not far behind, fact. Bottom line is LP has scored almost twice as many as LM so I dont see how he can be continually slated and Miller praised.

Both players in my view are very good and both cannot be faulted for their effort and commitment to Bristol City Football Club.

So come on, we cant have one rule for one and one rule for another (too many one's in that line!)

You're right with your point about service and our crossing & set piece delivery, has worsened as the season's gone on.

MB & BT just haven't get the pace in their crossing, passes etc and LW'S DELIVERY seems to have worsened since his arrival and return from the olympics qualifiers or as it's otherwise known, holiday, for some strange reason-Cityitus, I think or DW's coaching (Bitch, aren't I??)

MH, DC & TB can't pass or cross at all and LC's not great.

The fact that it's left to them to often, because we don't get to the byeline, is the real issue.

However, the two boys (LM & LP) both have a problem-no, it's not LOFT (Lack of ******g Talent) it's another four letter word, PACE.

Neither can run the channels and with our central midfielders suffering from the same disease, thus being unable "get past the ball" or run past/take on players, space isn't created and sides can defend deep, thus negating our pace wide, by not leaving any grass behind them for the likes of Murray & Goodfellow to run into.

Personally, Peacock gets my vote, with more goals from the same aforementioned crap service, but it doesn't really matter until the manager changes tactics to enable better crosses and more pacey flowing football.

That doesn't mean going gung ho and bu**er defending.

it's means commiting the oppositions defence and midfield to defending, thus negating the attacking side of their game.

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to suit the Peacock lovers among us why dont we just get rid of all the other strikers, and ask the over-rated one he would like Danny to get in!!

Fact: 1 goal in 13 is crap, and the second time he has had a barren run

Fact: As a senior pro he should be able to get the midfielders to play the balls he want in, and the manager will back him. This is what happens when you are one of the most experienced players in the squad, cos our squad aint short of talent, thats for sure, and they could manage to do as Leapy asked. its called working on it during training.

Fact: If he was any good a club would have come sniffing, as he is out of contract in the summer.

Fact: He only gets in the squad week in week out cos he is one of DW's favorites, like Butler, another outstanding player, for this season. Unlike a fair number of our others (Wilks, Miller, Robbo, Leroy, Goodfellow, Tins, Aaron, Doc, Bell, Woodman..to name a few)

Fact: He has one of the highest fouls conceded counts in our division, which indicates a certain lack of guile. He doesnt have the consistency, or subtlty we need in our team.

He has had his chance, and should be binned. there are always excuses for him, but not for Miller (Not up to it) Robbo (He is crap for any amount of reasons) Leroy (too young) Matthews (Pie Eater). ALL these other strikers would have enjoyed a prolonged run like Leapy, and probably would be no worse (Well ok maybe Matthews).

Leapy wernt even top striker let alone scorer last season, and as Scotty is now back (The reason according to some, the sole reason) for Robbo being 2nd top scorer, then he and Miller should get priority over the well over-reated Leapy, cos no-one care who scores, just that we bloody score.

Does anyone here seriously think Leapy will cut in in Div 1? By the way wernt Paulo Wanchope one of the other strikers at Man ###### when we signed Peacock- shows how they really rated Peacock there then.

It is curious to note though, that its this season we've struggled to score, when Leapy has been the undisputed No 1 striker, whereas Robbo, Thorpe, and Scotty laid claim to that role in previous years-Just a thought..............

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to suit the Peacock lovers among us why dont we just get rid of all the other strikers, and ask the over-rated one he would like Danny to get in!!

Fact: 1 goal in 13 is crap, and the second time he has had a barren run

Fact: As a senior pro he should be able to get the midfielders to play the balls he want in, and the manager will back him. This is what happens when you are one of the most experienced players in the squad, cos our squad aint short of talent, thats for sure, and they could manage to do as Leapy asked. its called working on it during training.

Fact: If he was any good a club would have come sniffing, as he is out of contract in the summer.

Fact: He only gets in the squad week in week out cos he is one of DW's favorites, like Butler, another outstanding player, for this season. Unlike a fair number of our others (Wilks, Miller, Robbo, Leroy, Goodfellow, Tins, Aaron, Doc, Bell, Woodman..to name a few)

Fact: He has one of the highest fouls conceded counts in our division, which indicates a certain lack of guile. He doesnt have the consistency, or subtlty we need in our team.

He has had his chance, and should be binned. there are always excuses for him, but not for Miller (Not up to it) Robbo (He is crap for any amount of reasons) Leroy (too young) Matthews (Pie Eater). ALL these other strikers would have enjoyed a prolonged run like Leapy, and probably would be no worse (Well ok maybe Matthews).

Leapy wernt even top striker let alone scorer last season, and as Scotty is now back (The reason according to some, the sole reason) for Robbo being 2nd top scorer, then he and Miller should get priority over the well over-reated Leapy, cos no-one care who scores, just that we bloody score.

Does anyone here seriously think Leapy will cut in in Div 1? By the way wernt Paulo Wanchope one of the other strikers at Man ###### when we signed Peacock- shows how they really rated Peacock there then.

It is curious to note though, that its this season we've struggled to score, when Leapy has been the undisputed No 1 striker, whereas Robbo, Thorpe, and Scotty laid claim to that role in previous years-Just a thought..............

Few more facts

1.All of our strikers, apart from Lita, are in barren runs.

2.DW signed him for £600k and keeps picking him.

3.DW's letting his contract run out.

4.If we are promoted, apart from Lita, I wouldn't retain any of or strikers for next year.They're all to slow, physically and mentally.

As I said in an earlier post, look at the strikers at THE BOTTOM clubs in Div1, compare them to ours and..............worry :laugh:

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Guest nobby

personally i think peacock should not be in the team,because to me,the bloke doesnt play like hes commited.

yes he has nice little touches in and around the box but when it comes to putting his head in where it hurts hes nowhere to be seen.

he moans on about how he hesnt had a decent chance for weeks,but that is complete b****x.

over the least month or so our midfielders and full backs have put endless half decent crosses but peacock just does not attack the ball with any sort determination.

lee miller on the other hand does.althogh he hasnt scored loads of goals hes not been afraid to chuck his head or body at the ball when the feet and elbows are flying,whilst lee peacock stands back not wanting to mess up his hair.

lee mller should be picked ahed of him every time on commitment alone

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I think Peacock would score 20 goals a season under Sturrock, King, Hollowhead or whoever the Bournemouth manager is. Part of a manager's brief is to play to the players' strengths, not to their weaknesses.

Wilson puts defenders in midfield (Carey and Burnell), central midfielders out on the wings (Wilkshire and Tinnion) and pairs forwards together who have publically said they don't work well together (Peacock & Roberts).

So it comes as no surprise that Wilson puts Peacock up as a target man once he starts scoring goals when he didn't act as a targetman.

You have to wonder what Wilson actually wants; is he sulking because the Board sold Murray from under him in the close season? Nah nothing like that could possibly happen, could it!?!

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