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Ok, We May Not Have Bought A Striker Today, However.....


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no he went today to wigan, not fulham as everyone seemed to think last week!!

Did'nt Fulham pull out a couple of days ago , something about the medical maybe his knee ?

Poor old Watford , hope it comes back to haunt them as they are obviously confident on promotion .

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Ok my bad, thought it was done and dusted

No he failed the medical due to an old knee injury(although King denies this is true) so Fulham wanted to renegotiate the fee, Watford gave Fulham a ultimatum to pay up or shut up as other clubs had also enquired about King, i guess Fulham chose the latter......hence he's now at Wigan.

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Guest trundle wheel
....Watford have lost their best one, Marlon King has gone.

Has to be good news for us......

Fingers crossed we will batter Blackpool and move back up to second tommorow!

Good shout, players in or out of the team can be disruptive so lets get behind what we have!!!

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