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Hoolies Today

Guest merrickstash

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Lets face it if you're allowed to assume all of us are gorms then I'm going to assume you're one of the spacktards who goes out in town causing trouble cos' you think you're well'ard.

Sad thing is its probably true and you ruin nights out just as much as ruining football matches for others.

Do you really think hes old enough to go out in town then?

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I'm sure we were all outraged when Gary Newlove was kicked to death outside his home by a bunch of yobs (they were the ones convicted this week by the way)

Whats the difference between fighting with a man outside his house or fighting with a man outside his football ground? Surely they are both as equally disgusting, and neither should be allowed.

Singing and a bit of banter does not and should not lead to ACTUAL violence.

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I'm sure we were all outraged when Gary Newlove was kicked to death outside his home by a bunch of yobs (they were the ones convicted this week by the way)

Whats the difference between fighting with a man outside his house or fighting with a man outside his football ground? Surely they are both as equally disgusting, and neither should be allowed.

Singing and a bit of banter does not and should not lead to ACTUAL violence.

Well said Dolls!

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What a load of shit, songs don't make hoolies fight. They fight because they're sad little morons who get off on thinking they're hard. All you're doing is making excuses for the shitbags.

No I'm not. They act the way they do becuase they think its acceptable.

An earlier reply said they wouldn't get away with it at rugby thats my point, they are are in an enviroment in which they think it is acceptable. Why is that? That is my question.

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Guest red and breakfast
Lets face it if you're allowed to assume all of us are gorms then I'm going to assume you're one of the spacktards who goes out in town causing trouble cos' you think you're well'ard.

Sad thing is its probably true and you ruin nights out just as much as ruining football matches for others.

It would be foolish to suggest this quote is a silly as any of brizzledick's but lets think about it for a moment - supported city since 1995 on his profile, clearly die hard, therefore I would suggest he is 13 and not allowed out after dark to 'ruin nights out'. In fact his parents have probably banished him to his bedroom to avoid him ruining their night!

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No I'm not. They act the way they do becuase they think its acceptable.

An earlier reply said they wouldn't get away with it at rugby thats my point, they are are in an enviroment in which they think it is acceptable. Why is that? That is my question.

It's got nothing to do with the environment they're in at all, it's got to do with them being complete bloody imbeciles led by a few pieces of human scum.

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Guest ciderhead456

i must admit anyone who you lot disagree with, you just say he is 13 and sits in his room all day... yeh very mature.... now you sound 13 aswell

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Guest red and breakfast
now i know ure all going to have a go but i think brizzlenick is right in a way...

everyone on here seems to complain about young people and "hooligans" at football matches but they are the people who get the atmosphere going, and they are the people who will sing even if city are 3-0 down. You wont hear the old people in the williams singing when they are 3-0 down. The fact is without them we would have a ground full of williams stands. But i still think fighting at a football match is a disgrace, so I'm not defending what happened today

Hmmmmm, I smell a rat.......

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FFS this thread is a joke :disapointed2se:
Yes because some people wasn't there and didn't see what happened but are still commentating because there mate told them what happened.

If you were there you would know what happened so no need to broadcast it. If you wasn't there then don't comment unless you know what happened for certain.

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Guest red and breakfast
i must admit anyone who you lot disagree with, you just say he is 13 and sits in his room all day... yeh very mature.... now you sound 13 aswell

The smell gets stonger. Surely not another dual-poster. Maybe friend, boyfriend, daddy protecting his lit'lun. Did you stand behind 'brizzledick' today to protect him when he was being a 'hoolie'?

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It's got nothing to do with the environment they're in at all, it's got to do with them being complete bloody imbeciles led by a few pieces of human scum.

Agree, But football is the vehicle they use. Why not rugby,cricket, tennis,darts or horse racing?

We all have a responsibility as city fans to act in a way as not to let the club down, and a responsibllity as human beings to act in a manner which is expected in society.

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Guest dolman_bcfc
Just as murder, theft etc is a part of life?

Best go ring the old bill, tell them to just get over it.

See how much sense that makes?

Yes it is a part of life and will it ever be solved?? So whats the point in moaning about it. At the end of the day these people only fight with other people that are looking for fights too. I take it you was at the game today? Did it effect you in anyway?

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Guest zidereddy
No it hasn't always been actually, nor will it always be.

why don't you change your name to god you seem to think you know everything about every single subject and are some sort of city superfan who thinks hes above everyone who ever writes on here sorry had to get that off my chest!

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Yes it is a part of life and will it ever be solved?? So whats the point in moaning about it. At the end of the day these people only fight with other people that are looking for fights too. I take it you was at the game today? Did it effect you in anyway?


But if you think their behaviour affects (effects?) only those who want to fight you're either stupid or naieve.

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why don't you change your name to god you seem to think you know everything about every single subject and are some sort of city superfan who thinks hes above everyone who ever writes on here sorry had to get that off my chest!

I don't know everything about every subject, nor am I a superfan, nor do I think I'm above everyone who writes on here.

Apart from that, well done. I'm sure everyone enjoys reading your wonderful contribution to the forum, such insightful and intelligent posts.

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Guest 0738parkway

was at the game today didnt see any trouble all day bit of goading and chest puffing thats all , you are making it sound much worse than it was , if you don't like what goes on at away games SIMPLE don't GO wish some of you tarts were around in the 70s and 80s then u would have had something to cry about , nanny state we live in , and before u start making statements I'm a hoolie i was there with the wife

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Guest zidereddy
Dolly, i wasnt agreeing, just trying to say more simply what he was trying to say.

Violence is Violence but this forum does seem to love it. Anytime anything happens this forum gets a thread a million pages long, what would people talk about if it didnt happen.

i agree if people are not interested in it why watch itor comment on it,i noticed most of the croud was watching what was going on not the match, its like a bad car crash you know you shouldnt really look but just cant help yourself its human nature!

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Grown men fighting at a football match .

What can I say.


Find a real cause to fight for, Your entrance fee to Palace could have fed a starving kid for a month.

Or you could be fighting for the rights of the homeless in Britain,

Find an opponent worthy of a real fight and make a name for yourself.

Go on it's time to leave the kinder garden.

GROW UP :kiss:

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was at the game today didnt see any trouble all day bit of goading and chest puffing thats all you are making it sound much worse than it was if you don't like what goes on at away games SIMPLE don't GO wish some of you tarts were around in the 70s and 80s then u would have had something to cry about nanny state we live in and before u start making statements I'm a hoolie i was there with the wife

The person who started this thread refers to their young relative who got upset about wannabe hooligans trying to cause trouble.

How does that make anyone a 'tart'?

Seriously, grow up.

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Guest 0738parkway

is this young relative going to get upset and cry everytime he sees somthing he doesnt like , whos says we live in a perfect world and thats outside football mate no wonder this countrys going bloody soft

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is this young relative going to get upset and cry everytime he sees somthing he doesnt like , whos says we live in a perfect world and thats outside football mate no wonder this countrys going bloody soft

The country is in a right mess because theres a serious problem with respect and discipline.

Demonstrated perfectly by todays idiotic events.

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Guest zidereddy
The person who started this thread refers to their young relative who got upset about wannabe hooligans trying to cause trouble.

How does that make anyone a 'tart'?

Seriously, grow up.

could of moved him/her well well away from the area it was happening it was only one small section up in the corner from what i saw.

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Guest 0738parkway

i was sat right in the middle of the stand , had a few pints b 4 the game passed through a few train stations walked through the streets and didnt see one thing all day, some people are justs bad as the hoolies hanging around and watching the incidents , i wasnt interested in what was going on to my right so didnt see n e thing simple as

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Guest rossjonesuk
is this young relative going to get upset and cry everytime he sees somthing he doesnt like , whos says we live in a perfect world and thats outside football mate no wonder this countrys going bloody soft

Stir it up!!!

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Guest 0738parkway
Stir it up!!!

what do u mean ? it does my head in these people moaning about idiots, violence trouble today, if you didnt go u would have thought it was like world war 3 , take it from me hardly n e thing happened end of

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Guest zidereddy
I don't know everything about every subject, nor am I a superfan, nor do I think I'm above everyone who writes on here.

Apart from that, well done. I'm sure everyone enjoys reading your wonderful contribution to the forum, such insightful and intelligent posts.

thanks il sleep well tonight now you said that i really worry what you think honest.i bet it was you that was causing the trouble!!

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what do u mean ? it does my head in these people moaning about idiots, violence trouble today, if you didnt go u would have thought it was like world war 3 , take it from me hardly n e thing happened end of

I never went today but i can imagine what it was like ! I bet it was just a bit of pushing and shoving with not one arrest and no punches thrown and people are getting over excited as usual!!! If you don't ever want to see a fight the you would never leave your house, you would never go into town on a friday or saturday night or go to football - Rugby by the way is no different, the fighting is done on the pitch, tell me where that is allowed in the rules?

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Guest dolman_bcfc
I never went today but i can imagine what it was like ! I bet it was just a bit of pushing and shoving with not one arrest and no punches thrown and people are getting over excited as usual!!! If you don't ever want to see a fight the you would never leave your house, you would never go into town on a friday or saturday night or go to football - Rugby by the way is no different, the fighting is done on the pitch, tell me where that is allowed in the rules?

Wahey someone that lives in the real world :surrender:

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Guest philgas1
So do I. Do you ever abuse the away fans. Do you sings songs about Rovers fans running away if you didn't today you were in the minority.

How many of you sing hark now hear the city sing? If you do you condone fighting at football.

yep...why do you sing that song...answers on a postcard please..silly song doesnt make sense..

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what happened after the game when some 'hoolies' walked past the coaches chanting CSF, looking fior trouble?

Besides that i nearlly got a truncheon to the body because of some hooligan being forced out, and he thought hr wasn't doing anything wrong, but he was clearly attepting to jump the barriers to palace fans

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To55ers the lot of you!

I am a CITY FAN not a stone Island, Burberry wearing CHAV!

Why should me and my 7 year old son have to answer for the bunch of t055ers that pertain to follow MY team?

Curl up and die anyone who keeps causing the City to be dragged in to the gutter with the gas!

CSF-Go and fight for your country you bunch of chavvy, waster, scum and leave us REAL City fans to support OUR club!


Oh by the way, thanks for scaring the crap out of my 7 year old (City mad!) son, he is now too scared to come again!

You are nothing but a bunch of WANKKERS!

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Great thread. I must have been at a different match. 'Electric'? There was zero atmosphere and most of the people around us sat in silence. Segregation was non-existent and the 'chief stewards' (the only two white ones - the rest were much more friendly) seemed intent from the first minute on provoking the sort of people who don't need a lot of provoking, which is moronic all round really.

And on the subject of the thread, if anyone was in any doubt as to the value and contribution of all this enthusiasm for a fight, you only had to see all the fans in the concourse after the game, faces contorted with rage, trying to kick and batter the gates to get at.... err... City fans leaving the other block. That tells you all you need to know about the pointlessness of this appetite for a brawl.

So all these people can tell us that it brings atmosphere and passion and credibility to an away game, but this is less obvious if you saw the old man shouting 'I'm from Bristol' through a fence at so called fellow supporters kicking and screaming trying to remove said fence and attack him and other City fans in the concourse, in the mistaken hope they were intimidating Palace fans.

It was embarrassing rather than intimidating. Do we really have that many people who cannot deal with anger and frustration at losing without trying to restore their pride by lashing out, yet are so dumb they can't recognise their own supporters in the enthusiasm to lose their temper? If that's the brain capacity of some of our fans I can hardly see it scaring the opposition.

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Guest Scroobs

At the end of day these people are Bristol City supporters, they know the players names, they know all the songs (in-fact the lot who were involved in the fracas with the police had been singing for most of the game unlike a lot of the 2880 travelling supporters) I've seen these faces over years gone by. I'm not condoning their actions......however football for me is a passion, it's a little edgy, fear factor, and confrontation/banter with rival supporters is all part and parcel of football. Very interestingly......although no one seems to condone this behaviour, the thread is extremely popular.

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Great thread. I must have been at a different match. 'Electric'? There was zero atmosphere and most of the people around us sat in silence. Segregation was non-existent and the 'chief stewards' (the only two white ones - the rest were much more friendly) seemed intent from the first minute on provoking the sort of people who don't need a lot of provoking, which is moronic all round really.

And on the subject of the thread, if anyone was in any doubt as to the value and contribution of all this enthusiasm for a fight, you only had to see all the fans in the concourse after the game, faces contorted with rage, trying to kick and batter the gates to get at.... err... City fans leaving the other block. That tells you all you need to know about the pointlessness of this appetite for a brawl.

So all these people can tell us that it brings atmosphere and passion and credibility to an away game, but this is less obvious if you saw the old man shouting 'I'm from Bristol' through a fence at so called fellow supporters kicking and screaming trying to remove said fence and attack him and other City fans in the concourse, in the mistaken hope they were intimidating Palace fans.

It was embarrassing rather than intimidating. Do we really have that many people who cannot deal with anger and frustration at losing without trying to restore their pride by lashing out, yet are so dumb they can't recognise their own supporters in the enthusiasm to lose their temper? If that's the brain capacity of some of our fans I can hardly see it scaring the opposition.

Quite nicely covered - I must say that them that are "up for it" by and large do it to kindred spirits from the other side most of us can easily avoid it - some on here say it was nothing some say if was awful - probably somewhere in the middle - next topic please - we need a striker!

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Guest Almondsbury_red

these so called 'hoolies' do add to the atmosphere. who are the ones that start the songs?? they know all the songs and the players names. yes they get involved in fights sometimes which no-one can see as acceptable. but football is a sport where opposition fans travel in massive numbers unlike rugby, so theres bound to be aggression shown. but to say they aren't real supporters is a joke.

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Guest zidereddy
Great thread. I must have been at a different match. 'Electric'? There was zero atmosphere and most of the people around us sat in silence. Segregation was non-existent and the 'chief stewards' (the only two white ones - the rest were much more friendly) seemed intent from the first minute on provoking the sort of people who don't need a lot of provoking, which is moronic all round really.

And on the subject of the thread, if anyone was in any doubt as to the value and contribution of all this enthusiasm for a fight, you only had to see all the fans in the concourse after the game, faces contorted with rage, trying to kick and batter the gates to get at.... err... City fans leaving the other block. That tells you all you need to know about the pointlessness of this appetite for a brawl.

So all these people can tell us that it brings atmosphere and passion and credibility to an away game, but this is less obvious if you saw the old man shouting 'I'm from Bristol' through a fence at so called fellow supporters kicking and screaming trying to remove said fence and attack him and other City fans in the concourse, in the mistaken hope they were intimidating Palace fans.

It was embarrassing rather than intimidating. Do we really have that many people who cannot deal with anger and frustration at losing without trying to restore their pride by lashing out, yet are so dumb they can't recognise their own supporters in the enthusiasm to lose their temper? If that's the brain capacity of some of our fans I can hardly see it scaring the opposition.

you must of been sat near the front with the west brom crew probaby sat there moaning about lee johnson and worrying what drink your getting half time! the atmosphere was near the back unless your stone deaf you would of heard it most noise wev made for a long time away i can remember

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Guest Red Head
Thank you...a bit of sense!

That's right. If you could get an answer from the chief of police for the game yesterday he would be very happy with the way it went off with nearly 3,000 travelling fans. Some of you people need to get a take reality check and and find something better to talk about, like the way we defended, (not), yesterday, which is far more worrying!

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I took my mate to the game who's a Rangers fan an I have to say I found these chavs extremely embarassing.

They werent intimdaing just pathetic...spotty little youths in need of a good meal and egular dose of clearasil. One of these little urchins was racing up and down saying cmon lets get to their fans...Oh really? Grow up!

(With all the chanting going on, I'd be surised if they even knew what CSF stood for)

Just plain embarrasing

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Guest Red Head
I took my mate to the game who's a Rangers fan an I have to say I found these chavs extremely embarassing.

They werent intimdaing just pathetic...spotty little youths in need of a good meal and egular dose of clearasil. One of these little urchins was racing up and down saying cmon lets get to their fans...Oh really? Grow up!

(With all the chanting going on, I'd be surised if they even knew what CSF stood for)

Just plain embarrasing

and Rangers have none of these people....have a look around, they are a part of society......like it or not

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Guest neil warnock

Great atmosphere yesterday, and we applaud the best away support seen this season, however.........

posts like this on our site from a 'City supporter' do little to help.

Quote CSF at 19 Jan 2008 11:33pm

'What a load of c***s you all are. You goaded us after your 2nd goal and started throwing stuff at us and gave it the big I am but then when we came at you you ran away. So we were left to fight it out with the police who were right w***ers.

Outside of the stadium your mob was no where to be seen. For your sake I hope we go up next season as the CSF never forgets. You throw coins and bottles at us and we will make you pay eventually.

Your stadium is a right s*** whole by the way.

And 21 fouls was it? you dirty cheating w***ers.'

We both have our fair share of muppet support, and it's reassuring to see it is in the minority. Best of luck with the rest of the season and we'll see you all in a couple of weeks.

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and Rangers have none of these people....have a look around, they are a part of society......like it or not

just a shame they can't all be round up and hung really.

it's the same stupid little twerps every week going around most weeks trying to create trouble, loads of mouth, but no doubt run off to their mum's the moment anything happens.

#### the lot of them.

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Guest Red Head
just a shame they can't all be round up and hung really.

it's the same stupid little twerps every week going around most weeks trying to create trouble, loads of mouth, but no doubt run off to their mum's the moment anything happens.

#### the lot of them.

..only they don't run off now to their mum's now, they beat you.

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What a quality thread, nothing much happens yet we see people calling for hangings and wanting folk to die.

The people that have suggested this are probably the saddest ****wits I have come across - I mean seriously, you want people to die? Get some perspective and get a life.

This is probably the most entertaining thread that I have read on here for a while..

How many arrests were there yesterday?? Listening to some there may have been none, others perspective of it there could have been 100's!

End of the day, I do not agree with football violence. It is a sad part of the world we live it, it will continue to happen and I don't think anyone will ever come up with a solution to it (not a realistic one anyway). The only thing we can do is distance ourselves from it if we don't want to be a part of it. Threads highlighting it just benefits the ego's of those that want to cause trouble. From what I have seen over the years, you get a group of middle aged men, most probably have responsible jobs, yet want to fight at the weekend- pathetic. Then you get the young chavs who go along with them because they think they are hard - equally pathetic. If they were on their own most of them would run a mile from any physical confrontation.

Ignore them all, lets do what we love and suport our club, and let them get on with their sad lives..


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Guest East End Jase
Cracking atmosphere due to the fact there was always a chance there could be a bit of trouble.

If you didn't have the chance of violence the atmosphere would be like rugby.

How many of you sings songs about fighting and the like? So you are part of the problem so get off you moral high ground.

HERE HERE all you winging ######s on here for get its the #######s that may like a scrap that start nearly every song and sing in numbers you lot just join in when a song is started without them there you woulkd sit in silence with the ocasional 'go on city' from the lone ranger at the front! Sorry but your arguement is absolte bo**ox FACT!

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Guest MaloneFM
Sorry but your arguement is absolte bo**ox FACT!

Jason...sush now...its an opinion not a fact. Shouting fact does not make it one. It has to be backed up with researched evidence. And debated.

I've had my Earl Grey and I am very centered today. :noexpression:

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yep...why do you sing that song...answers on a postcard please..silly song doesnt make sense..

because you always run away

jog on :innocent06:

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HERE HERE all you winging ######s on here for get its the #######s that may like a scrap that start nearly every song and sing in numbers you lot just join in when a song is started without them there you woulkd sit in silence with the ocasional 'go on city' from the lone ranger at the front! Sorry but your arguement is absolte bo**ox FACT!

So by your argument.

All singers = Hooligans.

All non-hooligans = Boring, quiet people.

Pull the other one mate.

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So by your argument.

All singers = Hooligans.

All non-hooligans = Boring, quiet people.

Pull the other one mate.


Indeed. There are many people who like to drink and sign without needing to kick the S*it out of someone.

I don't have that much of a problem with those people who don't sing- they have paid their money and want to watch the football.

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Indeed. There are many people who like to drink and sign without needing to kick the S*it out of someone.

I don't have that much of a problem with those people who don't sing- they have paid their money and want to watch the football.

how many of these people 'light up' the Dolman eh?

how many of these people got a chant going at Palace ?

they don't sing or chant unless the 'hoolies' get a song going.....fact

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how many of these people 'light up' the Dolman eh?

how many of these people got a chant going at Palace ?

they don't sing or chant unless the 'hoolies' get a song going.....fact

How do you prove this 'fact'? I've seen plenty of people start songs etc without them having to resort to being a complete idiot.

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how many of these people 'light up' the Dolman eh?

how many of these people got a chant going at Palace ?

they don't sing or chant unless the 'hoolies' get a song going.....fact

Don't be daft. Me and my mates are quite capable of getting chants going. We are not hooligans, we never have been and we never will be. Personally, I love games with an 'edge' to them. I like banter between home and away fans. However, there is a line; the threat of physical violence. Anyone should be able to go to football, support their team how they want to (yes that includes standing) and not feel like they are going to get hurt by some football factory wannabe.

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Hang on squeak, you just sid you like the games with a edge on them, now the games with edge on them usally have a edge on them because there might be violence at the game.

Then your saying there is a line to draw.

How can you like the games with a edge on them, then complain if there is violence usally the only reason it will have a edge is because it might end in violence.

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To55ers the lot of you!

I am a CITY FAN not a stone Island, Burberry wearing CHAV!

Why should me and my 7 year old son have to answer for the bunch of t055ers that pertain to follow MY team?

Curl up and die anyone who keeps causing the City to be dragged in to the gutter with the gas!

CSF-Go and fight for your country you bunch of chavvy, waster, scum and leave us REAL City fans to support OUR club!


Oh by the way, thanks for scaring the crap out of my 7 year old (City mad!) son, he is now too scared to come again!

You are nothing but a bunch of WANKKERS!

I agree. Theres a difference between creating an atmosphere and being a d**k

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If only some of you knew i saw some people in and around this so say trouble yesterday who are very highly thought of on this forum so its not all 50 year olds or spotty little kids who do all this so say fighting when i didn't see one punch thrown between the city and palace fans

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Guest gizmo666

God, there's some prattish responses here. Violence does not add to the atmosphere... Desire to see City win the game, tension when under the cosh - good F-ing football creates the atmosphere. NOT watching brain-dead imbeciles throw 50ps into the heads of kids. People who think that football is about the fear/ thrill of it kicking off are the same dum prats who 'get-off' when it kicks off outside the night-club. The thrill you think adds to the atmosphere is the same thrill you got when a fight broke out at secondary school and everyone crowded round. Some of us grow out of it though.

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Hang on squeak, you just sid you like the games with a edge on them, now the games with edge on them usally have a edge on them because there might be violence at the game.

Then your saying there is a line to draw.

How can you like the games with a edge on them, then complain if there is violence usally the only reason it will have a edge is because it might end in violence.

Fair enough, maybe 'edge' was the wrong word. In that post I meant edge to mean a noisy, colourful atmosphere, with hostility towards the opposition fans for 90 minutes that doesn't border on anything physical. Once the game is over, they become another fan to discuss football and have a laugh with.

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i don't condone what went on but it does make for a better atmosphere when its get a bit hostile as long as it doesnt cross the line.i thought it was electric today would rather it be like that than west brom where we all sat there like boring old farts at the cinema! today was the best atmosphere this season i reckon enjoyed it even though we lost(need a striker fast johnson is so obvious now)

I agree to an extent and I definately don't condone it. On the plus side, we took a superb following yesterday and created a decent atmosphere. Yes, there were more morons in there than your average City away game but I'd pick a game with a bit of edge over the silence that presided from those of us that travelled to West Brom. The majority of people in that away section vocally backed the team to the hilt and that's how it should be.

As for the trouble, it seemed to be more posturing than actual violence. The thing that shocked me was seeing some idiots kicking a fellow City fan's head in on the way out after the game. WTF was that about? I'm not naive enough to say you must eradicate them because it's easier said than done. Unfortunately, the sad fact remains that these people exist, and will exist, in all walks of life and every club in the world has them.

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I'm not condoning what happened yesterday but a group of Palace fans sat at the back inparticular 1 in a light blue and black stripy jumper were coming towards the net and gesticulating and chanting sheep rapers and you know you are and being idiots for the whole game and before as well. After the second goal this particular group decided to come near the netting and started gesticulating at us at the back to come over there. Whilst they was chanting Warnock song we started singing at them Warnock is a self pleasurer although not that of course, and a bottle of water and various coins started to come over from their side.

1 of my friends was struck by a 50p and then decided he was going to go over to the bottom and have it off with this group who by that point had gone down to where the City fans had started to congregate, after a while I decided that I had to go into the group of 'hoolies' and grab him because I didn't want him getting in trouble as he would regret it if he got arrested and I knew that. This is a lad who is just your average City fan who was enraged about being hit with a coin as we all would be. In the end I did manage to get him away from it but to say it was all City fans is an absolute joke, I don't know what happened in the final couple of minutes as I decided to cut my losses and get back to the coach which I believe was in that situation the right decision to make, outside the ground however going past the Palace entrance I was called a gippo by a Palace fan and when I turned round and told him to stop acting like a kid I got hit and went back down to the concourse to try and find my friends as I didn't want to go back down on my own however by this point other City fans were leaving so I went back down with them. From the coach I saw other fans wearing colours getting hit by a Palace fan and also coach 2 was struck by a rock luckily missing the windows.

The sad thing is that I can in a way understand why these people do the things they do it's all about reputation and I guess they think it is a way they can gain the club credibility but what they are actually doing is dragging the clubs name through the dirt. About the atmosphere on the whole I thought it was good especially at the back where a fair few East Enders were standing also noticed the group who were involved in the aggro were also creating an atmosphere and getting behind the team it's just a shame that after 85 mins they decided to show their passion in a different manner.

I am a bit worried though about when Palace come to City next month as I have got a feeling it could be quite tense in the East End although that is when the atmosphere can be at its best, I just hope the evening goes trouble free and that the passion is kept in check especially with the game being on Sky to a worldwide audience the last thing we want is crowd violence as it is probably certain the cameras would zoom in on or show it and that would be embarassing and sad to see.

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