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Cost Of Police At

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£94,000 Royalist Gestapo Police costs is an absolute disgrace. :disapointed2se:

Considering we already pay for these Gestapo via our community charge and general taxes further Policing charges are an absolute disgrace. The Police are now showing themselves up for what they really are i.e. a toff/snob led Royalist mafia.

What a moronic response. :disapointed2se:

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1. The Police decide how many Police and

2. of which ranks are needed in the ground. The higher the rank, the higher the cost.

3. The Police decide what the rates charged are.

4. If a club refuses the Police decisions. the Safety Certificate is withdrawn and the game can only proceed behind closed doors (if at all).

Surely the monopoly commission should investigate this organised protection racket.

Clubs invested in their own Stewards in the 70s so that not so many costly Police would be needed. They then got caught by rules 1-4.

Some constabularies are currently considering charging clubs for extra Police needed outside grounds as well. If some pop star is at say the Colston Hall will he be charged for any extra Coppers who keep an eye on the crowd entering & leaving? I think not.

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Considering we already pay for these Gestapo via our community charge and general taxes further Policing charges are an absolute disgrace. The Police are now showing themselves up for what they really are i.e. a toff/snob led Royalist mafia.

There'd be more public reaction if everyone's money was going towards the police looking after a very small minority who are under no obligation to pay for it themselves.

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It was a factual and not a moronic response. :noexpression: Subjugation, coercion and control in an inbred 'blue-blooded' toff/snob led Royalist Police State. Into the bargain we have to further subsidize this sort of Gestapo Police behaviour with our already high ticket prices...........


No, its your opinion OC, not factual in the slightest.

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1. The Police decide how many Police and

2. of which ranks are needed in the ground. The higher the rank, the higher the cost.

3. The Police decide what the rates charged are.

4. If a club refuses the Police decisions. the Safety Certificate is withdrawn and the game can only proceed behind closed doors (if at all).

Surely the monopoly commission should investigate this organised protection racket.

Clubs invested in their own Stewards in the 70s so that not so many costly Police would be needed. They then got caught by rules 1-4.

Some constabularies are currently considering charging clubs for extra Police needed outside grounds as well. If some pop star is at say the Colston Hall will he be charged for any extra Coppers who keep an eye on the crowd entering & leaving? I think not.

This is factual OC...! A very good post.

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The Police are led by Royalist toffs and snobs in this country - that is a feature of the class system that prevails in England. The puppet masters of the Police are the hopelessly corrupt toff/snob public school educated Crown Prosecution Service lawyers who are not democratically accountable. The supreme Kommandant of the Police is the German descended Queen - she is an unelected head of state and even using the Royalist toff/snob criteria for an English Monarch her legitimate right to rule is in serious doubt.

The Royalist 'crown' insignia is clearly visible on the Police helmet below and you claim the Police are not Royalist Gestapo ???!!!!.....


Do you want a gallon of vinegar and a pound of salt to go with that effing great chip on your shoulder?

To use the phrase "gestapo" is tasteless and highly offensive given that organisation's role in recent history and you really should be ashamed of yourself.

I doubt you would like the policing methods anywhere in Europe either, which are far more "firm" than we have in this country. In fact, I doubt that you would like the police in general anywhere in the world, from the tone of your posts it sounds like you have an axe to grind.

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I thought it would have been higher, even with the regular taxi load that visiting clubs brought in League 1.

The worry is how much more it will be this season with the considerably higher support a lot of clubs have brought. I presume there has been a notable increase in Police attending games?

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If any one thinks the coppers have very little to do these days think

about events from the last TWO days

Their were as many coppers(or so it seemed) at Hull on tuesday as City fans

They(the coppers) must like their football free of charge

Have a local at the BBC1 and ITV West local wednesday news courtesy of

your Broadband connections

In connection with the woman who has gone missing at

Redmarly in gloucestershire

residents in the county never thought gloucestershire has so many coppers on its books

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If any one thinks the coppers have very little to do these days think

about events from the last TWO days

Their were as many coppers(or so it seemed) at Hull on tuesday as City fans

They(the coppers) must like their football free of charge

Have a local at the BBC1 and ITV West local wednesday news courtesy of

your Broadband connections

In connection with the woman who has gone missing at

Redmarly in gloucestershire

residents in the county never thought gloucestershire has so many coppers on its books

ey, what you doin' up at this unearthly hour?

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What, you mean football fans ourselves?

I don't think you'll find that the majority of people in this country go to Football Matches on a regular basis.

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The Police are led by Royalist toffs and snobs in this country - that is a feature of the class system that prevails in England. The puppet masters of the Police are the hopelessly corrupt toff/snob public school educated Crown Prosecution Service lawyers who are not democratically accountable. The supreme Kommandant of the Police is the German descended Queen - she is an unelected head of state and even using the Royalist toff/snob criteria for an English Monarch her legitimate right to rule is in serious doubt.

The Royalist 'crown' insignia is clearly visible on the Police helmet below and you claim the Police are not Royalist Gestapo ???!!!!.....

Gestapo is an abreviation of Geheime Stat Polizei which in English is Secret State Police. Phone tapping, filming of suspects and snooping on all citizens were their standard tactics and are used by Britain's Police today. Remember one quarter of all CCTV cameras in the entire world are in Britain. FACT confirmed by the Home Office.

As for those who control Britain's "Law & Order". Friday it was announced the House of Lords (who elected them?) has decided those in favour of fox hunting do have a case after all and have granted them permission to appeal to the European Parliament to have Britain's ban revoked. Also on Friday it was reported on Radio 5 a man caught hunting was released without charge as he told Police;

"I didn't realise I couldn't hunt like this".

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