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The Other Half

Guest greatwhite

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Guest greatwhite

told the missus I'm off to swindon on sat around 9 ish(from weston)

to which she replied "its only just over an hour away - why so early??"

told her it was a bloke thing and she would never understand

Does any of your other halfs ever complain or do they understand the

footy situation

when she asked about the marigold i didnt even go there!!!!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Mine couldn't understand the need to be in the weatherspoons for 11????????

How clueless. She also wanted to..............Wait for it..............







Make sandwiches :unsure:

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Guest smirnoffred


Mine too commented, saying: Why do your tickets say you will be getting to swindon at 11:50, surely the game doesnt start till three!

All i could say was you need to get there early just in case the train is delayed,

Hook, line and sinker

Bye bye :Wave: :Party12:

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Guest Uncle Ern

To quote an old joke mine said"You love Bristol City more than you love me".

I replied I love Bristol R****S more than I love you" :Wave: :Wave: :Wave:

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I've often thought how lucky people must be when there other half is as much of a City fanatic as we are, Imagine the scenario.

Wife: I'm thinking of going to Hartlepool this Saturday to watch the reds.

Husband: Good idea, I'll check the train times. :unsure:


Instead of this usual one for me.

Me: I was thinking about going to Hartlepool to watch football this Saturday. :dunno:

Wife: What am I going to be doing then? :@

Why do you want to go all the way up there to watch a game of football? :@

How much is that going to cost? :@

I wanted to go shopping for curtains this weekend. :@

My mum has invited us around for lunch. :@

They will probably lose any way. :@

What a waste of money. :@

If you go to that one, I want some money for clothes shopping. :@


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Mine couldn't understand the need to be in the weatherspoons for 11????????

How clueless. She also wanted to..............Wait for it..............







Make sandwiches :unsure:

Are you going to tell her we are off to the County Ground and not MacArthur Glen before or after you get on the bus?

Please wait until I get on as I'm sure her face will be a picture (as of course it always is).

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Does help if the guy is in to City just as much as i am, then instead of making an excuse to escape every Saturday you can make it a date together :unsure: Bless....

If there not into football, they must have it drummed in to them, that City come first :dunno:

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My other half is Welsh and always used to be more interested in rugby than football. Since we got together I have gently introduced him to the joys of football and Bristol City (me being the complete fanatic)!

Now we are both season ticket holders and he only needs a little gentle persuasion to travel all over the country to watch City play.

So the conversations are made simple really - we both want to go and both want a couple of drinks before hand :unsure:

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City gal if only every girl saw sense like you.  However you are in a small minority.
Well cant have them thinking their more important than my boys in red can we! So if you can get them along with you, you can kill two birds with one stone :unsure::dunno:
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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Ah thats the thing, she does come to City sometimes, but doesn't understand the pre match pub ritual or need to attend away games - I think I'm speaking for most fellas when I say this is a common problem

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Guest Rikku

It's not just a woman thing - my boyfriend actually said to me the other day "you care about bristol city way more than you care about me!!" and he complained when I insisted that he was coming to Luton with me (I even told him I'd pay)!! The stupid thing is...he supports city too!! (he just thinks I'm a tad obsessive!!) Ah well!

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Ah thats the thing, she does come to City sometimes, but doesn't understand the pre match pub ritual or need to attend away games - I think I'm speaking for most fellas when I say this is a common problem
ah i have no problem there mate, she does the pub aswell :unsure:
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Is it just me who has this problem where their wife/husband etc don't have the slightest interest in football, if I had my time again I would have hooked up with the first female/animal/mineral in a city shirt, life would be so much simpler.

Only joking mrs Screech. :unsure:

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

In some ways ways I'm glad my wench isn't a massive football fan. I'd have to put up with her on long away trips then :unsure:

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In some ways ways I'm glad my wench isn't a massive football fan.  I'd have to put up with her on long away trips then  :unsure:
Not if you have a motorbike, set off before her nad arrange to meet up when the CATS coaches arrive just before kick off.

Sorted. :D:dunno:

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I was multi tasking the other night, beer in one hand with the remote contol in the other, and giving out orders to the wife to cook me some dinner.
Constuctive or perhaps worthwhile multi tasking.... :dunno:

And dont say "Well it was constructive cos she poured me another beer and got my dinner bought to me" :unsure:

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

YEah women can multi task...........

........Watch neighbours (or day time TV) while doing the Ironing

Oh lets not forget the best one - Chatting to mates in a club while STILL noticing every girl their boyfriend looks as.

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It sure helps if yer missus likes the footy...mind you they are quicker to suss the dodgier players out...and give em ######. Less likely to tolerate poor performances on the pitch than us!

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I'm glad my missus doesnt like football. We've been together nearly a year and a half and before we started dated i made it plainly obvious that football always came first!!!! It still does as well :unsure: !

Anyway, i like football to be my own space and time. to do what i want. to call the ref what i want and not have some annoying noise to say: "its not his fault your losing" etc etc.

Took one ex to a game v Chesterfield and we won 3-0 but never again!


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Is it just me who has this problem where their wife/husband etc don't have the slightest interest in football, if I had my time again I would have hooked up with the first female/animal/mineral in a city shirt, life would be so much simpler.

Only joking mrs Screech. :dunno:

I thought mine didn't have the slightest interest in football - then she admitted to being "nervous" towards the end of the QPR match on Saturday.

She's been to about 15 games now in the 5 years we've been together and always seemed to have much more interest in the crowd rather than the football (who can blame her with the football from City sometimes :D )

She's become quite tolerant of the (sometimes terrible) language that comes out of my mouth at football.

Thing is, she has got it into her head that if she comes along to a match, it equals one trip to the shops with me in tow. I tell her she doesn't have to come to the game.... :unsure:

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Guest TimmerD

Well I for one am delighted my missus hasn't got a clue about footie, but this has led to one problem.

I have been accused of "corrupting" our 21 month old son by encouraging him to support the mighty BCFC!!!

Can you believe it! Corruption! I replied its his god given right to support who ever he wants......... as long as they play in red and white and have the words bristol and city in their name!

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Guest Filton Red

God by the sound of you lot i'm glad i'm single!!!!! :D

Just go to the games I want to, home or away. No hassle.... :P

Its just pure :unsure::dunno::D for me :sub:

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Nightmare! Not only is my g/f a fellow season ticket holder, she also insists that we go away to grounds like Hartlepool and Stockport, whether I want to or not, AND she drinks pints of cider. AND she can talk an intelligent game of football.

It's just not normal! :unsure:

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Nightmare! Not only is my g/f a fellow season ticket holder, she also insists that we go away to grounds like Hartlepool and Stockport, whether I want to or not, AND she drinks pints of cider. AND she can talk an intelligent game of football.

It's just not normal! :dunno:

sure it is :unsure:
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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"Nightmare! Not only is my g/f a fellow season ticket holder, she also insists that we go away to grounds like Hartlepool and Stockport, whether I want to or not, AND she drinks pints of cider. AND she can talk an intelligent game of football.


Have you checked for a adams apple? :unsure::dunno:

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Guest Bristol_Babe
Nightmare! Not only is my g/f a fellow season ticket holder, she also insists that we go away to grounds like Hartlepool and Stockport, whether I want to or not, AND she drinks pints of cider. AND she can talk an intelligent game of football.

It's just not normal!  :dunno:

I go to the City (though not a season ticket holder due to the stresses of work), can talk about the game and I can not only drink a pint of lager but also, can do the cider too occasionally...

I have no adam's apple and I love Scott Murray...

Nowt more to say! :unsure:

and City Rocker... your girl is perfectly normal mate...

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Guest robintat
told the missus I'm off to swindon on sat around 9 ish(from weston)

to which she replied "its only just over an hour away - why so early??"

told her it was a bloke thing and she would never understand

Does any of your other halfs ever complain or do they understand the

footy situation

when she asked about the marigold i didnt even go there!!!!

simple solution... get her to go to a game and she'll be hooked like i was 7 years ago..now i go to all the games with hubby ..he drinks and i drive!!
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Guest WillsbridgeRed

What annoys me is that if a girls fella said he was off to church on a sunday I bet she wouldn't complain then.

Things wives/gf's need too know - A cut and keep guide!

1. Football is to men what soaps are to women. Football takes up less time per year than soaps do FACT

2. Because a man is going to a game that kicks off at 3pm It does not mean he has to be there at 3. There is the important pre match pint ritual, which most be strictly followed. By not completing the sacred pre match pint ritual terrible bad luck will be placed on the team.

3. ALL food at football is very healthy. It is not fat that drips from burgers but wholesome goodness.

4. Opposistion fans/players actually enjoy being shouted at. They would feel upset and left out if they did not recive a large rains of threats and insults.

5. If your fella is kind enough to bring you to football, it is to watch football - Not answer pointless questions such as "Who's playing" and "Have they changed ends" ect

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Guest robintat
What annoys me is that if a girls fella said he was off to church on a sunday I bet she wouldn't complain then.

Things wives/gf's need too know - A cut and keep guide!

1. Football is to men what soaps are to women. Football takes up less time per year than soaps do FACT

2. Because a man is going to a game that kicks off at 3pm It does not mean he has to be there at 3. There is the important pre match pint ritual, which most be strictly followed. By not completing the sacred pre match pint ritual terrible bad luck will be placed on the team.

3. ALL food at football is very healthy. It is not fat that drips from burgers but wholesome goodness.

4. Opposistion fans/players actually enjoy being shouted at. They would feel upset and left out if they did not recive a large rains of threats and insults.

5. If your fella is kind enough to bring you to football, it is to watch football - Not answer pointless questions such as "Who's playing" and "Have they changed ends" ect

b***cks..thats a very sexist view
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And some of us have an entirely different problem, no Mrs but kids alternate weekends. The 12 yr old lad is always delighted to go to a game with me although he is a Manure supporter (been twice!!) but does live within 30 miles.

The two daughters, no chance, so have to try and find one of their friends whose parents don't mind them calling round for the afternoon/early evening to get to the dozen or so away games in the north / midlands.

PS The ex accompanied myself to a function at one of my old rugby clubs an was astonished to note that there was a pitch next to the clubhouse. She just couldn't understand why I always played away (excuse the double entente!!) at places like Newcastle and London and Plymouth and Exeter and ............... week in week out!!

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Mr RedM and I used to watch City home and away ( the lies we had to tell to juggle our work etc around, but thats a different story!).

Then the children came along, not so easy with a couple of kiddies. During that time we had to pick and choose our games carefully, considering babysitters, cost, work etc. Even when we couldn't attend we always 'followed' the team somehow.

Anyway now I take the children to footie with my sis-in-law and her 2 kids, and their friends. Brother-in -Law is a Gashead so we are doing her kids a favour! Mr RedM is happy with that as he gets a peaceful Saturday afternoon/mid week evening! He still follows City but has managed to beat his 'addiction' ( to City!!!), unlike me who still has to have a 'fix' at least once a fortnight!

We used to love going away, but it's not really possible at the moment. Going into the pub before and having a good laugh beforehand is all part of it.

I hope you have a good time at Swindon. I went there for my 1st away game in the early 80's. We went on the train and on the way back it was smashed to pieces from under our feet, everything went out through the windows!!! I guess it was because we lost! From then on I was hooked.


just that if following your team can fill you with that much passion and feeling...It can't just only be for the blokes.

By the way, there are actually some blokes out there who have no interest at all in footie :unsure:

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"Nightmare! Not only is my g/f a fellow season ticket holder, she also insists that we go away to grounds like Hartlepool and Stockport, whether I want to or not, AND she drinks pints of cider. AND she can talk an intelligent game of football.


Have you checked for a adams apple? :unsure::dunno:

No, but he has found two brussel sprouts south of Adams Apple.
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Guest east_dundry_red

Luckly the girl I'm seeing understands my love for bristol city and understands that every saturday football coems first same with rugby and sundays.,

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"b***cks..thats a very sexist view "

Oh behave yourself - It's hardly a serious thread is it

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  • Admin
It sure helps if yer missus likes the footy...mind you they are quicker to suss the dodgier players out...and give em ######. Less likely to tolerate poor performances on the pitch than us!
If that were true, how come so many of our female followers still rate Lee Peacock, surely it's not just for his looks? :unsure:
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Guest DrFaustus
YEah women can multi task...........

They can of course as long as you know where the right buttons are :unsure:

Multi tasking is all very well, but you can only fall asleep quickly once, so no use to blokes.

My missus said to me when we got relegated, "don't worry, it's only a game". I spoke to her again 3 days later! To be fair, last year, the year before and this year (God help our crap team), I reminded her that similar words would be grounds for divorce under the unreasonable behaviour rules.

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To add my tuppence, my girlfriend at the time suggested (following my moaning that I never went any more) that we went to watch City in a pointless game against Oxford one season.

It was a good if slightly tame game and she was intrigued. We went next to the stoke game the following year (1-1) and there was passion there and a bit of trouble afterwards.


Anyway, she got the bug that day and held a season ticket last season. We then broke up but still got our STs together for this year!

She's a convert and I'm proud to take credit!

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Me: I was thinking about going to Hartlepool to watch football this Saturday.  :dunno:

Wife: What am I going to be doing then?  :@

Why do you want to go all the way up there to watch a game of football?  :@

How much is that going to cost?  :@

I wanted to go shopping for curtains this weekend.  :@

My mum has invited us around for lunch.  :@

They will probably lose any way.  :@

What a waste of money.  :@

If you go to that one, I want some money for clothes shopping.  :@



oh and don't get too p***ed you got to work saturday night :@

yeah yeah :unsure: :Party3: :Party12: :Party12: :Party12:

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Guest city3rovers2

My boyfriend has no interest in football at all, although he will let me waffle on about it for ages, seeing as I play and watch it. He's never been to see me play, or City. I've invited him a few times but he's not interested. To be honest I like it that way, as he can get really annoyed if I pay more attention to anything other than him when we're together, and I know that I would probably end up ignoring him or not hearing something he says because Murray is bearing down on goal or something, and then he probably wouldn't speak to me for ages. I think it's better this way.

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It's not just football though. Women expect equality, but you don't see women stood at the end of platform 4 noting numbers, or sitting on a river bank with a rod & line or getting turned on by the sight & sound of a pair of Rolls Royce Avons in full reheat! Why are the sexes generally so different in interests?

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If that were true, how come so many of our female followers still rate Lee Peacock, surely it's not just for his looks? :sub:
Madger, good thinking, cant say my missus does (over rated is the polite word!), but there are plenty that do... :sub:

Mine copes with it, just the drinking side she dont go a bundle on, but she is driving I guess, even goes to away games like Wycombe, AND comes back for more!! :sub:

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Fortunately MrsRedTop is also a season ticket holder. But I have found a roundabout approach often helps in persuading her to go to away games. A bit of imagination is called for. These are some of the devious methods used by yours truly in the past..

1. "Love, I thought we could enjoy a weekend away together in the Potteries. Wouldn't that be nice?" (Port Vale away)

2. "Love, how about a short break in the Lake District?" (Carlisle Utd away)

3. "They say the Welsh valleys boast some of Britain's most beautiful scenery. Wouldn't it be romantic if we go and have a look around this weekend?" (Wrexham away)

4. "I hear Cornwall is so much nicer in the winter when it's deserted and windswept. Why don't we take a look? It's not that far." (Plymouth away)

5. "Love, you look like you could do with another handbag and a pair of shoes. Why don't I take you up to that huge new factory outlet centre just off the M4?" (Swindon away)

6. "Love, why don't we take the kids to see some animals." (Gas away)

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