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Should Wilson Resign


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Guest exiledred

if we don't go up then he should go. time for a change. but until then no point in changing it- too late in the season for that

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Agree with Nailseared and Exiledred. Whats the point of sacking your manager when you still have the chance of getting promotion.

Alright, it may not be the easy way of getting promotion but if we do go up through the play offs then we should see how the first part of the first division season goes before making any decisions.

It was only a few weeks ago DW was god !!


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Guest Shaunyb

who r we going 2 get that better Tinman?

i dont think that we will get a better manager than mr danny wilson.

Shauny b

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Guest Red Sinjen

Personally I think he should have gone last year but while we are on the subject does anyone for one second think that Wilson will do the decent thing and resign and walk away from a potential pay off?? The guy has already taken at least £750,000 out of the club and will obviously look to take more. Hopefully he will see sense and walk, imagine what a bitter pill it would be to swallow if we fail to go up and then have to pay up 3 more years of Wilson's salary!!!!!!

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