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Hoolies Today

Guest merrickstash

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Guest philgas1
because you always run away

jog on :innocent06:

:noexpression: :noexpression: :noexpression: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????

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I'm not condoning what happened yesterday but a group of Palace fans sat at the back inparticular 1 in a light blue and black stripy jumper were coming towards the net and gesticulating and chanting sheep rapers and you know you are and being idiots for the whole game and before as well. After the second goal this particular group decided to come near the netting and started gesticulating at us at the back to come over there. Whilst they was chanting Warnock song we started singing at them Warnock is a self pleasurer although not that of course, and a bottle of water and various coins started to come over from their side.

1 of my friends was struck by a 50p and then decided he was going to go over to the bottom and have it off with this group who by that point had gone down to where the City fans had started to congregate, after a while I decided that I had to go into the group of 'hoolies' and grab him because I didn't want him getting in trouble as he would regret it if he got arrested and I knew that. This is a lad who is just your average City fan who was enraged about being hit with a coin as we all would be. In the end I did manage to get him away from it but to say it was all City fans is an absolute joke, I don't know what happened in the final couple of minutes as I decided to cut my losses and get back to the coach which I believe was in that situation the right decision to make, outside the ground however going past the Palace entrance I was called a gippo by a Palace fan and when I turned round and told him to stop acting like a kid I got hit and went back down to the concourse to try and find my friends as I didn't want to go back down on my own however by this point other City fans were leaving so I went back down with them. From the coach I saw other fans wearing colours getting hit by a Palace fan and also coach 2 was struck by a rock luckily missing the windows.

The sad thing is that I can in a way understand why these people do the things they do it's all about reputation and I guess they think it is a way they can gain the club credibility but what they are actually doing is dragging the clubs name through the dirt. About the atmosphere on the whole I thought it was good especially at the back where a fair few East Enders were standing also noticed the group who were involved in the aggro were also creating an atmosphere and getting behind the team it's just a shame that after 85 mins they decided to show their passion in a different manner.

I am a bit worried though about when Palace come to City next month as I have got a feeling it could be quite tense in the East End although that is when the atmosphere can be at its best, I just hope the evening goes trouble free and that the passion is kept in check especially with the game being on Sky to a worldwide audience the last thing we want is crowd violence as it is probably certain the cameras would zoom in on or show it and that would be embarassing and sad to see.

I'd say yours is a fair assesment of events and I'm glad it seems that you got away relatively unharmed. I'm not hear to apologise for any form of anti social behaviour, but if youa re going to (rightly) criticise violence at footaball then do so accross the board. Another City fan within this thread has commented that they were punched to the floor, whilst walking back to the coach, no mention of that from anyone. In fact I will give some credit to a few Palace fans on their own forum who have critisied their own fans for the sort of goading that was mentioned above.

I do have to say though I thought that what whent on was very indiscriminate and out of order. I was one of a number of City fans who was in the no mans land section on the concourse behind the stand after the game, which tried to be rush by a number of City fans. It was bizare, I recognise one bloke who was shouting abuse and told him that I was from the same town as him, he then recognised me and started to smile, as I said totally bizare. At which point one of the Met Coppers turnned round and said what school did you go to, so I told him and it was the same one, quite sureal.

I know one thing that it will be a tinder box atmosphere at AG in a few weeks time if Mr Warnock's brand of all that's wrong with english football is repeted agagin, which it will. There hopefully will not be any violence but if I know City fans the air will be blue with abuse towards Warnock, Clinton Morrison and Shaun Derry if his loan is extended from Leeds. Beacuse all three of them were a joke yesterday.

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Hi all

Late comer to this thread but was at the game and thought I'd add my take on it.

Agree with people who say the trouble yesterday has been over-reported on here, but that doesn't excuse it. Nor does song-singing (!).

I'm interested in the definition of 'banter' on here. I see it as a bit of witty chat, trying to verbally get one over the guy you're chatting with. I don't see some of the chat at the ground yesterday as banter though. When queing to get in, we were all singing "one for the bristol city", then a palace fan walked past with some mates and tried to outsing us with a palace song. fair play, I thought. The response of the guys around me? To sing "You're a w*nker, you're a w*nker" at him. How intellectual!Similarly, in the first half there were quite a few times when us and palace were singing the same song ("walking in a Johnson wonderland", eg), just trying to sing louder than their lot. That's what I think it's about... resorting to "fight, fight wherever you may be" when they sing louder than us doesn't reflect well on our lot.

Took the bird to only her second game yesterday (first was Brentford away last year - she doesn't have a good record) and she was quite taken aback at the level of vitriol from some people, on the Palace side as well. She wasn't upset, scared etc... just thought it was very funny that these guys weren't watching the game at all. In fact, they got in the way of her watching the game - and she's not meant to be the die hard fan! Very odd.

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Hi all

Late comer to this thread but was at the game and thought I'd add my take on it.

Agree with people who say the trouble yesterday has been over-reported on here, but that doesn't excuse it. Nor does song-singing (!).

I'm interested in the definition of 'banter' on here. I see it as a bit of witty chat, trying to verbally get one over the guy you're chatting with. I don't see some of the chat at the ground yesterday as banter though. When queing to get in, we were all singing "one for the bristol city", then a palace fan walked past with some mates and tried to outsing us with a palace song. fair play, I thought. The response of the guys around me? To sing "You're a w*nker, you're a w*nker" at him. How intellectual!Similarly, in the first half there were quite a few times when us and palace were singing the same song ("walking in a Johnson wonderland", eg), just trying to sing louder than their lot. That's what I think it's about... resorting to "fight, fight wherever you may be" when they sing louder than us doesn't reflect well on our lot.

Took the bird to only her second game yesterday (first was Brentford away last year - she doesn't have a good record) and she was quite taken aback at the level of vitriol from some people, on the Palace side as well. She wasn't upset, scared etc... just thought it was very funny that these guys weren't watching the game at all. In fact, they got in the way of her watching the game - and she's not meant to be the die hard fan! Very odd.

Cardiff not far off , she 'll love it . Plenty of time to learn the songs .

Same as when I was a kid , it'll never change .

Take my kids who like many are embarassed when they hear the swearing , but thats football . Get on any bus or listen to any group when out , you'll hear it.

Twenty odd pounds to sing for your side , priceless .

We are city , we are city , Johnson is our king .

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Guest Red Head
I have seen other videos as well and they all just as pathetic as the last

yes, just like this thread, too much air time, can we put it to bed now?

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now i know ure all going to have a go but i think brizzlenick is right in a way...

everyone on here seems to complain about young people and "hooligans" at football matches but they are the people who get the atmosphere going, and they are the people who will sing even if city are 3-0 down. You wont hear the old people in the williams singing when they are 3-0 down. The fact is without them we would have a ground full of williams stands. But i still think fighting at a football match is a disgrace, so I'm not defending what happened today

you can't say that those who sing are hooligans stereotyping fans and making out they are something they

are not.

there is no real problem at ashton with hooligans becuse the type of away fan that comes

to ashton gate are not what a hooligan would be interested in, there has to be a opposition

that is why you are 90% more more likely to see city have trouble away from home as there

are bigger odds for them to get what they want and london is an easy option.

most of those kicking off yesterday i should imagine have not been near ashton gate this season,

thus the eastend or any stand at the gate has no great relevance to what goes on away from home

as you won't see them at ashton gate.

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Guest Ashton Kate
If it wasn't for us "hoolies" then there would be no atmosphere. Your boring old ******** just sat there, we would be made a laughing stock for our club just sat there for 90 mins not opening our gobs!

So you admit to being a hoolie then "brizzlenick" gosh you must be so proud. What about the disgrace that it brings to the club? :disapointed2se:

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So you admit to being a hoolie then "brizzlenick" gosh you must be so proud. What about the disgrace that it brings to the club? :disapointed2se:
If someone in the street threw a bottle or a coin at you would you take it on the chin? I certainly wouldn't.

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Guest Ashton Kate
If someone in the street threw a bottle or a coin at you would you take it on the chin? I certainly wouldn't.

I would certainly have a word with them Dan but I am not a fighting person. Too old love!!! :surrender:

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Well done Dolly. Agree with you totally. Have witnessed violence myself, and must admit I sing the songs, but no way would I go up and thump somebody just because they were wearing a Gas Shirt or any other footy shirt. Much of the singing is banter at the end of the day, and every fan sings along, even my mum, and the old boy next to me......by him singing these songs, does that mean that an 80 year old man who walks with a stick is going to go and beat them up? Don't think so.

Anyway.......lets watch the football, sing the songs and appreciate where we are in the league.......us City fans have something to be proud of at last, so lets keep behind the GJ and the team....which I am sure you all do.

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What a load of shit, songs don't make hoolies fight. They fight because they're sad little morons who get off on thinking they're hard. All you're doing is making excuses for the shitbags.

Nibor, we agree on something!

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nibor i sing songs which support the team but i'm sure on the pitch they just hear a noise not exactly what is being sung. i would never join in with fights but i start songs like ark now here etc. its singing its still supporting the team

Which part of `hark now hear` (thats the correct spelling BTW) is about supporting BCFC ? Nil, nada, nothing. It`s a chant that goes back to the days when football was in the dark ages. Wind up the opposition fans with chants of `small town in (wherever)` and the like by all means, but for me i long for the day when football can be organised like the rugby matchs. Drink your beer watching the match. Where you don`t need to have segregation. Theres no less passion but everyone has a chance to enjoy what the majority of us go there for.......to watch the action on the pitch, not hoping for some action off it.

I take every opportunity to shop the `hoolies`, I`ll even photograph them with my own camera. I have nothing but contempt for them.


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If it wasn't for us "hoolies" then there would be no atmosphere. Your boring old ******** just sat there, we would be made a laughing stock for our club just sat there for 90 mins not opening our gobs!

Please tell me you're joking or shut up.

I am not a hooligan but stood and sang my heart out for 90 minutes. Trouble takes the atmosphere OUT of the game as it leads to stricter policing, segregation and people being distracted from the actual game.

2800 odd City fans making good noise, getting behind their club.

A few dozen idiots who wanted to insult other clubs, other fans and get in fights rather than get behind the team.


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but for me i long for the day when football can be organised like the rugby matchs. Drink your beer watching the match. Where you don`t need to have segregation.


I dread the thought of that ever happening. Imagine sitting next to gasheads all game in a Bristol Derby... no singing, no shouting... you would get no noise or passion.

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pdgifford64, i don't see why you would want it like rugby.

Last game of the season to go up, we are playing a side who if we beat we go up, if they win they go up.

Now they score a last minute goal to go up, you going to be happy when the bloke next to you is jumping around like a mad man because his team has just gone up?

How would you react then?

Football has been and always will be more passionate than rugby.

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Which part of `hark now hear` (thats the correct spelling BTW) is about supporting BCFC ? Nil, nada, nothing. It`s a chant that goes back to the days when football was in the dark ages. Wind up the opposition fans with chants of `small town in (wherever)` and the like by all means, but for me i long for the day when football can be organised like the rugby matchs. Drink your beer watching the match. Where you don`t need to have segregation. Theres no less passion but everyone has a chance to enjoy what the majority of us go there for.......to watch the action on the pitch, not hoping for some action off it.

I take every opportunity to shop the `hoolies`, I`ll even photograph them with my own camera. I have nothing but contempt for them.


There is no H in the Bristol dictionary :) If football is ever like rugby then I'm off. I like there being a tense atmosphere and that is part of the game. Take that away and teh game is as good as dead.

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I dread the thought of that ever happening. Imagine sitting next to gasheads all game in a Bristol Derby... no singing, no shouting... you would get no noise or passion.

I don't watch much rugby but the games I've been to, mainly watching Munster with the half of my family that gives a shit about egg chasing, have _far_ more atmosphere than most football, and that's with zero segregation and beer on tap.

Try typing munster v sale into your favourite video search engine and tell me those Sale players aren't looking for somewhere to hide.

And last year, my old man watched Munster lose their first ever Heineken cup game at home at Thomond park to Leicester, in the last game to be played in the stadium before rebuilding, in his Leicester shirt in the home end. No bother at all, still a superb atmosphere.

You don't need vitriol or hatred to get the adrenaline pumping.

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I dread the thought of that ever happening. Imagine sitting next to gasheads all game in a Bristol Derby... no singing, no shouting... you would get no noise or passion.

I agree. The day football becomes like rugby, in the sense of following it, is the day I shant be going anymore. Been to a fair few rugby games over the years with Bristol, even had a free season ticket when I was at school, and the atmosphere was dire. The same monotonous song going round every ten minutes. No way Pedro!

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Guest philgas1
I agree. The day football becomes like rugby, in the sense of following it, is the day I shant be going anymore. Been to a fair few rugby games over the years with Bristol, even had a free season ticket when I was at school, and the atmosphere was dire. The same monotonous song going round every ten minutes. No way Pedro!

am i allowed to agree with you without being called an asslicker?....because passion about our club is no1..at my club where i teach theres banter all the time between red n blue..without it......crap.

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An interesting read!

Like Gerry Gows tache I can remember the 70's and something is bothering me.

Do the 'scum' that pretend to support our club realise that we are in with some well supported clubs now? These well supported clubs (Wolves and now Palace) will be expecting City fans to be 'up for it' when we next visit their grounds. I hope the neanderthal scum will be facing the repercussions of their actions next season, I think not! The genuine City fans who follow our club everywhere will.

I wish the knuckle draggers would leave us to support (yes, we DO sing) our club and do one!

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Has anyone thought for a second what Gary Johnson, the players and Steve Lansdown think of it all? Before you CONDONE violence by yourself, your mates or people you know or people you would like to mimic but haven't got the bottle to, all in the name of "creating a bit of edge" or "adding to the atmosphere" it would be worth considering whether the above people are looking at these incidents and appreciating them as much as you. Will Steve Lansdown continue to pump millions of his own money into a new stadium that visiting fans will be looking to rip up as a reciprocal arrangement from our last visit to their ground? Gary Johnson is already moaning about the size of the crowd and presumably it wouldn't be long before the behaviour issue is raised if incidents carry on occurring. Perhaps he will walk away when a bigger club comes knocking given that he appears to be less than impressed with the fan base at times.

It appears to me that a number of people answering this thread actually enjoy and condone a bit of football violence when a big game comes along but rather than be truthful and admit it they instead stand behind the "atmosphere" and "bit of edge" statement in a pathetic attempt to hide it. ANYBODY who honestly thinks that violence at football matches is a good thing, adds to the experience or is a bit of a laugh really is a moronic turd. It has absolutely nothing to do with singing and banter (which do add atmosphere) whatsoever and anyone who thinks it does is obviously showing signs that they are simply too immature to control themselves.

Football should be enjoyed by everyone. Why should blokes taking their kids/family to matches have to dodge out of the way out of lunatics who want to fight each other and/or the Police? If you can't get a woman and need to fight someone to release some pent up aggression why can't you arrange to meet on some waste ground a few miles down the road and beat the living daylights out of each other there? How is frightening young kids into not going for the rest of the season, i.e. future loyal supporters, helping the football club? How does beating the crap out of a 79 year old bloke in the Williams add to the atmosphere? Why do you need to push in the burger queue at half time and then tell people to "forking make me queue" in front of twenty of your mates in order to enjoy the experience more? How are you adding a bit of edge by exposing yourself in front of women and children, p1$$1ng in a plastic bottle and lobbing it at the opposition supporters?

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it wouldn't be long before the behaviour issue is raised if incidents carry on occurring.

But there's been no major incidents this season, or any real aggro come to that.

Mountains out of molehills come to mind

Given the rise of support away from home this season, for nothing to actually happen thus far is amazing.

To sum up what a non story this is, when we played Florist at our place, it went right off outside very near kick off. Did we see a 4 page thread on it? No. Why not? Because there was other things to talk about that were more interesting. The only reason this topic has gone on for so many pages is that there's not much else going on.

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  • Admin
Has anyone thought for a second what Gary Johnson, the players and Steve Lansdown think of it all? Before you CONDONE violence by yourself, your mates or people you know or people you would like to mimic but haven't got the bottle to, all in the name of "creating a bit of edge" or "adding to the atmosphere" it would be worth considering whether the above people are looking at these incidents and appreciating them as much as you. Will Steve Lansdown continue to pump millions of his own money into a new stadium that visiting fans will be looking to rip up as a reciprocal arrangement from our last visit to their ground? Gary Johnson is already moaning about the size of the crowd and presumably it wouldn't be long before the behaviour issue is raised if incidents carry on occurring. Perhaps he will walk away when a bigger club comes knocking given that he appears to be less than impressed with the fan base at times.

If you honestly believe that Steve or Gary would walk away from the club because of the actions of about 15-20 people then you are completely deluded, Steve is in for the long haul because he has the club at heart, if he was that bothered he could ban these people !

As for Gary yes he has complained about the quiet atmosphere but without wanting to dredge up old topics we know how he thinks the atmosphere can be improved but due to controls of others this wont happen.

You mention fans causing problems this season and not being there next season, there are two ways to look at this,

1 - the only reason anything happened WAS because a large number of people were there, if they weren't nobody would have bothered - mind you from WHAT I SAW at Wolves a lot of the problems at the ground were "started" by the home supporters.

2 - we are going to be in the Premiership hopefully so we wont be going back anyway !

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Aggro, don't talk to me about aggro.

I spent most of the Palace match trying to stop the Senior Reds 'kicking off'..

First of all, they started taunting their opposite numbers with 'Your going home in a community ambulance'..

Then three of them fell asleep, whilst the rest waved their bus passes at each other..



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