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Help Me Win An Argument


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Its with my 10 yr old daughter, she`s at an age where it is fun to think up questions and win arguments.

Today she asked me if i would support the Gas if City didn`t exist.

I said no.

She insisted i would because if Bristol City had never been invented(her words) then the only team in Bristol would be Rovers and i would support them.

I`m not winning this one. Anyone got any ideas anyone? Apart from sending her to bed for the duration of the holidays.

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Bristol is a fine city with fine people. Unfortunately there is a tiny minority of scummy idiots who are very bad people. They came from somewhere weird like Wales or France and pretended to be Bristolian by setting up a footy team called Rovers.

They really represent poo from the sewers and only pooey people like them.

It was with this that REAL Bristolians decided to set up a REAL football team in Bristol. One for the Bristol people. One just as great and proud as the city itself.

This football team was Bristol City. IF City didn't exist before you- YOU would have invented them. Because after all Bristol does deserve a REAL football team!

IF City disappeared off the map then another GREAT team would emerge in time. If not you would support some other team or no-one at all- depending. But you wouldn't support Rovers because you're not an evil nasty person who lives on a lump of poo in the sewers. You are a great and proud Bristolian.

See- you won it!

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Rovers are a disgrace and embarrassment to the city of Bristol. If Bristol City didn't exist, that wouldn't make the Gas any less of a disgrace and embarrassment.

Alternatively, play your daughter a Des O'Connor record and ask her if Busted didn't exist, would she support him and buy his records instead? If she says no, because he's still crap, explain the same argument applies to the Gas.

If she still disagrees, send her to bed without any dinner and refuse to let her eat until she agrees that the Gas deserve no support, regardless of City's existence. Some times you have to be hard on young'uns for their own good. It'll work out best in the long term.

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She insisted i would because if Bristol City had never been invented(her words) then the only team in Bristol would be Rovers and i would support them.

No you wouldn't cos they've got fleas.

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Guest Lockerman

Destroy that blue and White Quartered Shirt that you wear to home matches, that should prove the point.

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There are two arguements you could take.

Firstly tell her the truth that all Rovers fans/players etc smell of wee wee and poo poo and that you would not want to join them in smelling that way. Also you would have to join in their scat munching orgies after every game. This is unacceptable for you to do along with the rest of the human race.


Secondly just tell her (rightly so) that Rovers are not a substitute football team. They are not a football team therefore your allegiance cannot be transfered to them. You might as well have transfered your loyalty and support to a knitting circle which is of course daft.

p.s. The second reasoning is probably safer to tell a child. You don't want to be asked what a scat muncher is.

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Dont get involved in theological debate with girls of any age :cool:

Your daughter sounds like a Jesuit!!!!

Or you could try..."I am going to win this argument because I'm bigger and stronger than you and therefore right"

This only works if they're smaller than you obviously :laugh:

Personally I'd put her in a nunnery :city: before its to late.

No City???? or dear oh dear oh dear..

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But who would like busted anyway????
I know someone who went to a busted concert only a week or 2 ago. He, yes I said he, posts on here too.

Another line of defence for you, potbelly, is that perennial favourite of Dad's everywhere. Because I said so.

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Guest DrFaustus
Rovers are a disgrace and embarrassment to the city of Bristol. If Bristol City didn't exist, that wouldn't make the Gas any less of a disgrace and embarrassment.

Your usual rational, well thought approach eh RedTop.

Good luck for the rest of the season,

Disgrace and EmbarassmentGas

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I prefer the wee-wee and poo-poo argument, it makes more sense.

There again you could show her a picture of Dunceford and say this is what Rovers means and before she can scream and have nightmares burn it in front of her and tell her there there the nasty bogey man is gone now.

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