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City Fan Assaulted By A..


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Yeah, who the victim is a fan of is irrelevant. Still, I'm sure the blue few will be just as quick to condemn Pipe if he's found guilty as they were to condemn our players who got into some trouble in town.

At the moment on the Blue Few forum they are saying it's obviously the City fans fault & that David Pipe is a legend!


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At the moment on the Blue Few forum they are saying it's obviously the City fans fault & that David Pipe is a legend!


Yes but then they're quite clearly a bunch of delinquent hypocritical ####wits with massive inferiority complexes. What else could you expect?

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Yeah, who the victim is a fan of is irrelevant. Still, I'm sure the blue few will be just as quick to condemn Pipe if he's found guilty as they were to condemn our players who got into some trouble in town.

It's bound to be a case of the victim, confronting pipe and deserving what he got, pipe was only doing what any law abiding person would do in restraining a thug from the red side. whereas brooker and co were leniently dealt with and should have got life. :no:

Still it makes a change for the post not to sweep this under the carpet like virtually all of the sags misdemeanours.

If found guilty i hope he get the same treatment ala our boys. :city:

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Guest mesa boogie
Bang him up!

He's not even been charged yet, inocent until proven guilty. If people want to bring up that it was a City supporter involved in the incident then maybe I should have posted on here about the chap who was thought to be a Gashead and payed the price by being clubbed to death over the head by a sock full of snooker balls by someone calling themselves a city supporter.

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He's not even been charged yet, inocent until proven guilty. If people want to bring up that it was a City supporter involved in the incident then maybe I should have posted on here about the chap who was thought to be a Gashead and payed the price by being clubbed to death over the head by a sock full of snooker balls by someone calling themselves a city supporter.

What are you talking about?

The only one to bring up which club the victim supports was the gas loving evil post.

Pipe's alledgedly being a dirty thug has nothing to do with what team the victim supports, nor does the vicious assault you mention.

It's good to see your holier than thou fans exposed for the hypocrites they are though.

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He's not even been charged yet, inocent until proven guilty. If people want to bring up that it was a City supporter involved in the incident then maybe I should have posted on here about the chap who was thought to be a Gashead and payed the price by being clubbed to death over the head by a sock full of snooker balls by someone calling themselves a city supporter.

And maybe you shouldn't have posted that at all mate. Jog on.

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Just wondering.........as some on the Gas site seem to be speculating that Pipe was acting innocently in defence from malicious provocation from a City fan, how many of us would actually recognise David Pipe?! Maybe those that saw the FA Cup game on the beeb might but in all honesty the pictures in the Evening post are the first time I've actually seen a photo of him. In fact I dare say I'd manage to recognise any Ro*ers players other than Coles, Phillips and maybe at a push Richard Walker only because he's got the body proportions of an oversized blimp!!!!

The facts will all be revealed in the future I imagine.......but the case with Orr, Brown and Brooker dragged on for an absolute eternity so I wonder when this will all be resolved.

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Guest mesa boogie
What are you talking about?

The only one to bring up which club the victim supports was the gas loving evil post.

Pipe's alledgedly being a dirty thug has nothing to do with what team the victim supports, nor does the vicious assault you mention.

It's good to see your holier than thou fans exposed for the hypocrites they are though.

Why does it matter who the alleged victim supports? If it did happen I'm sure Pipey will be dealt with fairly as was the case with Orr, Brooker and Partridge.

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Why does it matter who the alleged victim supports?

It doesn't, the only people it seems to matter to are sags.

I note with interest that the Evil Post didn't publish the fact that two of the doormen involved in the incident with our players were sag fans. I wonder why that could be?

If it did happen I'm sure Pipey will be dealt with fairly as was the case with Orr, Brooker and Partridge.

If he's convicted I hope your fans will be as quick to condemn him as they were to condemn our players. Somehow I suspect that being their usual family club hypocritical selves they won't.

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At the moment on the Blue Few forum they are saying it's obviously the City fans fault & that David Pipe is a legend!


I like it! Some Rovers guy gets arrested for assault, and it's suddenly our fault! Ohhh mummy, life's soo unfair!

David is currently at home with a chest infection, and until we've spoken to him about the incident and know all the facts, we are unable to comment further'

So where don't they have telephones? Mid-Glamorgan or Horfield?

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Why does it matter who the alleged victim supports? If it did happen I'm sure Pipey will be dealt with fairly as was the case with Orr, Brooker and Partridge.

I think we all know that the players were dealt with very harshly!

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Why does it matter who the alleged victim supports? If it did happen I'm sure Pipey will be dealt with fairly as was the case with Orr, Brooker and Partridge.

Maybe your fellow fans should be reminded of this, after all according to your own forum it must have been the victim being a filthy sheethead who instigated to situation.

Is it any wonder we get agitated when you holier than thou gasheads go on and on about how we are the so called scum, when anything your mob get up to is always someone elses fault, but then again you are the family club.

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Guest mesa boogie
I think we all know that the players were dealt with very harshly!

Were they? I seem to remember a video of them putting the boot into a blokes head while he led on the floor? As I said above if Pipe is charged then I'm sure he'll get a fair trial and punishment if he's found guilty.

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Were they? I seem to remember a video of them putting the boot into a blokes head while he led on the floor? As I said above if Pipe is charged then I'm sure he'll get a fair trial and punishment if he's found guilty.

I'm sure you can back that up with evidence.

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Were they? I seem to remember a video of them putting the boot into a blokes head while he led on the floor? As I said above if Pipe is charged then I'm sure he'll get a fair trial and punishment if he's found guilty.

Did they? maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong, but all brooker did was chuck a bin, and I think Orr just stood his ground.

Maybe Partridge did something violent, but we all know he's a thug.

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Were they? I seem to remember a video of them putting the boot into a blokes head while he led on the floor? As I said above if Pipe is charged then I'm sure he'll get a fair trial and punishment if he's found guilty.

Can't remember seeing that, remember the fracus with partidge kicking the doors and a scuffle.as said previous can you back it up or is it more imagination than fact.

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Did they, maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong, but all brooker did was chuck a bin, and I think Orr just stood his ground.

Maybe Partridge did something violent, but we all know he's a thug.

The whole thing is on youtube.

mesa boogie is making it up and discussing an unrelated incident, probably in an attempt to distract from the alleged actions of one of his own team's players and put the focus back on our club. I wonder if he works for the EP.

I'm only surprised the lead paragraph of this article doesn't begin "In an alleged incident similar to the one which Bristol City players Steve Brooker, Bradley Orr, Dave Partridge and Scott Brown, who served prison time for assault..."

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Guest Redfive
and the evil post printed the story,what a turnaround for the gashead paper

Or perhaps their real motivation for past 'anti-City' stories was sensationalism in order to increase sales?

No, thinking about it, it can't be, can it? There's no way anyone here would ever be blinded by their own bias and jump to a wrong conclusion, is there?

(removes tongue from cheek, inserts head in sand)

flame away...

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Were they? I seem to remember a video of them putting the boot into a blokes head while he led on the floor? As I said above if Pipe is charged then I'm sure he'll get a fair trial and punishment if he's found guilty.

I'm probably wrong but I thought the bouncers were putting the boot into Partridge.

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To be fair it probably was the City fans fault!

The only reason the evil post even mentioned "city fan" is to put that exact thought into the minds of the public and give the Sag a chance to plead provocation

However....In the eyes of the law Provocation is no excuse for assault as we saw with the already mentioned Orr/Brooker/Partridge episode :disapointed2se:

As the judge on Crown court used to say - "Take him down" :bruce_h4h:

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To be fair it probably was the City fans fault!

At the end of the day, none of us know. The city fan may have been an absolute ####, or it may have been Pipe who was the idiot. But we don't know - so theres no point speculating

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I note the Evil Post is not allowing comments on this one and only story (sorry news) all other stories you can make a comment on but this one - you're not allowed to make a comment on - I for one would like to know how they "know" it was a bristol city fan.

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no ones knows for sure what happened yet so whats the point in discussing the detail??

one thing is for sure, its fun to have banter between two sets of fans, but when its goes too far its pathetic. people need to grow up and realise that its a game, a game we all love i know and get stirred up about and yeah we can laugh when rovers lose and visa versa but why some fans of both clubs seems to get so bent out of shape and start swinging punches when it comes to the other is beyond me. both are doing well at present but still it goes on.

there are idiots who support both clubs, both as bad as each other end of. bickering over who is the worst is also sad. :disapointed2se:

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Were they? I seem to remember a video of them putting the boot into a blokes head while he led on the floor? As I said above if Pipe is charged then I'm sure he'll get a fair trial and punishment if he's found guilty.


Dave Partridge was the one getting stamped on by the "door staff" it's all over youtube, go have a look and you can then see how incorrect you are?

interesting that despite CCTV footage clearly showing a number of "door staff" stamping on a person in the middle of a road, no charge was brought against said "door staff" where as the footballers were jailed.

here's hoping similar punishment is given to Mr Pipe if found guilty. not the first time rovers players have been involved with the police either, I remember a certain Mr Bater Junior involved in a similar incident a few years back, he was sacked by the club at the time I believe?

Also going back a few more years, I believe there was also another incident involving Marcus Browning.

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Also going back a few more years, I believe there was also another incident involving Marcus Browning.

Haha Marcus Browning tried chatting up one of my Mum's friends once and was saying things like "yea, I'm a football player" and such. She told him where to go if I remember rightly.

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So where don't they have telephones? Mid-Glamorgan or Horfield?

unfortunately for my own peace and quiet the mother in law lives in Mid-Glamorgan (from bristol originally) and she's on the blower every day so it must be horfield

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Guest Gassyman

This is obviously a nasty incident but as yet nobody knows what actually happened (do they..?)

But its interesting to see how the rivalry comes out in situations like this though.

Imagine the situation was reversed and the reports said a City player had been arrested following an alleged assault on a Gas fan. What would the reaction be on the City forum do you think?

In the alleged Pipe incident Rovers fans will obvously view it as Pipe reacting to provocation from a City fan - and City fans will just see it as pure thuggery wont they.

But none of us will know the truth until the facts come out.

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This is obviously a nasty incident but as yet nobody knows what actually happened (do they..?)

But its interesting to see how the rivalry comes out in situations like this though.

Imagine the situation was reversed and the reports said a City player had been arrested following an alleged assault on a Gas fan. What would the reaction be on the City forum do you think?

In the alleged Pipe incident Rovers fans will obvously view it as Pipe reacting to provocation from a City fan - and City fans will just see it as pure thuggery wont they.

But none of us will know the truth until the facts come out.

But this already happened when our players were involved in the town incident in 2005. It was plastered all over your forum before anything was made public. If your player did it hes pretty silly provoked or not as its not exactly a good example to set by a football player to his fans.

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This is obviously a nasty incident but as yet nobody knows what actually happened (do they..?)

But its interesting to see how the rivalry comes out in situations like this though.

Imagine the situation was reversed and the reports said a City player had been arrested following an alleged assault on a Gas fan. What would the reaction be on the City forum do you think?

In the alleged Pipe incident Rovers fans will obvously view it as Pipe reacting to provocation from a City fan - and City fans will just see it as pure thuggery wont they.

But none of us will know the truth until the facts come out.

What gets me is the Evil Post stirring up rivalry again, what does it matter what team the guy supports?

Just becase it a football player does this make him innocent, this sort of thing happens all the time in town, you only have to glance at some people in town for them to want to lump you one, such is the sad state of affairs now days.

Just because one may be a professional type person does not mean that alcohol can not bring out the worst in them.

Until whoever perpotrate acts of violence, whether they work in Mcdonald's or run the royal household are punished in way that make people more responsible ( and I don't mean prison, as it doesn't work, well not in it's present form.) things will never change.

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Guest red ken 2
Were they? I seem to remember a video of them putting the boot into a blokes head while he led on the floor? As I said above if Pipe is charged then I'm sure he'll get a fair trial and punishment if he's found guilty.

Pity you have to stray on this board sunshine, your bitter views are best voiced elsewhere.

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In the Original radio coverage they stated that the club involved (Java lounge?) categorically denied that the incident had been provoked by a football fan.

If this turns out to be the truth then the club would be justified in taking some form of action against the paper. It really is lazy, amatuer journalism at it's worst. Why not wait until the facts come out and then they can say for sure whether or not a City fan was involved (as they do not know, at present, any more than we do). The Evening Gas is biased - there is no doubt about it. Why else would they make allegations (hiding behind the word alledged) without knowing the facts?

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If I had my way the Police, Crown Prosecution Service lawyers and the Judge responsible for this miscarriage of justice would currently be serving their sentence for corruption in a long forgotten Gulag in Siberia. In minus 50 degrees of frost these corrupt inbreds would be serving their sentence and learning the meaning of real work.

Don't sit on the fence, Goblin. Do you support our prosecution system or not?

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Massive, massive culture change at City since GJ took over. He just won't have it, end of.

My brother in law lets out a fair few properties around Clifton for some of the City players and he did quite well for one of the players last season.

Few years before he'd gone in the lounge afterwards and had quite a few beers with some of the then City players and his estate agents.

Last season, said player goes "sorry mate, can't do that anymore. I can get you a couple of tickets but nowadays only wives, girlfriends and parents can come in with us."

Apparently at the one of the training sessions early in GJ's tenure he said "this is a professional football club not a ######ing working man's social club".

Good on him, few years back it was getting out of control - I'd see City players hammered out in town about 3am regularly.

Cobblers, you may not "hear" about City players being out and about, but I can assure you that a handful of them are out on a regular basis. I'm not naming names though!

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Cobblers, you may not "hear" about City players being out and about, but I can assure you that a handful of them are out on a regular basis. I'm not naming names though!

They're not falling over pissed in fights on the waterfront though. I've seen a number of the players out and about on a Saturday night after a game drinking soft drinks.

The social life of the average first team player involves much less alcohol than it did before GJ came here.

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Guest churchill gaffer
To be fair it probably was the City fans fault!

Nobody deserves to be assulted!

They are in the spot light, and should contain themselves.

If he has raised his hands, or worse then he should be punished.

It does not matter if you are a footballer or a bin man, there is no reason to respond as he did.

He is ugly enough, and big enough to contain himself and act in the correct manner. Espeacially infront of his own wife or girlfriend!

If he acts like this then the fans who look up to them will also.

He is no different to Brooker!

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Guest Deckard79

Supporters of different football clubs in the same city wanting to beat the living cr*p out of each other...how pathetic. You'd imagine evolution might put an end to that at some point.

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They're not falling over pissed in fights on the waterfront though. I've seen a number of the players out and about on a Saturday night after a game drinking soft drinks.

The social life of the average first team player involves much less alcohol than it did before GJ came here.

Likewise I've seem certain players staggering around after a match clearly worse for wear! GJ hasn't completely eradicated it.

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Guest Ashton Kate
He's not even been charged yet, inocent until proven guilty. If people want to bring up that it was a City supporter involved in the incident then maybe I should have posted on here about the chap who was thought to be a Gashead and payed the price by being clubbed to death over the head by a sock full of snooker balls by someone calling themselves a city supporter.

I tried to start a thread on the Rovers Forum about the Gasheads point of views over the Pipe issue and had the thread deleted. IF these people WERE City fans then they are animals who I do NOT WANT associated with this club. Pipe is a professional footballer who should know that he should not be getting involved. My cousin used to play for the City and was in Broadmead one day and because he was in his Bristol City suit he was shouted and abused at by Rovers fans but he had the sense to walk away. Perhaps Pipe should have done the same. I don't think you can claim that killing a fan and assaulting a fan are the same. There is a big difference and I hope the 2 of them get locked up for life.

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