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Sarah Ferguson Joins Hull Fitness Team


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Former Duchess of York, and well known fitness guru Sarah Ferguson,

visits Hull on ITV tonight to advise on thier pre match diet.

She spends time with an obese family, and gives tips on thier eating habits.

Mr and Mrs Dean Lardass said they just love chips and gravy,

and can't give them up!


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Former Duchess of York, and well known fitness guru Sarah Ferguson,

visits Hull on ITV tonight to advise on thier pre match diet.

She spends time with an obese family, and gives tips on thier eating habits.

Mr and Mrs Dean Lardass said they just love chips and gravy,

and can't give them up!


Haha - northern boys love gravy!

bit late to start panicking about fitness though chaps :icecream:

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Guest Old Dazzler
did anyone see any of this programme?

My god, what an ugly, fat, inbred, thicko family.

If thats an example of whats coming down to Wembley

run for the hills! :shocking:

Don't worry, there are plenty of equivalent (exteneded) chavvy families in our ranks and they will no doubt be in evidence on Saturday.

I had to laugh when the wife introduced Chilli Con Carne into the household for the very first time, give it 25 years and they'll be buying El Paso fajitas and enchalados in Hull :icecream:

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Guest davethetiger

if it makes your players run for the hill then ill find where they live and bring them down :laugh:

they found the worst of the worst really otherwise it wouldnt be on the telly.

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