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Hoolies Today

Guest merrickstash

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Guest merrickstash

They are absolute arseholes. Was there with my nephew - his first proper away game. He was very upset by the knuckleheads trying to get into the Palace side and fighting with the Police.

I hope the cops gave them a right good battering and they'll be identified and banned. Most of them seemed sad old 1980s throwbacks still doing a sort of chainstore casual look; Henri Lloyd jackets and broken noses - with a few silly little boys joining in. None of them interested in the football. T*ssers - all of them.

Palace need to up their segregation, too, mind. Nothing between them and our fans but a few stewards. Sadly, some of our idiots can't be treated like adults.

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Guest brizzlenick

If it wasn't for us "hoolies" then there would be no atmosphere. Your boring old ******** just sat there, we would be made a laughing stock for our club just sat there for 90 mins not opening our gobs!

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Guest zidereddy

not enough segregation or police/stewards between could see something was going to happen way before it did with all the winding up that was going on.police hats wer flying everwhere near the end

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If it wasn't for us "hoolies" then there would be no atmosphere. Your boring old ******** just sat there, we would be made a laughing stock for our club just sat there for 90 mins not opening our gobs!

Sorry but theres a difference between having a singsong, and fighting.

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i got no problem with heartfelt passion, but trying to get to the CP fans, hoping for a tear up???? is that really the only way to create an atmosphere? what about those fans that want to sing but don't fancy it going off? boring arseholes? or human beings??

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Guest brizzlenick

Yes but it was fighting was it, just a bit of banter.. you lot have nothing better to do than type a load of poo on here. If they wanna get there heads smashed in then it's up to them isn't it, but I'm saying, atmosphere would be so poor if they never went.. true fact?

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Cracking atmosphere due to the fact there was always a chance there could be a bit of trouble.

If you didn't have the chance of violence the atmosphere would be like rugby.

How many of you sings songs about fighting and the like? So you are part of the problem so get off you moral high ground.

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Guest zidereddy

nah wasnt that bad mountain over a molehill again made for a great atmosphere miles better than west brom.it could of got nasty but didnt i had a great day part from the result but hey sure wel bounce back again

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Yes but it was fighting was it, just a bit of banter.. you lot have nothing better to do than type a load of poo on here. If they wanna get there heads smashed in then it's up to them isn't it, but I'm saying, atmosphere would be so poor if they never went.. true fact?

Id have to disagree sorry.

Theres banter and then theres being a tit, and anyone that goes to football to then spend the game trying to wind up the opposition is being a tit. It doesnt make it a better atmosphere when theres people fighting with coppers, or throwing stones at the coaches. I suppose they asked for it too did they because they were on coaches?

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the hate and venim on some of the pratts faces was just embarassing, not to city, but to mankind!

..i love city, don't get me wrong, i get passionate at games, but if you really have that much angst and contrived anger when you attend matches that you want to fight the police, the opposition fans, or even other city fans, then life must be pretty bare for you at home...

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If you didn't have the chance of violence the atmosphere would be like rugby.

How many of you sings songs about fighting and the like? So you are part of the problem so get off you moral high ground.

Sorry but I don't go to football hoping for the chance of violence, I go to watch the game.

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Sorry but theres a difference between having a singsong, and fighting.

No you wrong , when you sings song about fighting and goading the other fans which many many fans who travel up on the cats do , you had to the general atmosphere of hostility.

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Yes but it was fighting was it, just a bit of banter.. you lot have nothing better to do than type a load of poo on here. If they wanna get there heads smashed in then it's up to them isn't it, but I'm saying, atmosphere would be so poor if they never went.. true fact?

banter or not, where is the line? would you be happy having 3500 "bantering" fans in the east end. The east end has proved time and time again that it is THE place to be, if you want atmosphere, but just ignoring the banter and "just letting them get on with it" is not the answer.

Although as dolly rightly pointed out, that these "bantering" fans are probably banned from AG, it still gives the club more ammo to keep the east end exclusive to the few st holders that are there already.

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banter or not, where is the line? would you be happy having 3500 "bantering" fans in the east end. The east end has proved time and time again that it is THE place to be, if you want atmosphere, but just ignoring the banter and "just letting them get on with it" is not the answer.

Although as dooly rightly pointed out, that these "bantering" fans are probably banned from AG, it still gives the club more ammo to keep the east end exclusive to the few st holders that are there already.

too true Nik, and thank god they are banned don't need these hooligans around in football, by all means sing yes, but fighting is not what you need for a atmosphere.

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No you wrong , when you sings song about fighting and goading the other fans which many many fans who travel up on the cats do , you had to the general atmosphere of hostility.

Still a difference between singing about things like that, and actually going and smacking someone or scaring little kids. Plus I think the only song I sing about fighting is "drink up me cider" which is kind of irrelevant for most teams.

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Yes but it was fighting was it, just a bit of banter.. you lot have nothing better to do than type a load of poo on here. If they wanna get there heads smashed in then it's up to them isn't it, but I'm saying, atmosphere would be so poor if they never went.. true fact?

Probably not a false fact :laugh:

I go to watch the game. Yes there is banter but I have no interest in fighting. I still think anyone who goes for the fighting should be put in a field and fight until the death. Keep them away from those of us interested in the actual football.

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Sorry but I don't go to football hoping for the chance of violence, I go to watch the game.

So do I. Do you ever abuse the away fans. Do you sings songs about Rovers fans running away if you didn't today you were in the minority.

How many of you sing hark now hear the city sing? If you do you condone fighting at football.

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Funny you should mention fighting our between our own fans.

During half time, we were queing up for a drink and some meathead (well into his 40's) pushes straight in at the front. The chap infront of me says to this prat "excuse me mate but there is a que" - only to be shoved into the other people queing by this guy and told "###### make me que then you ****".

Thankfully, the chap infront just let the incident pass over his head as this guys mates (all clad in caps and stone island and around the same age) stood waiting for a reaction.

Why oh why do these people poison our football club???!! They are old enough to know better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Guest zidereddy

i don't condone what went on but it does make for a better atmosphere when its get a bit hostile as long as it doesnt cross the line.i thought it was electric today would rather it be like that than west brom where we all sat there like boring old farts at the cinema! today was the best atmosphere this season i reckon enjoyed it even though we lost(need a striker fast johnson is so obvious now)

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Cracking atmosphere due to the fact there was always a chance there could be a bit of trouble.

If you didn't have the chance of violence the atmosphere would be like rugby.

and what is wrong with the rugby atmosphere?

drink lots, loads of banter, drink lots more and never any violence....but i dare say that if you acted up with so much bravado, on your own at the rugby, you would end up feeling like a complete tw4t....

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Guest red and breakfast
If it wasn't for us "hoolies" then there would be no atmosphere. Your boring old bastards just sat there, we would be made a laughing stock for our club just sat there for 90 mins not opening our gobs!

Supported City since '95. Now you are either telling the truth and started about 10 and are therefore 23 or you are 'die hard' and started supporting city at birth and are 13. Which is it Big Nick?

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Sorry, redsince82 what does the east end have to do with abusing the away fans?

quite simple.. i am one of the few that is really passionate about the east end, if it were open to all and sundry, every home game, where do you think most of the attention will be? the game? the pitch? no.... the away fans, thats a true fact.

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Still a difference between singing about things like that, and actually going and smacking someone or scaring little kids. Plus I think the only song I sing about fighting is "drink up me cider" which is kind of irrelevant for most teams.

We're not going to agree on this.

In my opinion there is no real difference. By singing these songs you give credibility to people who go and give the gas head a slap.

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So do I. Do you ever abuse the away fans. Do you sings songs about Rovers fans running away if you didn't today you were in the minority.

How many of you sing hark now hear the city sing? If you do you condone fighting at football.

Complete crap.Why would you condone it? We sing it because it is part of the banter but I'm willing to bet that 99% of the people that sing it wouldn't fight.

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We're not going to agree on this.

In my opinion there is no real difference. By singing these songs you give credibility to people who go and give the gas head a slap.

No we arent.

But ive never got into a fight in my life due to football or otherwise, I have however had to escape on more than one occasion from violence related incidents in and around football, and I don't mind admitting it scares me, and I don't like it one bit.

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and what is wrong with the rugby atmosphere?

drink lots, loads of banter, drink lots more and never any violence....but i dare say that if you acted up with so much bravado, on your own at the rugby, you would end up feeling like a complete tw4t....

Nothing wrong with a Rugby atmosphere, Its just different to football. By the way I never shout abuse or sing songs about fighting.

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Funny you should mention fighting our between our own fans.

During half time, we were queing up for a drink and some meathead (well into his 40's) pushes straight in at the front. The chap infront of me says to this prat "excuse me mate but there is a que" - only to be shoved into the other people queing by this guy and told "###### make me que then you ****".

Thankfully, the chap infront just let the incident pass over his head as this guys mates (all clad in caps and stone island and around the same age) stood waiting for a reaction.

Why oh why do these people poison our football club???!! They are old enough to know better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

The fact is they not only poison our club, but our society, and planet.

We, or I used to think of City fans as one big unit, all the same, alright mate etc. Fact is they're just people, and inevitably can be complete scum.

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Guest red and breakfast
No you wrong , when you sings song about fighting and goading the other fans which many many fans who travel up on the cats do , you had to the general atmosphere of hostility.

Fans up and down the country sing songs about having a pop at other fans - it is called banter. Fortunately, the huge majority of real fans know this is banter and don't throw their toys out about it. Give and take and all that. Other, less socially aware folk, use it as an excuse to have a pop. No moral high ground is, or needs to be taken. If 18,500 fans didn't choose to kick off today and 500 did, who is the minority in the wrong?

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Guest Almondsbury_red

the majority of people were singing ark now here nd fight fight and so was i but the people who sing it on the whole won't fight. personally i see nothing wrong with goading the home fans. its just a bit of banter which is given both ways. why does everyone get so upset about it?

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Complete crap.Why would you condone it? We sing it because it is part of the banter but I'm willing to bet that 99% of the people that sing it wouldn't fight.

Its not complete crap its a valid point. The way I and you act in a football crowd has an affect on the rest of the crowd anyone with an A level in sociology and human behaviour will tell you that.

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banter= singing songs to wind people up, hoping for a reaction, expecting some come back. vocally.

Hoolaganism= physical action against another in the name of the chosen club.

so if you don't agree with kicking someones head in, you shouldnt sing the songs that glamourise it? suppose there is a point there, but singing about it (i.e creating an atmosphere) and actually trying to use actual violence, within the ground. there is a difference

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the majority of people were singing ark now here nd fight fight and so was i but the people who sing it on the whole won't fight. personally i see nothing wrong with goading the home fans. its just a bit of banter which is given both ways. why does everyone get so upset about it?

There's a difference between a bit of banter with the home fans and spending 90 minutes trying to get a reaction out of them.

I thought singing at football matches was meant to be about supporting your team not trying to look hard?

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Its not complete crap its a valid point. The way I and you act in a football crowd has an affect on the rest of the crowd anyone with an A level in sociology and human behaviour will tell you that.

I think you mean effect but nevermind.

It isn't a valid point. Most people are clever enough to realise the difference between a song/banter and actual fighting. Clearly you aren't quite that well advanced yet...

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I don't think I've ever read a more completely stupid statement.

I can't believe you are so naive. A football crowd is full of aggression , and some times this aggression spills over in to violent action from the younger element of our fans, because they feel they can get away with it due to the fact every one else in shouting abuse (not banter).

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Guest Almondsbury_red

nibor i sing songs which support the team but i'm sure on the pitch they just hear a noise not exactly what is being sung. i would never join in with fights but i start songs like ark now here etc. its singing its still supporting the team

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I can't believe you are so naive. A football crowd is full of aggression , and some times this aggression spills over in to violent action from the younger element of our fans, because they feel they can get away with it due to the fact every one else in shouting abuse (not banter).

So what excuse did the 50 year old blokes chanting CSF who should know better have today? most teenagers/younger fans wouldnt have been born when the CSF came about.

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Guest ciderhead456

now i know ure all going to have a go but i think brizzlenick is right in a way...

everyone on here seems to complain about young people and "hooligans" at football matches but they are the people who get the atmosphere going, and they are the people who will sing even if city are 3-0 down. You wont hear the old people in the williams singing when they are 3-0 down. The fact is without them we would have a ground full of williams stands. But i still think fighting at a football match is a disgrace, so I'm not defending what happened today

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nibor i sing songs which support the team but i'm sure on the pitch they just hear a noise not exactly what is being sung. i would never join in with fights but i start songs like ark now here etc. its singing its still supporting the team

The players will hear a lot of what is sung- they aren't exactly far away are they?!

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nibor i sing songs which support the team but i'm sure on the pitch they just hear a noise not exactly what is being sung. i would never join in with fights but i start songs like ark now here etc. its singing its still supporting the team

I'm talking about the ones that turn up and spend 90 minutes goading the away fans and don't even notice what goes on on the pitch.

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Guest rossjonesuk

Wasn't there today but seen it before. Was up at Wolverhampton away for example where it all kicked off.

What I don't understand is it is obvious who they are to everyone except the police! Like you said it is a Henri Lloyd or Stone Island group of about 15 guys with little kids bouncing around next to them with stupid grins on there faces. At the Wolves game I saw them come out the ground and said to my 2 mates "f*&king hell lets get over here away from them cos they'll kick it all off", sure enough 2mins later a mini-riot broke lose.

All it takes is a little research from coppers to see who they are and have someone keep an eye on them.

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I can't believe you are so naive. A football crowd is full of aggression , and some times this aggression spills over in to violent action from the younger element of our fans, because they feel they can get away with it due to the fact every one else in shouting abuse (not banter).

What a load of shit, songs don't make hoolies fight. They fight because they're sad little morons who get off on thinking they're hard. All you're doing is making excuses for the shitbags.

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What a load of shit, songs don't make hoolies fight. They fight because they're sad little morons who get off on thinking they're hard. All you're doing is making excuses for the shitbags.

Too true Nibor, I'm only 19, and i don't go for the fights or anything i go to cheer our lads on for the 90 minutes by singing not by fighting with the rest of the sad idiots who are ruining the away days for the young people

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Guest brizzlenick


It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

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It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

And anyone who doesnt fight? Get a grip!

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It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

I sing, I just don't get into fights.

Same as I can go and have a drink or 8 without getting into fights.

Or have a giggle with my mates, and not get into fights.

Or just go about my daily life and not get into fights.

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It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

read the programme? or pretend to be danny dyer or gary oldman? my choice

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It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

Total and utter tosh from an idiot i think

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Dolly, i think what he is trying to say is

Who is more likley to stand up, sing and get behind the lads

These hooligans or people that would rather read there programmes and remember all the players boot sizes.

This thread is just getting daft, everyone "hates" violence at football on this forum but when it happens it does get everyone all excited.

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It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

How old are you exactly?

I'm thinking a 12-15 year old who thinks he's hard singing naughty songs at a football match?

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Guest red and breakfast

It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

Getting behind the team is not about scrapping with the police. It is a thread about people who do not sing it is about people who behave anti-socially at football. Besides, I am sure you would enjoy the pictures in the programme.

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It's not my fault you gorms love to sit there reading the match day programs for about half an hour. Get a grip and get behind the team... this post is towards anyone who doesn't sing!!!!!

Lets face it if you're allowed to assume all of us are gorms then I'm going to assume you're one of the spacktards who goes out in town causing trouble cos' you think you're well'ard.

Sad thing is its probably true and you ruin nights out just as much as ruining football matches for others.

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Dolly, i think what he is trying to say is

Who is more likley to stand up, sing and get behind the lads

These hooligans or people that would rather read there programmes and remember all the players boot sizes.

I just don't see how in anyway, that then relates to actually smacking someone or scrapping with the opposition or the coppers.

I sing and get behind the lads, doesnt mean I pop out of the ground afterwards and clobber someone from the oppositions support.

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